
Hard to Love


I'm in the mall right now, in the cafe shop with my lovely Jihyun, of course.

And the great news is, in one week, they will call-off this arranged-marriage thingy and I will have Jihyun all by myself now!

But something's been bugging me...

Jihyun.. isn't Jihyun lately. She become dazed off more often now.. and she doesn't look bubbly as usual now.

I become worried. She's thinking about something else, perhaps? Something's been bugging her mind?

"Jihyun, Jihyun" I called her out, as she dazed out again, looking out the window

"Jihyun" I shook her arms, as she, at last, looked at me and smiled warmly

"Yes oppa?" she sighed

"Something on your mind?" I asked

"Nothing.." she shook her head

But her expressions says otherwise.

"Just share it to me. Your burden will lessen" I smiled, reasurring her

She look hestitated for a minute, and then took a deep sigh as she looked at me

"I'm worried about L.Joe oppa. He got this fever" she started

I feel myself getting fired up and angry just by hearing his name. L.Joe? Why would she cared about him that much?

Does she loved him? Does she have some kind of special feelings to L.Joe?

That's why she didn't act like she used to? She doesn't love me.. anymore?

"Oppa? Oppaa?" she called out, snapping me back to reality

"Oh yeah. Well.. Hyorin's with him, right?"

"Oppa what are you talking about? Hyorin already broke up with him long time ago?" she frowned

Oh yes, pabbo me.


"The thing is, oppa, he's all alone at home right now. His parents went to States to do some business. That's why I'm worried about him" she continued

I should really shakes off my insecurity and believed in Jihyun. She's just worried about L.Joe. Typical friendship.

"Okay, let's go visit him" I stood up, as I went to the cashier to pay

---L.JOE POV---

I was literally feel myself going to die when I heard the doorbell ring

I let it rung, I'm too sick to get it. Maybe it's just dad's clients or whatever


I rolled out from my bed, stood up from the floor slowly as I made my way to the door. God, they're so persistent!

I walked slowly towards the door, and opened it, who the hell is--

"Oppa!" Jihyun's eyes widened as soon as he saw me

"Oh hey Ji.. Myung sunbae" I sighed, as soon as I saw Myungsoo sunbae is behind him

"Oppa, we're here to.." Jihyun explained, while my head got really dizzy all of the sudden and



"so we.. OMO!" Jihyun squealed, as L.Joe fall down into her shoulder

God, if this kid isn't sick, I will kick his right now.

"Oppa help" Jihyun panicked, and shook L.Joe's body, hoping him to wake up

Which is probably not. Sigh.

I help Jihyun to get L.Joe stood up and slung one of his arm around my neck

"Oppa, please take him upstairs first. I'm going to find some ice pack or meds" Jihyun said, as she hurriedly closed and lock the door, and went to the kitchen

Yeah right, I'm left with this kid. Not fun and tiring.

I slowly walked up the stairs as he can't walk right now and I literally have to dragged him up.

As soon as I entered the room that has opened door, I walked in, hoping it's his room and woohoo! I'm right.

I quickly dumped him on the bed, and make him sleep properly. As I don't want Jihyun to freak out and mad at me zz

Jihyun come in, and closed the door. Placing a cup of tea on the night table and ice pack on top of his forehead

"Omg oppa.. You look so weak" Jihyun sighed, as she patted his shoulder and sat beside him

I feel jealousy rage over me and really wanted to slapped L.Joe graahhhh

"Jihyun-ahh, I'm sick also" I pouted, hoping she will pay me some attention

"Oppa, oh please, don't joke around first" she rolled her eyes as she smiled, and looked warmly to L.Joe



She's looking at L.Joe the same way she looked at me, months ago, when we first dated...

Don't tell me..

This is not a simple insecurity...

It's becoming real. Jihyun is.. in love with him.

As much as I want to denied it, I.. can't.

"Oppa, I hope you will wake up soon so you can eat your meds" Jihyun smiled, and swiped his bangs away, so it won't stick to the ice pack

Jihyun.. I hope all of this are dreams. So I can have you all by myself again, tomorrow and the rest of my life.

I can't afford to lose you now, Jihyun...

Okaaayyyyy... I'm having troubles updating this story since I had writer's block and TA-DAH! OHGAD I MAKE A GOOD PLOT!

If the ending is like this, I can almost immediately think of ideas for the next chapter but it's late now and I feel my back is breaking me apart right now greehhhaddfa

 I haven't word-checked this chapter since I kinda listened to songs while update this so.. the chapter literally went to a mess and I think it has mistakes here and there. I'm so so so sorry. I'll edit this chapter in the future!

Anyway, enjoy reading and STAY TUNE<3

Oh! And it almost hit 100 subscribers! I REALLY LOVE YOU ALL<3 Thanks for all the comments and supports!<3

I can't believe it hit almost 100! This is my first story that hit almost 100 subbies! *tearing up*

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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 46: Ehhhh, why do her parents still get her into an arranged marriage even though she got someone in mind at that time. OMGGGG and I didn't expect her to end up with ljoe. I prefer her with myungsoo, he did so much for her yet in the end he still suffered ):
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Awwww the three of them are still hanging out together like the past xD
I thought they got married already.........
Chapter 47: Oh its jihyun
Chapter 47: That was a good fanfic! I don't know why but i was kind of hoping Myungsoo to be with the girl. Sorry i forgot her name
Chapter 47: Ow yeah!!!! Sequel!!!!!! Huahauhauhauhuahauhaaaaaaaa
Chapter 46: Omgggg something interesting gonna happen!! I can feel it!!!
Chapter 46: AWWW, IT'S OVER NOW? ;W;
Well, I'm looking forward too the sequel! And if you compare this chapter to the first one your writing has improved a lot. ^_^
Good luck on future stories, I'll be reading them! :)
Chapter 46: Its end already?? *crying* ah well , LOVE IT SO MUCH! DAEBAK AUTHORNIM! sequel neh? *aegyomaking*
Chapter 45: hahahahah i love this chapter so much! ! But poor myungsoo.. Well.he need to study. i am so cruel. Haha
Chapter 45: she is so adorable ! and poor Joey he was in tatal shock with the kiss