Chapter 10: Dreaming of the Truth


Chapter 10: Dreaming of the Truth

Running in the land of hopes and dreams!
Seeing things that are not meant to be seen.
Falling in love when you are not supposed to
Trying to find your ways through the labyrinth of destiny
Following what your heart wants
Or being a puppet of someone’s cruel game
These are the questions I asked
As I run towards the light
The light of my destiny

My eyes opened slowly and noticed I was not where I was before. I was someplace else, but was this where I was supposed to be. I was confused and my mind was going crazy. I sat up and noticed that I was in Kibum’s room back in the Diva Kings Castle.

I looked around and noticed no one was here. I touched my lips and realized that Kibum kissed her before.

I laid back down when I heard someone footsteps coming towards the door. I closed my eyes and waited to see what came next.


“KIBUMMIE HYUNGGGG!” Kevin said as he entered Kibum’s room behind him. “Why are you not telling me where you went…with HER?”

“Because it’s not of your business where I went with her.” He looked over at Song Min’s sleeping figure and smiled.

“It is my business because you work for me.” Kevin said coldly.

“I work for a stupid fishy who needs to stop poking his noise into my business.” Kibum sat on his bed.

“WHY do you do this to me?” Kevin puffed out his cheeks. “I cannot kick you out because you are the best person I know.” Kevin looked away.

“And you are the most jealous person I know. What happened to the old you?” Kibum asked taking off his cloak.

“Nothing.” Kevin said.

“Something must have happened to you because the old Kevin was a sweet, kind person.” Kibum yawned.

“He is gone deal with it.” Kevin crossed his arms,

“That doesn’t answer my question you idiot.” Kibum looked at him.

“Well that is my answer hyung. You don’t like it and I don’t care if you do.” Kevin looked out of Kibum’s room.


Hoon was sitting in the hatter’s office drinking the hot chocolate that was in front of him. His big eyes looked around as he took a sip from hit. Hoon looked so shy and innocent. He was like a cute bunny that you just want to hug and take care of.

Alexander took a sip of his hot chocolate and looked at Hoon. “How much do you know?”

“I know everything. Soohyun told me about it.” Hoon looked down. “I feel bad that Song Min is in danger. I should not have brought her here. I should not have listened to Soohyun Hyung.”

“It’s ok, but now we need to train her and get her ready for the real threat which is not Soohyun. There is another evil coming near.”

“Is it Kevin?” Hoon asked taking another sip of hot chocolate.

“Nope it’s not him, but he is involved somehow. I still haven’t told this to Kibum. Kevin is possessed by the being that wants to kill Song Min.”

“I want to help her in any way that I can” Hoon said.

“All the help we get the better”


“ELI what do you mean that she knows the truth now?” Soohyun fist clenched.

“Yes she knows the truth because Kibum kissed her and unlocked her memories.” Eli crossed his arms.

“What! He kissed her!” Soohyun had jealousy in his voice.

“Yes!” Eli said.

“Damn it. I need to win her!” Soohyun. “I will make Miss Alice mine.”

Authors note: Kwahahahahahah I hope you like this I am thinking about 10 more chapters. This fic is going to be 20 chapters. I hope you enjoy and please give mee feedback!  

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Huh?? So it <br />
Was A dream in the end about the save the whole wonderland and whatnot?
awww~~ <br />
kevin is back 2 normal! <br />
Save Soohyun~ Save the world! Jjang~!
O_O i lost the chapter from last time
prince kibum...<br />
i like ur fic. update soon..<br />
ill wait for next chapter. ^^
I don't know which one to comment on so.<br />
I'll comment on both. Lol<br />
Hope to learn the story of Alice soon! :)
Haha. Found this here! :)
LOL.. haha I love the way you described them.. "AJ is just strange and jittery. Kiseop doesn’t really talk. Eli is a erted sly cat " LOL.. haha.. Awwww for Hoonie! I just love him.. Haha And i really can IMAGINE him in that situation and just be the nice guy ^^
kevin seems suspicious towards the 2 necklace