Mission Accomplished?

Love Can't Be Controlled...

After a while, our parents; Youngjae and Gongchan came home. For some reason, we noticed that our parents sad and kind of angry. Younjae and Gongchan signalled to follow them quietly. Kikwang joined me as I followed them into their room. 

"Why do they look so sad?" I asked Youngjae. 

"It's about your marriage...they're planning to cancel it." he said.

"WHAT!?WHY!?" I asked, trying to sound sad and surprised.

"At the shops, Kikwang hyung's mum said that hyung had many better marriage offers come to him but she only chose you because she felt sorry for us. Umma got really mad at her...and well you get the picture." Gongchan and Youngjae explained, taking turns. Kikwang told them to give us some privacy, so that we could talk. After they left, Kikwang and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! We must be the luckiest people in the world!" Kikwang said, laughing. We highfived each other, put on a sad face and went outside to see our parents.

"Look unnie, I'm sorry about what I said. I understand that you don't want Raesoo to marry Kikwang anymore but atleast still live with us." Imo was pleading with umma. 

"Ok, and it's because of me that Kikwang's marriage is ruined so I've decided that our whole family will help you find a suitable bride for him." Umma offered. They both smiled at each other and hugged. Kikwang and I walked up to them, pretending to know nothing. 

"Raesoo, I'm sorry but you're not going to be marrying Kikwang anymore. If you have someone you want to marry, bring him to me before next month." Umma ordered.

"Same goes for you, Kikwang." Imo told Kikwang. Gikwang and I followed their instructions and went back inside our room. 

"Congrats! You can marry Sandeul now!" Kikwang congratulated me. 

"Thnx but we still have to find you a girlfriend within the month our parents gave us." I told him.

"Hmmm...well it's getting late. Lets continue tomorrow...Goodnight!" he said. 

"Truee...good night!" I said. Saying that, I climbed the stairs to my bed. I got an idea. I texted Taemin, asking if he knew any cute girls. He texted me back something that said : 

                                                                                    "YEAH....YOU!! Mwahaha!"

OMG! He is so immature. I smacked my head with my hand, knowing that that was a bad idea. Taemin and I had been best friends since kindergarten. I texted Sandeul about my umma's decision. He texted back saying how happy he was and how much he loves me. I was happy today, really happy. Everything is going according to plan. The only thing bugging me was that Kikwang still needs someone. Hmmm...well I should get to sleep too. It's been about an hour and I still can't get to sleep. I get up to get some water when I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. I tiptoe to the door outside the kitchen and press my ear against it.

"You search over there, okay?" I heard a man's voice. After about 30 seconds of spying, I pressed my ear against the door a little harder. The door falls open loosely, making a noise loud enough for the intruders to hear. I tried to hide as quickly as I could but I was too slow. One of the three men pushes me against the wall. I try to scream but only a little peep comes out of me. I close my eyes and get ready for whatever's going to happen next. To my surprise, the grip on my neck loosens and I hear a loud thud on the floor. I open my eyes to see the man that came towards me on the floor and Kikwang stretching his wrist.

"Oppa!" I shout and run towards Kikwang.

"Are you okay, Raesoo?" He asks me.

"Yeah..what about you?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go call the police." He tells me. I follow his orders and by the time I come outside, the whole family made a circle around the three men. The police came quickly and took the men into custody. Kikwang asked again if I was oaky, told me not to worry anymore and went back to sleep.

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galbie #1
Chapter 2: Nice job author nim
Chapter 6: Hehe Kikwang & Yuri ~ xD
Snowyhappy #3
Chapter 5: Update soon
Snowyhappy #4
Yoona and youngjae pls.... update soon
i love it but is that girl getting married to kikwanng yuri i hope it is
hi it seems interesting, cant wait to read on. :) please update soon. By the way you may need a poster to improve the mood. Come by my shop anytime^^ this is the link http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/362923