Introduction Date

Hard to Love


Today is Sunday. A reaallly boring Sunday. Jieun went on vacation with her family while me? Rolling over like an idiot on the bed

My parents got job because their new works keep on bugging them even though it's SUNDAY

And Jihye went to some group meeting. That's mean I'm home alone...

"Unnie!" suddenly Jihye come in my room


"I'm going now. Don't forget to eat lunch" she said and closed my door afterwards

Haaaaa soo borreeddd eerrrerfhahdahf;jfh;o

*ring ring*

Heyyaa Jihyun, are you free?

I'm thinking about taking you to the new cafe in the town

L oppa

And then, he invited me to a date. Great, why it should be him? I know I should been avoiding him but..

Sure, I'm going there in 30 min

I replied, and dashed like a ninja throughout my room to find something to wear... aha! The new floral pattern dress mom bought for me!

I wore some accesories and dashed to the front door

"JIHYEE!" I yelled as she was about to get it a taxi

I locked the front door and walked to Jihye's place

"What?" she look annoyed

"I'm going with you" and went inside the taxi with her

"So, where are we going?" the taxi driver asked

"To the new cafe" we answered compactly

"What?! Unnie you're going there too?" she asked in disbelief

"Err yeah, I have some promise to meet some at the--"

"Okay I got it. It's the hot boy you're meeting with"

The journey took around 15min, and when I arrived, Jihye come running to a group of people who's standing infront of the cafe

"Jihye! What took you so long-- woaah!" one of the girls looks like she has seen a ghost when I walk towards them

"Oh, sorry. I'm Park Jihyun, Jihye's older sister. Sorry, I was just waiting for someone" I bowed

"Oh don't be! It's okay" she smiled

---NO ONE POV---

"Damn! What is the goddess doing here? She's not on the list right?" one of the boy start to whisper to another one

"I don't know too! This is epic!" they started to gossip

"Yah Jihye" one of the girl nudged Jihye's arm


"What is the goddess doing here?"

"The goddess?" Jihye asked in disgusted tone

"Yeah, Jihyun"

"She's just waiting for someone! Ewww! How come my sister got that nickname?! Then how about me? The goddess' sister?!" Jihye scoffed

"No, you're the princess"

"Really? The princess? Unbelievable" Jihye rolled her eyes and sighed


I was waiting for L oppa when one of the boys tapped my shoulder

"Yes? Something's wrong?" I asked

"Oh no, well.. I'm Kai. Nice to meet you" he offered a handshake

He's quite handsome actually, sweet smile, kind eyes, nice attitude--

"Get off my woman" a pair of arms s around my neck

And I knew well, it's L oppa's voice

"Omo! It's Myungsoo oppaa!" one of the girls went crazy and squealed like a seal if I should describe it, which I just did

"L oppa you're here" I push away his arms and turned around to look at him

He look good, fashionable but yet simple. I like this kind of-- Wait, back to reality Jihyun!

"Come, let's go" he said

After I said goodbyes to Jihye, I walked with L oppa with god-I-don't-know-either-where-to-go

"You look amazing" he suddenly started a conversation

"Well, you too"

"But stop being so amazing to everyone. You're making me jealous" he looked at me and chuckled

"Yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes but deep down inside, I feel a liiiittle happy

"Especially when you checked out the features of the earlier boy" he pouted and stood infront of me

I feel my cheeks burning a bit, how could he know that? Too obvious?

"Aarrghh if only you're my girlfriend I would kiss you now urrggh you're too cute" I saw he clenched his fists and jumped around like a mad man

"Oh really? Is that what you say to every girls?" I

He stopped jumping and walked towards me

"Jihyun, please believe me that I'M NOT A PLAYER ANYMORE. I didn't pick up random girls now, I only have my eyes on you now" he gripped both of my shoulder tightly and looked at me in the eyes

"Really?" I keep on teasing him even though I'm kinda afraid right now cause he keep on staring at me

He released my shoulder and sighed, looking down

"I told you I-- ohh!" he suddenly looked up


"Let's make a deal!" his eyes started to sparkle

"What kind of deal?" I frowned

"Be my girlfriend for 2 weeks! And if you feel something about me, we can date for real!"

"If not?"

"Then I won't disturb you anymore"

I think, why not? I mean, it's a good deal. It looks fair-- ohh!

"Okay, but on one condition!" I pointed


"No kissing!" I smirked

"WHAAAT?!" he frowned

"or should I add no hugging and no holding hands also?" I said flatly

He look panicked and quickly replied "We'll go with the first condition"

I giggles, it's funny seeing his reaction!

"Great, so.. let's start tomorrow. On Monday" he suggested

"Sure" I just agreed

"So, shall we start our introduction date?" he winked

I laughed, hearing his cheesy words

"Okay ma prince" I followed his game and walked ahead of him

Updaaaateee woohoo!

I've been thinking about making another new story, but it'll be more action (but there will be romance also)

And please be patient about L.Joe's appearance! It's still a long journey for him to appear T_T sniff sniff I want him alreaddyyy

So blah blah blah enjoy the story and STAY TUNE<3

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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 46: Ehhhh, why do her parents still get her into an arranged marriage even though she got someone in mind at that time. OMGGGG and I didn't expect her to end up with ljoe. I prefer her with myungsoo, he did so much for her yet in the end he still suffered ):
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Awwww the three of them are still hanging out together like the past xD
I thought they got married already.........
Chapter 47: Oh its jihyun
Chapter 47: That was a good fanfic! I don't know why but i was kind of hoping Myungsoo to be with the girl. Sorry i forgot her name
Chapter 47: Ow yeah!!!! Sequel!!!!!! Huahauhauhauhuahauhaaaaaaaa
Chapter 46: Omgggg something interesting gonna happen!! I can feel it!!!
Chapter 46: AWWW, IT'S OVER NOW? ;W;
Well, I'm looking forward too the sequel! And if you compare this chapter to the first one your writing has improved a lot. ^_^
Good luck on future stories, I'll be reading them! :)
Chapter 46: Its end already?? *crying* ah well , LOVE IT SO MUCH! DAEBAK AUTHORNIM! sequel neh? *aegyomaking*
Chapter 45: hahahahah i love this chapter so much! ! But poor myungsoo.. Well.he need to study. i am so cruel. Haha
Chapter 45: she is so adorable ! and poor Joey he was in tatal shock with the kiss