Big Secrets Revealed!

Love Can't Be Controlled...

"I'm going to have to marry him, Tae!" I told my best friend.

"There's no rule that you have to, right?" He asked.

"Actually, there is. Our parents apparently decided we were going to marry each other before we were born! If we break that arrangement, it will be like breaking our parents' heart! So yeah, it is kind of a rule that we have to marry each other." I explained.

" you even know him very well?" Taemin asked.

"Of course! I kinda had to grow up with him after all." I told him.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, good luck with your new house!" Taemin left me standing in front of my house.

I went inside to see suitcases and bags, all packed and ready, in the living room.

"Umma!!" I called out.

My mum came out of her bedroom, carrying another bag.

"Aish! Look how late you are! Go to your room and bring your bags down. We shifted the moving date to today!" My mum informed me.

I hurried up to my room and picked up all my bags and boxes. I looked back at my room, my room that I'm never going to see again. I hurried downstairs and helped my mum pack all the things into the truck...

"Yay! You guys are here!" My aunty welcomed us in with a big smile.

"Ok! Unnie, you're sharing a room with me, Youngjae and Gongchan, you're sharing our guest room together and Raesoo, you're bunking with Gikwang." Aunty told us.

No no no...not Gikwang. I said ok to my aunty. She showed us our rooms we were going to stay in and left us some time to settle in. I knocked on the door of my room and heard Gikwang opening it.

"Oh! Hi!" He ushered me inside with a smile.

He made me sit down on my bed and said "Ok, first things first. Raesoo, I know we're supposed to get married in like two months and I just want to say that, I don't want things to get awkward between us." Saying that, he showed me my little bunk and left me alone to unpack everything. So, Kikwang is actually okay with getting married to me? But how can he be? I thought by now, he'd have a girlfriend or something. Hmmmm...I finished unpacking and went into the living room. Kikwang, Youngjae and Gongchan were playing videogames and Umma and Imo were getting ready to go shopping.

"Youngjae, Gongchan, you guys are coming with us. Your doctor's appointment is today!" Umma told them. They both put down their controllers, sighed and followed the ladies outside.

"Since everyone's out, what do you want to do?" Kikwang asked suddenly, noticing I was there.

I shrugged and said, "I dont know, what about you?".

He thought for a while and said, " about I make some noodles and we can just talk? Almost like a little picnic, I guess." I nodded.

"Uhh..okay. That sounds good." I said to him.

He smiled and told me to wait in our room. I went inside and sat on his bed. How could he just be okay with us getting married? He must have some plan or something, otherwise he wouldn't be this cool getting married to me! I wonder what's going on? I text Taemin about all my thoughts. He replies back, telling me to just wait and see if anything's weird or wrong. That's not very helpful, is it? I waited in silence for a few more minutes, thinking about everything. Kikwang came in, holding two steaming bowls of noodles.

"Oppa, can I ask you something?" I said as he sat down.

"Sure, go ahead!" he replied. "Are you really okay with us getting married because I'm not exactly comfortable with it." I confessed to him.

"OH! Thank Goodness! I thought you were never going to say that! To be honest, I'm not very comfortable marrying you, either. Actually, I have a girlfriend. I just didn't tell my umma because she would feel sad that I like someone else and not you..." Kikwang explained.

"Really? I have a boyfriend and I haven't told anyone either because of the same reason!" I told him, smiling this time.

"Then what should we do about this wedding?" He asked, looking a bit sad. I shrugged because I didn't know what to do either. Suddenly, the happy mood went down. I tried to get it back.

"Anyways, what's your boyfriend's name?" Gikwang asked, reading my mind.

"Sandeul, what's your girlfriend's name?" I asked him.

"Yoona...but the thing is, I'm only going out with her because I didn't want to hurt her feelings." He said. Huh? I'm not too surprised that Kikwang oppa is only going out with her so he doesn't hurt her feelings. He never liked all the relationship stuff but he only goes out with people if they're really desperate for him. He lets them because he is one of the nicest people on earth! :)

"Hmmm...I know! I'll find you someone who you can go out with! Only if you like her, ofcourse!" I suggested.

"Haha! Thanks, Raesoo." he laughed. We both finished our noodles at the same time and went outside to put the bowls away.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked him, feeling much happier than I did at the start of the day.

"Uhhh...I have some homework to do so I guess, you can do whatever you want." Kikwang said. I said okay, as he went inside his study room. I walked around the house, checking everything out, when I heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" I shouted to Kikwang. I opened the door to see a teddy bear in front of my face. I moved the teddy bear aside to see Sandeul's smiling face. He gave me a military salute. I smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Is the bear for me?" I asked, stupidly. Sandeul nodded and gave me the bear. I gave the bear a big hug too and told Sandeul to come inside.

"Oppa! Sandeul's here. You said you wanted to meet him, nae?" I called out to Kikwang. He came outside and greeted Sandeul. They both talked for a while after introducing themselves.

"Raesoo, I have some more work to do, so I'll just leave you with Sandeul." Kikwang told me. I said ok and smiled at him. He seems to like Sandeul. That's a good sign.

"Jagiya, Kikwang's really nice. If I were to lose you to someone, it would be him because I know he'll take care of you." Sandeul said with a sad face, after Kikwang left.

"Aiyyaaa! Don't say things like that! We still have a chance, oppa! Have hope!" I said to him. He smiled, leaned in closer and kissed my cheek.

"Anyways, when are you going to give me my real kiss?" he asked, innocently.

"When the time is right!" I said, smiling. He pouted and started tickling me suddenly. I fell on the couch, laughing so hard that tears came out of my eyes.

"Oppa! Stop! *Laugh* I can't breathe!" I cried, laughing. Sandeul stopped and sat next to me, laughing.

"Haha! Jagiya, you're so weak!" he said. We both sat there, talking, for a few minutes when Sandeul got up. 

"Ask Gikwang if you and him can come with me to get some bubble tea." He said, stretching. I said ok and went inside the study room.

"Oppa, do you want to come with me and Sandeul to get some bubble tea?" I disturbed him.

"Hmm...okay! I'm finished anyways." Kikwang said, getting up and closing his books. We both went outside and joined Sandeul, who was already out the door. We reached the cafe in about 5 minutes, since it was pretty close to Kikwang's house.

"Kikwang oppa!" a girl's voice called out. Gikwang turned aroundto get hugged by a tall, pretty girl.

"Yoona! What are you doing here?" Kikwang asked her.

"I just came with my friends to get something to eat." Yoona told him. I introduced myself and Sandeul, saying that we were friends of Kikwang. Yoona smiled and introduced herself. She had a really cute smile, perfect black hair and eyes that were shining. I admit it. I am a little jealous of her.

"Oppa, I have to go now. Bye! I love you!" Yoona said, giving Gikwang a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye! Love you too.." Kikwang said half-heartedly, giving Yoona a hug.

"She's really pretty ,oppa, and she seems to like you a lot." I said to Kikwang.

"I know and that's going to be a problem when I tell her, I want to break up with her." Kikwang replied. We bought something to drink and went back home. When we reached home, Sandeul left, saying that he had to pick up his sister from school.

Kikwang and I drank our drinks quietly, watching whatever was on the television.


                                                                                                                   = Chapter END! =


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galbie #1
Chapter 2: Nice job author nim
Chapter 6: Hehe Kikwang & Yuri ~ xD
Snowyhappy #3
Chapter 5: Update soon
Snowyhappy #4
Yoona and youngjae pls.... update soon
i love it but is that girl getting married to kikwanng yuri i hope it is
hi it seems interesting, cant wait to read on. :) please update soon. By the way you may need a poster to improve the mood. Come by my shop anytime^^ this is the link