Chappie 12~

Don't Believe in Love?

"Sarang-ah," you said while walking into the cafe.

"Omo, what's wrong? Why is your hair wet?" she asked. You sat down and explained to her. She hit you with a towel and started to cry.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" she cried hugging you. You cried with her.

"Here, drink this," she said after blending you a smoothie. You drank a small sip and just smiled. 

"So, what are you going to do about Daehyun?" she asked sipping her smoothie.

"I don't know, forget him? I can't trust him," you said mixing the drink with your straw.

"What are you talking about, you're already developing feeling for him," she said sipping hers.

"I don't know this feeling. I feel numb. It's all that bastards fault," you whinned. The cafe doorbell jingled.

"Speak of the devil," Sarang said. You looked to see a good looking boy with an expensive outfit. 

"What can I get you sir?" you asked inoccently.

"Dang is that you Minah? You got prettier," he said taking his sunglasses off and looking you up and down.

"What would you like," you asked a little more demanding. 

"Get me a mango smoothie and then let's talk," he said. You made it for him and Sarang just rolled her eyes at him. You walked it over and gave it to him. 

"Hey so like, I made a mistake and I want to fix it. Give me one more chance," he said.

"Why, because I'm rich now?" you questioned.

"You catch on fast," he smirked sipping his smoothie.

"Well, forget it," you said turning around and taking money from a customer and sticking it into the register.

"I know very well that you still like me," he smirked while sipping his drink more.

"I don't. Because of you, I don't trust anyone nowadays," you said flatly. The doorbell jingled and you bowed to your customer. It was Jung Daehyun.

"Hyung?" the devil asked.

"Myunggie?" he asked. The guy smiled and gave Daehyun a highfive and a bro hug.

"It's L man. Myunggie was what you called me in the 3rd grade," Myungsoo laughed.

You just were taken back and before you can run away, Myungsoo put an arm around your shoulder. You pulled away, but he brought you back. Daehyun just looked confused.

"Don't touch me Kim Myungsoo," you threatened. He just smirked and tried to pull you closer. You flipped him and grabbed his smoothie, pouring it on him.

"YAH!" he yelled looking up at you. Daehyun helped him up and looked at you strangely.

"Oh Oppa, i'm so sorry, do you want me to PAY for it?!" you sarcasitically said.

"Minah-yah," Daehyun asked surprised.

"I'll forgive you," Myungsoo smirked.

"Because i'm rich," you finished his sentence. He just smirked and shot you a smile. You grabbed your towel and smacked him with it. 

"YOU CAN FORGIVE ME, BUT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU," you yelled while kicking him out. You walked back in and saw Sarang cleaning up the mess and Daehyun looking at you.

"Go chase after your bro Jung Daehyun,"you said softly, before walking towards Sarang. You just hugged her while Daehyun registered everything. 

"Awww, MinMin, I don't know why he came back. Don't give in, he's a jerk! I'll beat him up if you want," she suggested.

"Hehe, it's okay Sarang. I'll just flip him everytime I see him," you sighed and she giggled.

"Araso," she smiled and went back to work. You saw Daehyun just standing there.

"Can I get you something?" you asked like you would to any other customer.

"You can get me an explanation," he said softly.

"The reason why I didn't believe in Love was because of that good-for-nothing bastard," you said briefly.

"But, he's the sweetest kid ever," Daehyun said.

"Not to girls. We had a great relationship for a good 2 years, then he broke it off because he became rich," you said.

"Wait! Hold up...You BELIEVED? So that means you believe right now right?" he asked eyes brightening.

"What are you talking about?" you asked confused.

"You mean you believe in Love now right?" he asked grabbing your shoulders and shaking you.

"Yes I guess. Appa told me-"

"ASSA! I STILL HAVE A CHANCE!" he exclaimed hugging you and spinning you around.

"I don't trust you," you warned him.

"That's why i'm going to make you trust me!" he smiled.

"That's gonna be hard," Sarang yelled from the counter. You just smiled at her. 

"I'm willing, just to show you how much I care for you," he said running out the door and starting his plan.

"Freak," you thought out loud and Sarang just laughed.


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Chapter 12: Hahah. Pls update
Chapter 11: Pls update and yep it is me again hehe!
Chapter 10: plz update!!:))
lux-et-veritas #4
In response to your question "Don't believe in love?", I would like to suggest that love is a very abstract sentiment that comes in various forms. To believe in love would be to believe in all of these forms, which is improbable. It is akin to asking an atheist to believe in God, Zeus and Allah at the same time. I hope this answer to your question is helpful to your literary endeavors.
sapphire134 #5
Chapter 8: Really interesting!
Hope u can update soon!
>#< !!!!!
Chapter 7: Whoa this is really interesting ^^
Hope u can update really soon pali ^^
Chapter 7: She over thought about the situation .___.
angellinnie #8
Chapter 6: OoOooOOoooh, this is getting interesting
Chapter 5: Wow.... awesome .... mmm you should update like really fast pali ur story is fantastic (:
Luv it awesome job
airies #10
Chapter 2: this fanfic is great ! please update soon author-nim !!~