Hearing His Confession

Closing of Broken Hearts


p.s I've decided to make this as a 15 chapter fanfic because I think I will run out of ideas. Please leave comments because it really helps me to improve my writing especially criticism commentaries. Thank you ^_^


I...I think I love her

He spoke in his mind. Minho is too occupied with his thoughts about Yuri and didn't notice Jonghyun, his friend, making steps towards him. He clicked his tongue consecutively while shaking his head. Jonghyun snapped his fingers in front of Minho's eyes to wake him up from thinking so blankly. Minho slightly tilted his head and blinked his eyes in surprise

"mwoya??!!" Minho yelled, feeling a little pissed that Jonghyun ruined this moment

"thinking of her again?" Jonghyun sat on the tall chair beside Minho and asked a shot from the waiter. Minho breathed out heavily.

"you can't blame me, Jonggie. She just keeps on popping out in my head but when I think of her......."

"I know. You feel happy and it makes you even more desperate to see her" Jonghyun sighed

 "if I were you, I'd tell her as soon as I can before it's too late but judging the Choi Minho that I knew.......I don't think he can" He chuckled.  Minho is truly a lady’s man. Ever since, it’s always the girl making the move in pursuing him in a date. Minho doesn’t make any effort to impress a girl because just by his charms, he can make girls tail on him all day.

"I was thinking of asking help from Yoona"

"mwo?" he turned his head to face Minho "you're going to ask help from Yoona again? Are you torturing her?"

"Jonggie, she's the only one I know that can help me with this confessing thing which I'm such a dumb of"

"Yoona made the first move for you and the following moves were still from her. Even this confession that you're supposed to be the one working hard for it, you're giving it to her, again"


"don't give me an excuse that Yoona knew her better than you are because it just means that all of Yoona's effort for your dates with Yuri are just wasted. Yes, it really is true that she knew better but you've known Yuri enough already"

"I understand what you're saying, Jonggie but until now, I still feel at struggle especially now that I'm imagining it. I just don't think I can. Even if I'd look like I'm a thick-skinned best friend of Yoona that keeps depending on her, I don't care. I need her, for this"

"but please, Minho. At least try to be on your own. You never know, maybe Yoona is already strangled with all of this. I'm just worried that she might be already tired helping you. Rather than giving herself some time, she’s sparing it for others. You want Yoona to be happy too, right? " Jonghyun didn't notice the words that he just said then he drank his alcohol

"I know but I'm going to pay her at any cost after" Minho was in the midst of drinking when he suddenly realized something "Jonghyun, can you repeat what you said lately?"

"what I said lately?" Jonghyun made a small "oh" noise which is only for his ears "I....I don't remember" he lied

"you said that you're worried about Yoona. Since when did you start worrying about her? I don't remember that the two of you are that close. I haven’t seen you talking more than 3 minutes" Minho glares at him with suspicious eyes

"whoever is in my position right now would also feel that way, Min. Go talk to Taeyeon especially Sooyoung, they’d say almost the same thing" Jonghyun stared at the table and bit his lower lip

"well, if you say so"




"Yoong, are you coming with us? We'll go to a nearby karaoke house to have some fun" Sooyoung invited Yoona

"su....." Yoona's words were cut when she heard her phone ringing. She s her hand inside the pocket of her coat and grabbed the phone "oh?" she answered

"Yoong, can you come to my house? I feel lazy to make dinner" Minho responded

"mwo? Right now? Wait. You still haven't eaten?"

"ne. But, if you're tired and already sleepy, it's okay" his voice became a bit weak but in Yoona's ears, it sounded pitiful. She glanced at Sooyoung and Taeyeon and sighed

"araso" Yoona hung up. Sooyoung and Taeyeon noticed that Yoona's mood suddenly changed. Her eyes turned a little sad

"Yoong, are you okay? Who was it?" Sooyoung asked

"I don't think I can join you guys" she pouted and Taeyeon sensed something on how Yoona's face looks

"did he call you?" Taeyeon spoke. Yoona gripped the handle of her purse, hanged on her shoulder then she looked away but for them, that move is a symbol of response

"since it looks like we can't insist you from going, just make sure you'll come with us next time" knowing that Sooyoung might scold her, Yoona didn't expect to hear that from Sooyoung. Even Taeyeon had hanged open

"komawo, Sooyoung, Taeyeon" No matter how much she wants to join them, Minho sounded too pitiful in her own hearing which made it hard for her to ignore his friend. The generous Yoona on the move again




While choosing songs to sing, Sooyoung is beginning to become distracted with Taeyeon’s beam eyes that have been glaring at her face

“Kim Taeyeon!! Will you please stop staring at me? It’s irritating!!” Sooyoung stomped her foot loudly on the floor

“kid, you’re such a shock a while ago. It felt like it’s not the arrogant Choi Sooyoung that I’ve known for a decade”

“oh..so you’re calling me arrogant now, huh. I’ll save it for now if it wasn’t for Yoona. I just acted that way because it will be a waste of effort to pinpoint things to her and we’ve, I mean, I’ve been doing that over and over again but she’s just too stubborn enough to make me give up”

“Yoona is really a stubborn girl. She never listens to us once she had her mind on set whether it’s for the better or for the worse. Sometimes, it’s really hard to understand her. We’ve been together for years already but there are still times when she’s like a puzzle. We can take this situation as an example, even I, it was unexpected of mine that she would be that generous to Minho though all along, she loves him. Yoona might be too selfless but this one, it’s way beyond the borders”

“now look who’s talking. The pessimistic best friend of Yoona is surprisingly on my side. Can you hear yourself, Kim Taeyeon?”

“It’s not that I’m on Yoona’s side or on any side but just like what you said, she’s too stubborn to be ceased of whatever she’s doing. If there’s something that she wants, then I’ll give her freedom for that”

“you’re way too nice. Do you know the best thing to do now? I think we should start eating. Our discussions won’t fill our empty stomachs”




“Minho?” Yoona hanged her coat on the rank and placed her bag on the brown couch

“I’m here” Yoona heard Minho’s voice coming from upstairs

“he hasn’t eaten yet but he’s not here. His maids aren’t also here” Yoona spoke to his self then climbed the stairs and went to the direction of Minho’s room. When she entered, she noticed that it’s only bright inside because of the moonlight coming from the outside but it’s still makes her incapable of seeing Minho’s face clearly

“let’s go downstairs, I’ll cook your favourite” she saw Minho sitting on the floor, leaning his back on the side of the bed with his one arm resting on top of his bending knee. He looked blank and empty. Maybe because of the sad feeling that his room is giving off.

“I’m not hungry” he answered

“then why did you call me?”

“I just want to talk to you. Sit beside me” Minho tapped the floor. Yoona sighed and followed Minho’s command

Yoona rolled her eyes around the room. Since she sat next to Minho, he still isn't saying a word. He's just silent and stares blankly at the floor. It rarely happens that Minho looked this serious. He used to be the one fooling around every time that he needs Yoona's presence. Yoona begins to feel that the room is starting to give off a very moody feeling

"Minho, the atmosphere is getting moody. Aren't you going to say......"

"I love her" Minho spoken up and caused Yoona to gasp

"mwo?" she gazed at the emotionless Minho with surprise in her eyes as those 3 words are still knocking her head. Yoona thought that she might've heard of it wrong but......

"I love her" Minho repeated but the second time he uttered the words, Yoona felt confidence and assurance that Minho isn't making a false assumption to what his heart is telling him. That he is sure that at this very moment, he knows he loves Yuri

"are...are you, I mean, why don't you tell her?" Yoona tried to make her voice sound cheerful

"I don't know how, Yoong. I know that I may be too abusive of taking advantage of you just because you are my best friend but, I can't rely on anyone else. I can't rely on myself either because I know I'm still lacking and......"

"I get it" Yoona chuckled "what are friends for if I'm not going to help my very own best friend in order for him to be happy. And if you feel guilt, don't be"

"Yoona...." just like the first time when Minho asked help from Yoona in pursuing Yuri, he was speechless and can't think of words to say but only Yoona's name

"as usual, I have the same condition. I don't want to see her running towards me, crying because of you. Understood?"

"ne" Finally, Minho gained a smile on his handsome face. A smile that makes him feel so relieve that everything between him and Yuri will be okay. As usual, it's always Yoona that makes his heart be weightless from worrying loads of stuff. Just her presence and her small talks, Minho's mood can shift from sad to happy, from angry to understanding and etc.      




Yoona said her goodbyes to Minho after they had a talk about everything related to him and Yuri. Before going home, she decided to do some sight-seeing at the Han River. The usual thing she does when she wants to think about things and when she wants to be alone

This is the right, no, the best thing to do. It’s for everyone’s good. Yuri will be happy, Minho will be happy and I…….I’m moving on.

But no matter how Yoona wants to think about it positively, her heart is still hurting. Everything that she does, she’s expecting that it would be equivalent of stopping her from being in pain or washing away the hurtful feeling from her heart.

Yoona sits on a bench, facing the Han River and sighed heavily. She bites her lip and her eyes begin to shed tears that she can’t seem to control from falling. She covers with her soft, cold hand to prevent herself from sobbing like a kid who has lost her lollipop. As her tears continue to drop, she noticed a shadow of a man on the ground, standing in front of her

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Chapter 21: Yeah!!! JongYoon! More jongyoon pls? Not CNBlue Jonghyun but SHINee jonghyun :)
takochan21 #2
Chapter 21: Hi...I'm totally new to this fanfic. I finished reading within a day. I love the ending... JongYoon. They are really meant to be...
pop-bh #3
Chapter 21: <3 great story!! I love Minyoon <3 Jongyoon is sweet~~
Chapter 21: Jongyoon couple ending! Honestly, i am struggling to be able to accept that,.. Keke
though minyoon isn't the end, but thankfully, you put minyoon end scene which means minyoon moment is everlasting as best friend. It's more enough to deliver my happiness.

~thank you so much, authornim! You have done a great work =)

Now, i am waiting for subtitute husband, we got married, and of course YOUR NEW FANFIC OF MINYOON *wink*
Chapter 21: I'm crying tears of joy right now TT.TT This ending was just asdkaajsdhka *BAWLING* While reading this fanfic I got caught up with the JongYoon and then I realize how it started with MinYoon and those feelings returned and I felt so nostalgic. They were the two main characters and it ended just like it started and I truly admired how it almost emphasizes the fact that behind the force of love is friendship, and it's the friendship that manages to last.
CONGRATULATIONS <3 I know how much effort you put into writing and this story wasn't the easiest to handle especially with plot twists and whatnot. You did a great job and I hope to see you other stories finished. Also let's do well on your new story <3
Thank you for updating even though it's not the easiest thing to do. I'm so grateful you never gave up :D It's bittersweet seeing such a sweet story end, but knowing that you'll be writing more gives me a feeling of assurance because I'm sure each and every work or yours will be better than the last and beautiful in it's own way. Sorry for this ridiculously long and cheesy comment but I do hope you feel my support ahaha <3 HWAITING WOOT WOOT \o/
Chapter 21: I want to say that I've really loved your story the whole time, even though I haven't commented on it until now. Your writing is AMAZING and you make me see a whole new side to the characters from how they are shown in many other fanfics! A lot of readers complain to authors about how often they update, but I think that even taking a "long time" (by their standards) is okay because your story is so worthwhile. I'm kind of sad it ended, but all good things have to come to an end. <3
Chapter 20: I read your note, do u make a new minyoon fanfic? What's the title? Is it The Tale of The City???
Chapter 20: Minho, are you okay? Don't be sad! Be strong :)
author-nim, i keep anticipating for minyoon , keke *stubborn, right?* =D

Please, i want an update! Waiting for it..