For a while, it's been different

Closing of Broken Hearts


“Is there something that I don’t know?” Yoona is glaring at Sooyoung and Taeyeon with such suspicious eyes after hearing them babble something about her and Jonghyun.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon are both startled with Yoona, suddenly barging into their private conversation full of grumbling “No…Nothing, right Taeyeon?” Sooyoung smiled at Yoona to look upright. She glimpsed at Taeyeon, hardening her jaws to tell her to go with the flow. As much as she tries to keep things from being obvious, she’s still visibly stoked as her eyes keep on blinking and twitching her eyes.

“You’re lying, Sooyoung. You move your eyes like its ill-fitting and it’s your sign of lying. Come on, spill it out” She told them with an evident tone in her voice of having no precautionary of what they will say.

Sooyoung is currently debating against her subconscious mind if she should kiss and tell but it happens that her subconscious mind is a lot louder than her thoughts right now. “So, here’s the thing. Jonghyun sort of……slipped with his words and unintentionally told us that you and he have……”

“Stop” Yoona gestured her hand to put Sooyoung in complete stop and looked on her side, already exhibiting her distraught.

“Are you….mad?” Taeyeon cautiously asked, throwing her head back if she would rant at them.

Yoona clenches her hand and breathes out heavily through her nose with her eyes closed, helping herself from being too heightened and raged.

“I’m so not gonna talk to that jerk.” She went straight to her office along with her heavy steps which is enough to answer Taeyeon’s question without words needed to be spoken.

“I told you we shouldn’t have talked about it.” Taeyeon openly showed her regret.

“Don’t blame it to me. You were so into it too when we were talking about it.” Sooyoung scolded her.

“She looked so pissed off”

“Let’s be rational though. We should have expected her to react that way if she would find out that we know something. Yoona is still…..Yoona, somehow. That’s the good news in spite of him. She’d rather choose to keep some things to herself.  It’s old school”

“That’s a good point.” Taeyeon agreed.

“It’s early in the morning and the two of you look…..bummed.” Minho jumped to the seat by the bar, disrupting them and both are quite caught in surprise.

“What are you doing in here?”  Sooyoung asked in a cold manner with anxiousness in her that he might’ve heard her and Taeyeon.

“If you’re pointing out the reason why I’m sitting here, I came to do some diplomatic talk”

As Taeyeon glances outside through the huge windows, she happens to notice Minho’s car by the street near the glass doors. “Wait. You brought your car? But you don’t like cars. Why did you suddenly drive that new-ish car that you never even used since you had it?” She curiously asked.

“Yeah. That’s what I’m supposed to tell you. Your movie watching was cancelled last night because of me so I’m just wondering if you would be interested to watch a movie tonight?” He invited them, hoping to get a positive feedback from them. Minho’s pretty fine with Taeyeon but he and Sooyoung never really had a stable friendship.

“Of course!” Taeyeon excitedly affirmed.

“Maybe I’d come too” Sooyoung agreed in a low voice. “But popcorns and movie tickets are on you”

“That’s great to hear from both of you and I never thought that we’d actually be able to hang out” He expressed his aroused joy and he smiled at them. “Thank you, not just for this but also for yesterday”

“Oh god, Choi Minho. Please don’t be melancholic. It doesn’t suit you” Sooyoung broke the almost-sentimental atmosphere that Minho is creating with a tease.

“I should go back to my spot now” He pursed his lips and departed to his table near the glass door.

“What happened to you?” Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung in awe.

“What?” She gave her a quizzical face.

“You don’t hang out with Minho. What made you decide?”

“Well, since that serious and personal talk that we had last night, I just reflected on some things. One, he is not that bad as what I think he was. And two, we’ve been more of a one-sided friend to what we are supposed to be”

“One-sided friend?”

“We’ve always been on Yoona’s side since the beginning. I thought, maybe we should try being on his side as well. And I know that’s something we haven’t really done before but my remorse is urging me to be since last night”

“"Are you saying you're Team Minho now?"

"No" She certainly declined. "And we're not supposed to take sides, teams or whatever. Let's just stick to Yoona because that's the safer choice if you don't want to get into the middle of it"

"Wait. What happened to let's try to be on Minho's side for once?"

"That's a....friendly advice" Sooyoung shrugged her shoulders.

Taeyeon puckers her lips, giving her a scowl "Making impromptu ploys is simply your forte"  

"That's not a ploy. It's called honesty" She said with a strident tone and even pokes Taeyeon's forehead.




It's quarter away from closing time but Yoona have already organized everything she is supposed to finish and already carried her purse with her as she leaves her office. Sooyoung and Taeyeon shared a gaze, having the same thoughts of finding this absurd.

"Uhm. Yoona" Sooyoung is about to serve a tray full of fraps to her customers but thought it wouldn't gather much time to have a little talk with Yoona. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going home" She answered with harsh in her voice.

"I think it's too early to leave" Taeyeon hesistantly added.

"You can take care of things here, right?" She asked them with immediate reliance towards them. Sooyoung and Taeyeon glanced at each other, unsure if they're gonna say yes or no.

"Yes....I think" Sooyoung replied.

"Good. Thanks" She huddledly walks to the front door entrance but Minho comes into her sight. Without a debate, he stands in front of him and commands to do her a favor. "Take me home" She said with more force than she intended.

This is how desperate she is of not wanting to see Jonghyun or even just a shadow of his, ignoring the disparity that occured to her and Minho.

"But..." Minho stood up with cram from his seat and slightly turned her eyes at Sooyoung and Taeyeon, cluttered of whom he should prioritize. Sooyoung responded by nodding her head, telling him to be in agreement with Yoona. "Okay" He agreed, feeling glad that he gets to spend a short time with her again after a while but guilt drifted on him at the same time, thinking as if he ditched Sooyoung and Taeyeon. Yet, he is grateful for them of being unusually considerate towards him.

"So, who's Team Minho now" Taeyeon hinting a mock against Sooyoung.

"Whatever" She rolls her eyes at her, scowling in displeasure and scoots to assist a customer. Taeyeon watches her motionlessly with a smirk in her face and arms folded together, feeling superior over Sooyoung.



His eyes kept moving countless times to her direction, almost not paying attention on a half-empty road. Yoona is is calmly sitting, resting her elbows by the arm rest and watching the figures that they pass by outside the tinted window. Minho continues to tap the steering wheel with his fingers that are curled on it, waiting for the right timing to talk. It's been almost ten-minutes that they're on the road, giving him five minutes to start a chit chat before they reach her house.

"I see you're avoiding Jonghyun?" It is either a guess or question that he wants to comply but he himself is confused of the two.

He welcomes Yoona as she turns her face to see a not exactly new view, expecting she's gonna give an answer.

"It's...." Her phone suddenly vibrates, startling her a bit though she already saw it coming the moment she left the cafe in such an early time and decides to leave it as it is. She bumps her back against the seat, placing her phone on her side and looked upset.  

Intrigued of what's making Yoona be in this kind of manner, he tries to peek the caller ID of the person calling and sees Kim Jonghyun. Yoona caught him in his act and sheepishly shifts his view back on the road.

"Well, that explains it. Did he trouble you or something?"

"It's.....personal" She said with a wince in her word. Just by remembering it makes her temper bounce back.

"Personal? You're kidding, right?" He chuckles.

"Things have changed" She responded in a deep tone.

"It did"

Things have changed so much that this is the only time they get to realize that. Everything isn't the same anymore as it used to be but Yoona can't tell if this is something that she should be happy of or just let herself be a er to whatever is setting things into motion right now.

At least before, she was sure of what she felt, yet it was only her choice not to. But it was never less easier than it is now where she doesn't know exactly what she feels yet the only thing she needs to do is to make a choice.

"Here we are" Minho parks the car right in front of Yoona's yard. He sighs, feeling a certain sentiment of knowing that he needs to wait for at least eight hours to see her again.

Yoona releases the seatbelt from her body and grips her hand over the door handle.

"By the way" She faces Minho "No more cars. It doesn't fit you. And, you don't need to go everyday at the cafe. I mean, it's not the only thing that there is to do"

Minho slightly nods his head and forces a smile as he watches Yoona leave his car and walks into her front door. He jerks his head, half-expecting that Yoona might look back to wave goodbye but she goes straight inside her house without a wince.

"What happened to us?" He murmured, bluntly admitting his own resentment.




"She left with whom exactly?" Jonghyun asked Taeyeon.

"We don't know. She just left without notice. I think she has a problem or something" Sooyoung made up an excuse and continued to suppress a smile to cover it up. At the same time, Taeyeon placed her hand in her back, trying to message Yoona that Jonghyun would be on his way.

"Where are you going?" Sooyoung asked as Jonghyun tried to depart out of their sights.

"To Yoona" He yelled and immediately got out of the cafe and went to his car.

"Tell Yoona that Jonghyun is on his way for her" Sooyoung commanded.

"I already am"

Minho is halfway home when he heard Yoona’s message tone, finding out that she left her phone in her seat. Not willing to invade her privacy but it’s distracting his driving. He saw glanced to his side, peeking whoever messaged Yoona and figured out that it’s Taeyeon. Out of his concern, he decided look at it having a mindset that it’s important.

Jonghyun is on his way. If you don't want to see even just his shadow, turn off your lights and pretend you're asleep.

He wrinkled his eyebrows, pursing his lips really hard and continued to tap the wheel with his fingers.

“Oh shoot” He took the U-turn, leading his way back to Yoona’s house.

Yoona is pulling her hair up and tying it with a band, already preparing to go to bed. She is about to her blouse when she heard a knocking coming from the front door. She paused, with her arm still above and the band clawing her hand. It  made her wondered who'd come to her house in the middle of the night.

In a mere second, Jonghyun crossed in her mind who has probably found out about her dodging him. She buttoned her blouse back and went straight downstairs with careful steps to avoid whoever the person outside is from hearing that she’s approaching the door.

It remains a mystery to her till this very moment why she is having this distinct fear in thought of Jonghyun....fear towards what may have gotten in Jonghyun's mind. What if he found out her reason of keeping distance from him? Would he think considerately or......otherwise?

She grumped behind the the door, realizing that she doesn’t have a peep hole. Yoona closed her eyes and sighed heavily, freeing the tensions inside her – deciding to just open and face whatever (whoever) is behind it. 



a/n: This is a short update. I purposely did it since lots of things will happen the next chapter. I'm not exaggerating the way Yoona reacted when she found out that Jonghyun told him. I described her more of as an introvert and you'll realize that if you're really paying attention to the story. I also wrote a little tricky lines in the Minho-Yoona car scene, I just hope you'll get the point. Also, take a guess who is behind the door and why Yoona felt scared towards Jonghyun. Thanks :)

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Chapter 21: Yeah!!! JongYoon! More jongyoon pls? Not CNBlue Jonghyun but SHINee jonghyun :)
takochan21 #2
Chapter 21: Hi...I'm totally new to this fanfic. I finished reading within a day. I love the ending... JongYoon. They are really meant to be...
pop-bh #3
Chapter 21: <3 great story!! I love Minyoon <3 Jongyoon is sweet~~
Chapter 21: Jongyoon couple ending! Honestly, i am struggling to be able to accept that,.. Keke
though minyoon isn't the end, but thankfully, you put minyoon end scene which means minyoon moment is everlasting as best friend. It's more enough to deliver my happiness.

~thank you so much, authornim! You have done a great work =)

Now, i am waiting for subtitute husband, we got married, and of course YOUR NEW FANFIC OF MINYOON *wink*
Chapter 21: I'm crying tears of joy right now TT.TT This ending was just asdkaajsdhka *BAWLING* While reading this fanfic I got caught up with the JongYoon and then I realize how it started with MinYoon and those feelings returned and I felt so nostalgic. They were the two main characters and it ended just like it started and I truly admired how it almost emphasizes the fact that behind the force of love is friendship, and it's the friendship that manages to last.
CONGRATULATIONS <3 I know how much effort you put into writing and this story wasn't the easiest to handle especially with plot twists and whatnot. You did a great job and I hope to see you other stories finished. Also let's do well on your new story <3
Thank you for updating even though it's not the easiest thing to do. I'm so grateful you never gave up :D It's bittersweet seeing such a sweet story end, but knowing that you'll be writing more gives me a feeling of assurance because I'm sure each and every work or yours will be better than the last and beautiful in it's own way. Sorry for this ridiculously long and cheesy comment but I do hope you feel my support ahaha <3 HWAITING WOOT WOOT \o/
Chapter 21: I want to say that I've really loved your story the whole time, even though I haven't commented on it until now. Your writing is AMAZING and you make me see a whole new side to the characters from how they are shown in many other fanfics! A lot of readers complain to authors about how often they update, but I think that even taking a "long time" (by their standards) is okay because your story is so worthwhile. I'm kind of sad it ended, but all good things have to come to an end. <3
Chapter 20: I read your note, do u make a new minyoon fanfic? What's the title? Is it The Tale of The City???
Chapter 20: Minho, are you okay? Don't be sad! Be strong :)
author-nim, i keep anticipating for minyoon , keke *stubborn, right?* =D

Please, i want an update! Waiting for it..