Second chance

Hard to Love


After my meeting with Hyuna sunbaenim (I think, but probably she's a sunbae since I didn't saw her at all at the freshman class' section), I walked to my class. With people gossiping about me (since they keep on looking at me while whispering to each other)

I got in my class and sat on my seat. Seems like Jieun isn't here yet...


and the bell rung. Where is Jieun?

"Sorry I'm late" suddenly, Jieun's voice come barging in the class

"Oh? The teacher isn't here yet" she look relief and sat on her seat

---L.JOE POV---

"Omo!" suddenly Hyorin got all surprised when she's playing with her phone

"Wae?" I asked

"Oppa do you know Kim Myungsoo?" she asked back

I shook my head, why should I know him?

"Well, he's the biggest player on Woolim High. And recently, he's dumping all his toy-girls for the goddess!" Hyorin look surprised

"So? Why should I care?"

"No.. aissh oppa, don't you know? This is the most surprising news of the year! I mean, he's the biggest player for God's sake!" Hyorin had this unbelievable face

"Whatever" I scoffed

I wonder, this 'goddess' they've been talking about.. Does she really put them on a spell or?

I mean, she can even controlled the biggest player in the school to be.. her slave, maybe?

"Oppa, this news is so big it even spread through our school's bulletin board"

"Yeah yeah, I get it" I nodded

Arrghhh the goddess, the goddess. Just stop talking about it. I'm getting sick of it


"Jihyun!" suddenly Jieun banged her hands on my table as soon as the bell rung

I looked up with a confused look

She quickly turned the chair infront of me and sat on it, with her lunchbox on my table

"You. Are. Amazing" she gave me a two thumbs up


"You just changed the biggest player, into a normal man. I'm talking about L oppa here"

"Wha? How can you know about that? I mean--"

"OMG Jihyun! News are spreading! Gossip is fast! I think it already spreads throughout Korea!" she gave me the are-you-serious look

"Really?" I asked ;unsure

"Hell yeah, now tell me. What did you do?" she asked

"Well, he.. kinda confessed to me yesterday and I turned it down--"

"Even though you love him too"


"Go on"

"So.. he kinda want to prove me that he can get rid of his 'playboy' image and.."

"It turns out like this. I get it now" she snapped her fingers

"Jihyuun!" suddenly, a voice that I knew so well, that belongs to L oppa, came through ringing my ears

I looked, and he's waving at me, infront of the class' door

"Uh-oh.." Jieun said

He got in, without asking me, and took a chair to sit between me and Jieun

"Soo.. hi" he greeted

Me and Jieun look to each other, we kinda having some conversation through eye like, 'what is he doing here?'

"Heeyy take it easy. I don't bite! Stop your eye-conversation now" he pouted

Me and Jieun snapped back to reality, and looked at him

"Soo, you must be Jihyun's new friend, am I right?" he grinned

Jieun look scared, but nodded

"I'm Kim Myungsoo. But call me L oppa. You are--?"

"Lee Jieun"

"Well, nice to meet you" L oppa smiled to her

"So, I'm thinking about inviting you to the canteen but I guess it would be bored if we just keep going to the canteen so, I decided to join your lunch at your class!" L oppa clapped

"Err yeah" I rolled my eyes and look at Jieun with a disbelief face

And-- *SLAM*

I quickly look at my class' door and there she is.. Hyuna sunbaenim

"Omg Myungsoo I can't believe what I'm seeing right now" she gaped, and walked to us

L oppa immediately look away while rolling his eyes. Huh? Weird--

"I'm suppose I already give you enough warning, amn't I Jihyun?" Hyuna sunbaenim glared

"Duuh he's the one who come here. I'm not inviting him" I rolled my eyes and I looked to--

Wait, Jieun's gone missin-- Oh, she went back to her place. I guess she must be afraid or she hate this kind of situation...

"Oh really?" Hyuna looked at L oppa

"I told you we're history already. I already end our relationship" L oppa, in the end gave up and looked at her, straightly to her eyes

Wait, so he really have some kind of relationship with Hyuna sunbaenim and other girls too?! Unbelievable, really. Why did I fall in love with this kind of-- Wait, did I say something about falling in love?

"But I'm not accepting it" Hyuna sunbaenim bit her lips

"Whether you accept it or not, I don't want to be with you anymore. Just leave!" L oppa make a tsk sound and looks annoyed

Hyuna sunbaenim can't talk back anymore, and she eventually left

"I'm sorry Jihyun, about what happened" L oppa quickly apologized to me as soon as she left

"Really? You're in a relationship with Hyuna sunbaenim and other girls too?" I asked him, even though the answer is obvious

He looked down and nodded his head slowly

"I can't believe you. You're really the biggest player. I regret knowing you in the first place" I stood up as I was trying to leave him but, eventually he grippe my wrists

"I know I'm a jerk, I'm not good for you. But, I want to change all of my bad side and throwing away my player image for you! Please, it's all in the past now. Give me a chance.." L oppa pleaded, this is the first time I've seen him this desperate

And then, silence.. Even all of my classmates were staring at us now, and no one seems like dared to talk

"Just... give me some time, okay?" I sighed, and he loosened up his grip

"Thanks. Well, I've caused a drama here. I'll be leaving now. See you at--"

"Bye" I waved at him, not letting him finishing his sentence

He sighed, and smile faintly to me. He turned and walked out of my class

"Sorry everyone. Just... get back to your own activities. I'm sorry" I bowed to my classmates as soon as he left

Everyone seems to scattered around and Jieun come running to me

"I'm sorry I leave you. I.. just don't like to be the center of attention" Jieun looked down

"It's okay. I know how you feel. I hate it too" I reassured her


"Don't talk about them again. Let's just continue our lunch" I zipped and we sat back


I got out from Jihyun's class when I saw Hyuna already waiting for me outside

I swear, if she's not a girl, I would probably beat her up really badly now. Damn she always ruined everything!

I quickly approached her and held her shoulders tightly


"Look, if I saw you bullying Jihyun or keep on bugging us, I'll not hestitate to break you into two, crush you so badly, and fed them to the vultures" I warned

She had a glint of fear in her eyes, as she keeps on nodding

"Just see, and there's no second chance. Don't even think about second chance. You got me?" I raised my voice

She nodded, and I released her

I turned back to the corridor and walk as everyone avoided me

Urrgghhh she just ruined everything! My mood, my togetherness with Jihyun, and AARGHHH goddamn it!

I punch the wall and eventually, blood starts dripping.


Yeah, weird update, I know-_- I've beenw anted to update but eventually, mom hijacked the laptop and I kinda immersed in watching TV so.. updating ff disappeared from my mind :p

Today I have a chemistry test and WOOHOO THANK GOD I CAN DO IT<3 Feels so happy right now. I usually can't do tests-_-

So, I probably won't update tomorrow because I'll be busy T^T but I'll try to update if there's time to..

Anyway, enjoy the story and STAY TUNE<3


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 46: Ehhhh, why do her parents still get her into an arranged marriage even though she got someone in mind at that time. OMGGGG and I didn't expect her to end up with ljoe. I prefer her with myungsoo, he did so much for her yet in the end he still suffered ):
14 streak #2
Chapter 47: Awwww the three of them are still hanging out together like the past xD
I thought they got married already.........
Chapter 47: Oh its jihyun
Chapter 47: That was a good fanfic! I don't know why but i was kind of hoping Myungsoo to be with the girl. Sorry i forgot her name
Chapter 47: Ow yeah!!!! Sequel!!!!!! Huahauhauhauhuahauhaaaaaaaa
Chapter 46: Omgggg something interesting gonna happen!! I can feel it!!!
Chapter 46: AWWW, IT'S OVER NOW? ;W;
Well, I'm looking forward too the sequel! And if you compare this chapter to the first one your writing has improved a lot. ^_^
Good luck on future stories, I'll be reading them! :)
Chapter 46: Its end already?? *crying* ah well , LOVE IT SO MUCH! DAEBAK AUTHORNIM! sequel neh? *aegyomaking*
Chapter 45: hahahahah i love this chapter so much! ! But poor myungsoo.. Well.he need to study. i am so cruel. Haha
Chapter 45: she is so adorable ! and poor Joey he was in tatal shock with the kiss