
Hard to Love


Saturday. My favourite day. The day where I can sleep as late as I wanted to and the day where I can date Myungsoo oppa!

I wore something like this?

Yeah, I  know it's a bit revealing. So, I wore a pair of black leggings. Wow damn I look so hot (lol)

It's 1PM. Myungsoo oppa should've come by now--


I quickly ran downstair. Since dad and mom went off somewhere and Jihye went on blind dates (I wonder why she likes this kind of thing so much), I opened the door myself and about to jump to Myungsoo oppa's arms when-- it's absolutely not Myungsoo oppa.

"L.Joe oppa! What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion

Well, first of all, I didn't expect him to be here. And secondly, he look nice today.

"Oh, Jihyun. Well, my dad.. told me to go on date with you, since your parents are out. So, he told me to accompany you today" he smiled

Oh shoot. Now what should I do? I can't refused this offer (in order to call-off our marriage in the future)...

"Oppa.. the thing is.." I tried to explain

He didn't have any ideas about me dating with Myungsoo oppa though.. aishh..

"The thing is.. I have a date, with Myungsoo oppa today. So, if you don't mind.." he nodded his head as I trailed off

Should I invite him?

"Okay, I understand. You want me to go away" he pouted

Oh no no no, now I feel guilty

"Have fun Jihyunnie" he sighed, and about to leave when I pull his shirt from behind

"No oppa, I mean, let's go together. Let's have fun, all three of us" I smiled

His face brightened, and jumped excitedly

"Okay. Anything for you" he grinned

"Ehem, what do we have here?" suddenly, a person, clearing his throat can be heard from the left

"Oppa!" I realized it's Myungsoo oppa and I hop on to his arms

"Baby" he hugged me back, resulting me being carried by him

"Oppa, put me down" I said shyly, as L.Joe oppa probably watching us

He put me down, and I looked at him. Woah, he looks as nice as L.Joe oppa today

"Baby, what are you doing with L.Joe infront of your house?" he asked

Oh right, I should tell him

"Oppa, let's have fun today. All three of us!" I grinned

He looked shocked, and pointed to L.Joe

"With.. him?" he frowned

I nodded, and he kinda look.. somewhat dissapointed

"Aaaahh oppa, come on.. Just this once, ye?" I begged him, I ACTUALLY BEGGED HIM

He sighed, and nodded defeatedly. YES!

I looked at L.Joe oppa and give him a thumbs up. With a happy grin plestered on my face

"Okay, I'll go lock my front door first" I walked to the door and locked it

I walked towards the boys, and did I just saw them glaring each other?

"Come on" I smiled

"Jihyun, whos car are you riding with?" L.Joe oppa suddenly asked

Oh right, they both can drive

"Yah, that's no need to be asked! Of course she'll ride with me!" Myungsoo oppa replied

"But she rides with me every morning! Who knows she believed in my driving more?" L.Joe oppa mehrong

Really? They're fighting over these kind of small things?

"But I'm practically her boyfriend duuuh" Myungsoo oppa rolled his eyes

"Aish, stop it you two!" I crossed my arms and frowned at them

"We'll walk. No cars. Come on" I lead the way, with them tailing behind me

Aissh jinjja, them fighting is absolutely not on my list

"Where are we going?" I asked them

"Let's go to Myeondong!" L.Joe oppa suggested

I wonder why he likes to go there. Naahh, maybe because it's like a shopping heaven in there

"Okay. It's not that far from here" I nodded, and suddenly, Myungsoo oppa is already walking beside me. Interwining his hands with mine

"Yah oppa!" I yanked my hands away and felt my cheeks burning

"What? You don't want to hold hands now?" he pouted

"Anii, but.. L.Joe oppa is here. It's not nice to act all lovey dovey while he just broke up" I whispered, afraid that L.Joe oppa will hear us

"Aissh, whatever. But Park Jihyun, you're in debt with me because you just unintentionally two-timing with me" he whispered back

"What? Me two-timing?" I whispered in an angry voice

"Well obviously yeah! You invite L.Joe here without my permission and on top of that, he just ruined one of our dates!"

"Well, I didn't invite him here! His dad sent him here and I simply can't refused it for our future!"

We keep on fighting in whispering mode

"Yah, you two" suddenly L.Joe oppa cut us

"Stop whispering. I want to know too" he crossed his arms

"Sorry oppa, but.. we're done. Let's just go, ara?" I push him, and he is now walking infront of us

After that, we walked in peace. With no one talking or anything like that. But I like this kind of silence. It's comfortable and safe.

In 10 min, we arrived at Myeongdong and since I haven't eaten lunch, we went to one of the cafes

We got in, and sat on the corner. With Myungsoo oppa sat beside me and L.Joe oppa sat infront of me

"Hello, may I take your order?" the waitress come up to us, with her hands shaking and avoiding our eyes

"Oh, I want one pizza margarita!" I looked at the menus and they're seliing those! God, I've been craving for pizza for 2 weeks!

"I want one spaghetti carbonara" Myungsoo oppa ordered

"I'll just share with Jihyun. Is that okay with you?" L.Joe oppa asked

"Of course! I mean, I can't finish a whole pizza by myself!" I giggles

"Well then, may I take your drinks?" the waiter continued

"Oh. One berry iced tea!" I exclaimed

"One iced lemon tea" L.Joe oppa ordered

"One chocolate milkshake" Myungsoo oppa ordered

"Really oppa? Milkshake?" I giggles

"Yah wae? I've been craving for that!" his face got red and he looked away

"Okay, I'll be leaving now" the waiter bowed, and walked away. Leaving us.

"Now that waiter seems really nervous" L.Joe oppa chuckled

"Oh right! Oppa noticed too? I mean, her hands like shaking and she avoid eye contact!" I agreed

"Well, maybe we're just too.. famous. Hahaha" Myungsoo oppa laughed at his own lame joke

"Tch. How can I date such an arrogant person" I rolled my eyes

"Aww, admit it. You love me so much, right?" he smirked

"Whatever" I sighed

Suddenly, a group of girls, and boys, with careful steps walking towards us

"Ehm.." one of them, started by grabbing our attention

"Yes?" Myungsoo oppa asked

"CAN WE HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPHS?" they compactly asked

Wait, what? Autographs?

"And probably some pictures together?" one of them added

I looked at Myungsoo oppa and L.Joe oppa and they looked at me. Now I'm confused. I mean, why would they wanted that?

"Err.. sure?" I answered, rather in question-kinda tone

"Yeay!" they cheered, and started passing drawing papers and spidols to me, L.Joe oppa and Myungsoo oppa

Now this is weird. It's like, I don't know.. Fan-meeting?

"Noona, please take a pic with me?" one of the boy came up to me

I nodded, and I flashed a smile while looking at the camera

"Thanks noona. Omg, I just love noona" he grinned, and ran off

Now.. that's.. totally weird! I mean, we're like their idols!

"Here" I passed the papers I've autographed to them and they squealed like crazy

"Oppa! Say cheese!" the girls clinged on L.Joe and Myungsoo oppa, while the boys clinged on me

"EH-HEM" a loud clearing voice, can be heard from behind them

"Excuse me, but, our cafe didn't welcomed window-shopper and noise maker. Could you please get out?" oh, I think it's the cafe's manager

They all sending killing glared to the manager and walked out the cafe, with a sad but as soon as they get out, they jumped like crazy persons and distributed our autographs

"I'm sorry for the incovienient. Please, let us give you all a free dessert" he bowed

Well, it's not his fault actually. It's our my fault for agreeing giving autographs etc

"Okay then" Myungsoo oppa, eventually nodded

The manager went away and I immediately smacked his arms


"Yah oppa! Why do you lie about that? It's my fault for making such noise!" I made this 'hmph' sound

"Well, if there's a free offer, you really shouldn't let it go" he chuckled

I rolled my eyes and averted my eyes towards L.Joe oppa, well, I see he's agreeing with Myungsoo oppa

"Really you two.." I shakes my head

"Myungsoo?!" suddenly, a girl's voice can be heard

Another fan? But, she's calling his real name...

I looked up, and-- isn't she the girl who had 'date' with Myungsoo oppa previously? At Myeongdong too?

"Oh-- Yura" he looked surprised

Yura? (Author's note : To be specific, it's Girl's Day's Yura)

"Omo! I didn't know you went to Myeongdong! Why you didn't call me? We should've meet up!" she smiled sweetly

Urrrghh, I feel jealous.. but I can't help it, it's oppa's friend and she's.. just simply pretty

"Uhhh, well.. I'm.." Myungsoo oppa scratch his head

"And who is this?" she pointed to me and L.Joe oppa

"Oh, well.. she's my girlfriend, Park Jihyun. And a friend, L.Joe" Myungsoo oppa introduced us

"What? Girlfriend? You never tell me you had one before!" Yura sunbae looks surprised (I used sunbae because she's talking informally with Myungsoo oppa. So I guess she's the same age with oppa)

"Ahahahaha, well.. that's.." Myungsoo oppa looked at me and I give him glares, deadly glares

"Well, nice to meet you all! I'm Yura. Myungsoo's childhood friends" she offered a handshake

Me, being a polite person, shakes her hands and smiled at her

"Omo, Myungsoo, I can't believe it. Your girlfriend is waaayyy too pretty for you, you know that?" she released my hands, and crossed her arms

"Aissh, Yura, just shut up" Myungsoo oppa rolled his eyes, while I feel a little bit embarassed

"Well, can I join you guys?" Yura asked

I blinked a few times, before I moved to the seat beside L.Joe oppa. I simpply can't refused it. It's way too impolite.

She, taking my moving as a yes, and immediately sat beside Myungsoo oppa

I feel fuming inside when she's all skinship-ing with Myungsoo oppa. Urrghhh...

"Here's your order" the waiter, came, and put the pizza infront of me and the spaghetti infront of Myungsoo oppa

Me, with a pretty bad mood, take a slice and put it on my plate. Cutting the pizza with so much strength with the knife

"Hey, what's the matter?" L.Joe oppa, who noticed it, asked, with a concerned tone

"Nothing. Just eat oppa" I sighed, and chomped down the pizza with anger

Why does she need to be all close and lovey dovey with Myungsoo oppa infront of me? Does she never dates and feel jealous? Or she's trying to make me feel jealous because I took her "Myungsoo" away? What the hell does she want?

"And then, he bla bla. Making me bla bla bla" she keep on telling stories to Myungsoo oppa, with a little skinship over here and there

Just him, if you really want him. Wait, what did I just think about? Omo, Jihyun, you shouldn't think about something like that!

I sighed again, and continue eating my pizza, not minding them and trying hard to block my ears

"So.. Jihyun-ssi?" suddenly, Yura sunbae called me

I looked at her, and she's smiling to me

"How can you become his girlfriend? Mind to tell me the story?" she asked

"Well.. it's kinda long.. And we don't have all the time" I refused

"Just make some time! Come on, tell me?" she pleaded

Me, with an unhappy heart, telling her the story. I finished it in 5 minutes because I erased some unimportant parts

"Woah, Jihyun, you really done a great job! He really changed into a good man. When I met him the other day, I knew something's different from him. And he even didn't talk about or making love to me now!"


"Ah.. r-really?" I bit my lips

"Yeah! Well, he used to fool around. And when he doesn't find any prey, he usually called me to have fun with him"

Does she trying to make me went mad?

"Really? So, you went to him?"

"I mean, yeah! He's my childhood friend, I simply can't ignore him. So, I give him all the pleasures he need" she smiled

This is just.. enough!

I stay silent, and looked to Myungsoo oppa.

Well, he looked pale, and trying to clear things up but this Yura sunbae keep on telling tales

"He's so wild on the bed, right?" she smiled innocently

I slammed my knife on the table and stood up

"You know what? I've been helding all it in, all this time. But I can't anymore. Enough of this. If you wanted him to go to his old self, just make him! I don't care, anymore. Since he's my boyfriend already and he promised me already. But if he, in the end, become his old self, I'll immediately broke up with him and married L.Joe oppa. That's what you wanted me to say, right?" I give her my long speech

"W-w-what?" she looked flustered

"Whatever. Just keep on telling tales between the two of you on the bed, but not in my face. Urgh, just.. have fun" I tried very hard not to slap or released my anger toward other people

I took my bag, and took out some money. I put it on the table and immediately went out the cafe. Leaving them. Gosh, I don't care anymore.

I wandered around the street, doing some window-shopping until someone grabbed my shoulder

Oh God, please don't make my day any worst by sending a to me!

"Jihyun!" he called out

I turned and it's L.Joe oppa, with his panting


"Don't leave me all alone there" he panted

I waited for a while, until he catch his breath.

"Why would you chased me?" I asked

"Well, you look like you're going to cry and need a comfort so.. here I am!" he opened his arms widely

I giggled

"Who said I'm going to cry? Yah, let's just go. I don't want to meet them" I smiled, and turned around, continue my walking

He walked beside me, and suddenly, the sky starts to get really dark

"Oppa, don't you think it'll--" suddenly, the rain starts to drop and we quickly ran to the nearest shelter

He automaticly held my hands and we ended up getting inside the phone booth, which is pretty small for us to fit in together

He, standing infront of me, squeezing me between his body and the wall of the booth

"Sorry" he apologized

His chest can be seen clearly, as some parts of his shirt is kinda wet already

I feel myself getting red, as I can clearly see the trace of his body and he's pressing against me

"Errmm, it's getting.. kinda hot in here, right? Do you want to run back to your home?" he realized the atmosphere and suggested

I quickly agree, and he held my hands again

"Just follow my lead, okay?" he held my hands more tightly

I nodded, and we get out the phone booth, cutting through the heavy rain that is pouring right now

As we run, I feel my heart beats faster than before, and the way he looked under the rain.. it's just..

Wait, I shouldn't check out on L.Joe oppa! And my heart probably beats faster because I'm running! Yeah!

I shouldn't be a playgirl..


"Great job Yura. One way to pissed off my girlfriend" I clapped my hands to her

She looked guilty, and pouted

"I didn't know you haven't done it with her! I mean, you usually get on with girls on the 2nd or 3rd day of dating!" she sighed

Suddenly, a heavy rain poured down. Shoot, I wonder is Jihyun okay.. L.Joe better take a good care of her!

"Jihyun isn't my typical call-girl. She's the girl I treasured the most!" I answered

"Then what about me?" Yura suddenly asked

"Well, you're my precious friend!"

"But I don't want to be friends! I want to be your lover! Please, just take me.. even though I'm just your toy or whatever but I don't mind!" she what?! How can she be like this?

"Yura, please, I don't want to. I already promised her. And I don't want you to be my toy. You're my friend!" I explained

One tears escaped her eye, and she bit her lips, trying hard to held back her tears

I looked out the window and---

I quickly ran out the cafe and looked, it's Jihyun..

Running while holding hands with L.Joe..

I don't know why but my heart hurts so much, even though it's probably just because they wanted to arrive home quickly but, I just. I just can't..

I don't care even if I'm wet or what but, I just want to go to Jihyun's house, right this moment..

Hohoho! Updated!

Yeah, I should've updated yesterday but I got home at 9pm and I typed half of the part until 10pm. My mom already nags me and I simply need to turn off so no updates yesterday :(

But here it is! Muhahaha!

Enjoy the story and STAY TUNE<3


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 46: Ehhhh, why do her parents still get her into an arranged marriage even though she got someone in mind at that time. OMGGGG and I didn't expect her to end up with ljoe. I prefer her with myungsoo, he did so much for her yet in the end he still suffered ):
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Awwww the three of them are still hanging out together like the past xD
I thought they got married already.........
Chapter 47: Oh its jihyun
Chapter 47: That was a good fanfic! I don't know why but i was kind of hoping Myungsoo to be with the girl. Sorry i forgot her name
Chapter 47: Ow yeah!!!! Sequel!!!!!! Huahauhauhauhuahauhaaaaaaaa
Chapter 46: Omgggg something interesting gonna happen!! I can feel it!!!
Chapter 46: AWWW, IT'S OVER NOW? ;W;
Well, I'm looking forward too the sequel! And if you compare this chapter to the first one your writing has improved a lot. ^_^
Good luck on future stories, I'll be reading them! :)
Chapter 46: Its end already?? *crying* ah well , LOVE IT SO MUCH! DAEBAK AUTHORNIM! sequel neh? *aegyomaking*
Chapter 45: hahahahah i love this chapter so much! ! But poor myungsoo.. Well.he need to study. i am so cruel. Haha
Chapter 45: she is so adorable ! and poor Joey he was in tatal shock with the kiss