This... is weird.

Hard to Love


It's been 3 days since I reunited with Myungsoo oppa, and I feel like coming back to life again.

I waited infront of my house, waiting for L.Joe oppa to come. (Yeah, you guys must be wondering why am I up that morning. Well, it's just becaue I'm happy~)

I waited for a good 10 minutes, but there's no sign of him

I looked at the clock at HOLY FATHER! I'm late! It's 8AM already (I got in school at 7.30AM). I wonder why I didn't get tired waiting for him.. maybe because I'm too happy?

I grumbled my way back inside my house, meeting with the surprised mom

"Jihyun, you haven't gone to school!?" she asked

"L.Joe oppa isn't coming and he didn't tell me. Ah, I'll just call in sick for today" I lazily went upstairs, and back to my lovely bed

I took out my phone and a new texts-- Ah, it's from Jieun and Myungsoo oppa. Wonder why L.Joe oppa didn't text me. He looks pretty okay yesterday.. this is weird..

Jihyun, where are you? Are you sick? If you are, I'll tell the secretary. Reply me ASAP


and I opened the other text

Baby where are you? I asked Jieun and she doesn't know anything about you either.

Are you sick? Reply me, kay? I'm worried about you.

I love you. Myungsoo oppa<3

I texted to Jieun that I'm not sick, I just woke up late and please tell it to the secretary that I'm sick, thanks<3 and I'm not sick. Don't worry about me. I love you too! to Myungsoo oppa



How about texting L.Joe oppa?

Oppa, where are you? I've been waiting for you but you never showed up. Is something wrong?

Just spill out everything that troubles you to me. I'll help you, like you help my relationship with Myungsoo oppa.

And I guess that's enough. I sent it and.. no replies.

Wonder what's wrong with him? Maybe he went overseas and forgot to tell me?

Weird, I better went back to sleep first. I'm still sleepy-- zzzz


I woke up, and.. still in dazed. When I remember I had job! Ah!

I quickly jump out my bed, changed my outift bla bla bla and done. Fhew, thank God I made it in time!

I took my phone and went downstairs.

"Mom, I'll be going to work first" I shouted, as she's at the kitchen and I went out from my house


"Myungsoo oppa?" my eyes widened in surprise. Wow, I never imagine to meet him infront of my house like this!

"Aren't you sick?" he asked

"No silly. I told you already that I'm not sick, right?" I frowned

"Oh yeah, hahaha. Sorry, so.. why don't you go to school?" he asked

"L.Joe oppa didn't come. So, I had to go with the sick lie to the school" I explained

"L.Joe? What's wrong with him?" he asked

I took out my phone, just remembered about my text with L.Joe when-- none. There isn't any reply from him

"Ah, I don't know either. Let's just go to the cafe first. I'll try asked his friends" I suggested and he nodded

As soon as we arrived at the cafe, I changed into my uniforms and luckily, Chunji and Taemin oppa already eating at their usual spot

I walked to them and greeted them

"Oppa, do you know what happened to L.Joe oppa?" I asked

"I was just about to ask you the same question! We don't know where he went! He even skipped school!" Chunji oppa said

This is getting weird. Where could he went? I'M VERYBERRY SURE THAT HE'S STILL OKAY YESTERDAY...

"I tried calling him but-- failed" Taemin oppa pouted

"Weird. He never done something like this before" Chunji oppa tapped his chin

Now, I'm getting panicked. Hearing Chuni oppa stating a fact

"Well, let's just wait. I guess, he went to overseas suddenly or-- his phone is broken?" Taemin oppa trying to stay positive

I nodded, and sighed while walking back to my post

"Hey, what did they say?" I heard Myungsoo oppa calling for me from a far

I shook my head, and he frowned. I never knew L.Joe oppa that personal, urgh I'm so useless! I should've made him tell his story life!

L.Joe oppa, where are you? Don't make us worry about you.. anymore. I'm getting frustrated again! Graahh -_-

It's almost 1AM now, and my neck feels like, breaking into two any soon-_-

Oh! I made a new story featuring EXO-M's Luhan! Check it outt -->

Thanks for your attention<3 Enjoy the story and STAY TUNE<3

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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 46: Ehhhh, why do her parents still get her into an arranged marriage even though she got someone in mind at that time. OMGGGG and I didn't expect her to end up with ljoe. I prefer her with myungsoo, he did so much for her yet in the end he still suffered ):
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Awwww the three of them are still hanging out together like the past xD
I thought they got married already.........
Chapter 47: Oh its jihyun
Chapter 47: That was a good fanfic! I don't know why but i was kind of hoping Myungsoo to be with the girl. Sorry i forgot her name
Chapter 47: Ow yeah!!!! Sequel!!!!!! Huahauhauhauhuahauhaaaaaaaa
Chapter 46: Omgggg something interesting gonna happen!! I can feel it!!!
Chapter 46: AWWW, IT'S OVER NOW? ;W;
Well, I'm looking forward too the sequel! And if you compare this chapter to the first one your writing has improved a lot. ^_^
Good luck on future stories, I'll be reading them! :)
Chapter 46: Its end already?? *crying* ah well , LOVE IT SO MUCH! DAEBAK AUTHORNIM! sequel neh? *aegyomaking*
Chapter 45: hahahahah i love this chapter so much! ! But poor myungsoo.. Well.he need to study. i am so cruel. Haha
Chapter 45: she is so adorable ! and poor Joey he was in tatal shock with the kiss