Chap 3

Follow Your Heart

The two strong guys pull you to the main entrance when you sudden stop  "wait!" you glare at the two guys. "somebody will do check out process tomorrow morning" the guys infront explain what you were try to ask. "one more thing can you tell your friend to not hold my arms like i'm a prisoner" your death glare facing the guy beside you, "i'm a woman you know!" then he release it while the three of you walk to the carpark.

Inside the car you just keep silent, and you knew this would be happen. your father will find you wherever you are ", is she put any chip on my  things" you wishpering in your mind. Your hand try to take a headphon from the pink bag beside you and start to choose playlist on your phone. You keep looking out side the window, close your eyes and start flashback a years ago when your normal happy family still alive.

flash back

that time your parents and you were visiting Matsuri festival. In the morning you saw your mother prepare all the things you would bring on that festival while your father still sleeping and slided his body in blanket.

"Yuki chan, please wake up your father or we'll be late"

"em" you nodded with full of excitment

"daddy, wake up!" you shook his body but he only move in other pose of sleeping beauty. you remembered his weaknes, so join slid your body to his blanket and poke his waist. Both of you were giglling.

"haha my lil' girl know how to wake me up"

"wake up! or we'll late to the festival" your father back to poke you on the same way, he knew that you have the same weakness point.


the three of us arrived at the festival, your eyes were glaring to the surrounding. "Yuki held my hand and never try to release it, understand!" your mother wishpering on your ear and you replayed with some noded. "good girl" your dad patted your hair while he smile. You were very enjoying the event, you keep glancing in every inch of accesories around unknowingly you release your mother hand. You found a lil' boy crying on the side of road "mom what happen with that boy?" you pull her clothes and realize that she was not your mom. you turn aroun your body tried to searched any familiar figure in this crowded place. "Mom!" you scream and walk to the side of road avoid the crowded people there. You held your knees and hide your face on it. you feel someone pat you shoulder  "Yuki Chan" you sure that the person is your father, you knew well your father voice.

End flash back

You feel someone pat your shoulder and mention your name. You open your eyes then realize that you just felt asleep. the two guys are trying to wake me up and tell me that we arrived. As you open your eyes and release a sigh and prepare your self to meet your father in this 'era'.  "it's okay, i can do it by my self" as you watch the guy try to go out first and open your door.

"where are we?" you are noticing that this is not your father office building.

"your father inside"

"are you trying to kidnapping me?" you are looking at the eyes of the guy which other guy held a phone tryto call someone

"here your father" the other guy give me the phone

"Yuki, he is my man. no need to worry" you are hearing your father voices on the phone

"hmm" you just humming and give back the phone to the person.

You follow their way to enter the building, and find there is a desk on the lobby with a pretty receeptionist was standing behind the desk. she bow 90 degree and greet us. You are trying to read company name "CUBE Entertainment?" you wishper and keep following the two guys trough the corridor untill you find the big door. "this way please" the guys are trying to let me in and open the door. You your father inside and the man who looks familiar beside him smile at you. you gasp when you realize that man is the one who discused with your father three days ago. "Are they trying to introduce me with the guy in this place?" your mind keep asking with the full of coriousity.

"Lets sit" the man ask me to have a seat first

"who is he anyway?" you are still asking the courious question on your mind and find "hong seung seung, CEO" you are wishpering

"where is he?" your are finding the man worrying after heard your father asking him that question

"his manager called him and he will be here soon"

"oh i see, just relax!" your father pat the man's shoulder as people known him as papa Hong. then both of them chukle. after a few minutes you hear someone knocking the door and the door swing open. The guy who wearing a shirt with a good looking figure bows 90 degree as he enter the room. he greet us with politely and stand in front of Papa hong and Your father.

"Finally your here" your father is patting his shoulder.

"have a seat!" Papa Hong gesturing to let him take a seat first.

"WHAT THE HE**!" you are shouting in your mind as you look a familiar figure.

"annyeong!" he greet me well and sit besid you.

"is he the person at the restaurant just now?" you keep thingking about last moment at the restaurant jast now while the two older man try to explain infront.

"So this is the plan." Papa Hong start the conversation

"We need to arrange this for our future" as he continue his word.

"let me take this part" your father take the control now, He explain as clearly what they purpose to invite both of you at the same place. you knew this plan before, so the only thing you need to know that who is your prospective bridegroom? you find the guy beside you seems surprise with this announcment.

"lee gikwang, you're my trustsfull person. after this we need to talk" Papa hong try to persuade him

"his name is... who? lee gikwang?" you say it on your mind

"your wedding ceremony will be held on sunday, means you only have two day for prepare your self"

"WHAT?" both of us say surprisly in unision

"yes, we already prepared all the thing for you guys" your father say it wisely

"yah money can make it" you wishper

"but..." gikwang try to explain something to his CEO, but his word cut by Papa Hong's clap.

"well, Gikwang-ssi she's your bride Yuki and Yuki ssi he's you future husband Lee Gikwang" Papa hong try to introduce


Gikwang prov..

I bowing as the door swing open. I saw the two man standing face to face and a girl sitting on the sofa, so i greet them.

"Finally your here" The man with a familiar figure patting my shoulder.

"have a seat!" Papa Hong gesturing to let me take a seat first.

"annyeong!" I greet the girl who sit beside me. but she just smile and folds her hands. So i continue watch Papa hong Move.

"So this is the plan." Papa Hong start the conversation

"We need to arrange this for our future" as he continue his word.

"let me take this part" the man besides Papa Hong take the control now, He explain as clearly what they purpose to invite both of you at the same place. It makes me feel surprise, what are they planing about? i left my girlfriend to do an arranged marry with someone. is the girl beside me will be the person? even she looks unconvortable with this plan.

"lee gikwang, you're my trustsfull person. after this we need to talk" Papa hong try to persuade me

"your wedding ceremony will be held on sunday, means you only have two day for prepare your self"

"WHAT?" both of us say surprisly in unision

"yes, we already prepared all the thing for you guys" your father say it wisely

"yah money can make it" i'm hearing the girl beside me wishpering by herself

"but..." I'm trying to explain something to Papa Hong, but his word cut by his claps.

"well, Gikwang-ssi she's your bride Yuki and Yuki ssi he's you future husband Lee Gikwang" Papa hong try to introduce

"What? she even not arguing. I know well from her gesture that she won't it happen" i keep say this word on my mind but she only nod and give a fake smile at me and Papa Hong. So after the introduction The man and his daughter or Yuki and she might be my future wife frome this arrange marry left papa Hong and i alone in this room. A few minutes my manager come to face us. Papa homng Try to tell me that this man with his big coorporate try to help us from collaps. he trust me become his  new icon of his cosmetic industry. For a good relation ship so they plan to arrang our wedding. Papa Hong keep persuade me and i can't deny it. He said he just told my parents about this matter and they agree. But i'm sure that They not telling the truth with my parents.

you prov..

my father and i walk out to the room as you keep thinking about the greeter at the restaurant said jast now. I have to apology to him even this is not my fault. I plan to wait him untill he finnish his matter with his CEO.

"dad, you can go home first."

"why darl?"

"I need to know about my future husband" i give him a fake smile then release my hug.

"okay i'll send someone to pick you up soon" i'm just nod by his words. so i waiting in front of the CEO's waiting room. i lay my back to the wall. i've been waitiing for an hour untill someone open the door.  The two guy walk outside the room. i see his must be his manager who pat his shoulder while gikwang just lower his head. I walk close to the guy who walk together out the waiting room.

"ehm" i clearing my troath and make the guys look at me concious

"can i talk to you" i face gikwang

"sure. i'm at the practice room" the manager pt his shoulder and left us alone

"i.. I.. do apologize for this matter"


"08.30 p.m at the restaurant XXX where i saw you with your girlfriend there" i lower my head and i knew that he browse his look at me try to memorize who am i

"oh i see, i saw a girl wearing this cute sweater" he give me a weak smile

"you seem don't like this plan" he continue his word

"yeah, but.."

"why you didn't resist once they told this?"

"I knew this matter since three days ago" i reply it but he seems surprises with my word

"So why you did nothing" he raise his tone

"What did you just teach me?" i hish "What do you thing did i in that hotel?"

"why so stupid, you can runaway to far far away? overseas? you have alots of money"

"What The HE** you said? Do you thing i like to be arrange married with 'dating guy'" i start defend on him once the elevator open both of you enter it

"this is your father fault!" he hish

"Nah, this is your fault! as a man you can reject your Company want and try to find other job"

"You don't now anything" i lower my tone

"yeah you too"

"you right, this is my father's fault and my faults" you lower your head

"this is mine too" as both of us in silent the elevator door open and both of us walk out from this small room.

we both sorry each other then after realize you are at the same situation not suppose to blame each other. You feel sorry to let him left his girlfriend at the restaurant, as a women i can feel on her shoes. He ask me my number then and want to treat me tomorrow, talk in a serious step about this matter. They have a plan so we also have to make some plan for this.



I hope you enjoy this story

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special thanks for kimeunsoo97 as my fisrt subscriber ^^


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gihyoB2Secret #1
Chapter 6: i want it kikwang and hyosung, just give me another boys.. i dont want kikwang and hyosung apart.. jebaaal!
9pmluv #2
Chapter 5: Poor hyosung.. Well author i never mind to give kikwang back to hyosung...they're just so cute together. Since reader act as yuki, just pair me with someone else..i don't want to be third wheel in kisung life...ahakzz..what an emotional reader i am..
gihyoB2Secret #3
Chapter 4: aaaaa make it kisung please~~~
and let yuki with jinyeong later... okaaay and then i will read this with happy heart.. hehehehe just tellin you...