Chapter 9: Storybook of Alice


Chapter 9: Storybook of Alice

Hoon started to wake up and he saw a young boy, with messy hair, staring at him biting into an apple that was the brightest red he has ever seen. Dongho jumped of the bed post he was sitting on and landed on the bed. He looked at Hoon closely. “You work for Soohyun Hyung.”

“I used to work for him; I do not want to be involved with his plans to kidnap Miss Song Min. No one should hurt a pretty girl with a voice like an angel like that.” Hoon’s face was turning as red as the apple Dongho was eating.

“Wait what” AJ popped in head into the room. “He plans on kidnapping Miss Alice.” He hurried into the room and grabbed onto Hoon’s shirt. “What does he want with her?”

“Why does everyone care about her so much” Dongho crossed his arms and he puffed out his cheeks.

“She is the key to save our world AJ! Dongho she is the prophet. Right now she does not remember anything about her past.”

“WHAT!” Dongho and AJ said. Dongho’s eyes went wide and he dropped his apple. AJ let go of Hoon and feel back into the chair by the bed.


Kibum looked at me with his sweet gentle smile. “The story of Alice is passed on generation after generation. Alice is always reincarnated and comes back every hundred years.” Kibum looked at me again.

“Alice always vanishes and always returns to this land ten years later to fulfill the prophecy.”

“Wait am I part of that prophecy?” I asked him and he looked away and nodded.

“Yes, you are a part of the prophecy. There are only a select few who know of the prophecy and they are Alexander, Soohyun and his men.”

“Why am I so important?” I asked looking at Kibum who looked at me, reaching towards the necklace that was around my neck. He took the heart in his hands and looked at me. “There is a connection between us. The Knave of Hearts is the one who returns the memories of Alice for the battle of the land of Wonder. We are the ones that restore this land to what it used to me. You and me have to fight alongside each other to stopped the curse from getting worse.”

“Wait what; I do not even know what you’re talking about Kibum sii.”

“Kibummie I think you should unlock her memories and then she would understand what is going on more.” Alexander said.

“No not yet it’s too soon. You try and explain you crazy monkey.” Kibum said as he let go of my necklace and puffed out his cheeks like a little kid.

Alexander smiled at me “Ok Miss Sing Min sii. The story of Alice is very complicated and it has been happening for generations. Alice is born here and when she is ten she disappears for ten years. She returns with no memory and she always appears in the Heart Kingdom. When she is in the heart kingdom she meets her childhood friend the Knave or hearts who she does not remember.”

“And” I looked at him.

“And she starts meeting people from her past. The people who want to help her and the people who want to kill her. The knave of hearts is supposed to help her regain her memory by unlocking her past.”

“And if it is not unlocked our world will not exist and if Ki...”

“XANDER HYUNG that is enough.” Kibum said as he stood up and held out a hand for me, pulling me to my feet.

“Are you not telling me something?” I asked.

“No I am going to unlock your memories” He pulled me close grabbing my necklace and putting the key in. His face came closer to mine. He cupped my chin and kissed me softly on the lips as he turned the key. Everything went black after that.


“Kibummie” Alexander said to his friend who was carrying sleeping Song Min on his back, “You are keeping something from Miss Song Min. Why didn’t you tell her that you have to sacrifice yourself in battle?”

“Because she does not need to know that!” Kibum looked at Song Min, “If she knew she would not fight. It is always like that! I save her and I die. I cannot change what is supposed to happen.”

“Kibummie have you ever tried to stop it!”

“No and I do not plan to.”


Kevin was waiting for Kibum to return. He missed his Hyung. Ever since that girl arrived she has been nothing but trouble. Kevin knows that she is Alice and he plans on taking care of her.

Authors NoteL I hope you like this chapter. I had fun writing it. IT is finally unlocked her memories. You will fine out when she wakes. Will she find out about Kibummies secret.

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Huh?? So it <br />
Was A dream in the end about the save the whole wonderland and whatnot?
awww~~ <br />
kevin is back 2 normal! <br />
Save Soohyun~ Save the world! Jjang~!
O_O i lost the chapter from last time
prince kibum...<br />
i like ur fic. update soon..<br />
ill wait for next chapter. ^^
I don't know which one to comment on so.<br />
I'll comment on both. Lol<br />
Hope to learn the story of Alice soon! :)
Haha. Found this here! :)
LOL.. haha I love the way you described them.. "AJ is just strange and jittery. Kiseop doesn’t really talk. Eli is a erted sly cat " LOL.. haha.. Awwww for Hoonie! I just love him.. Haha And i really can IMAGINE him in that situation and just be the nice guy ^^
kevin seems suspicious towards the 2 necklace