The Kid Yuri

When She Was Her

Seunghyun didn't waste anytime. As soon as they arrived he took Yuri out so that he can teach her how to skate. It's winter already, snow is everywhere. Yuri needs to fake it since she already knows how to skate. Yes, she is afraid of water but she take advantage of them when they're frozen. She need to act a little frail as her sister is really lame at sports. 

"Yoong~!" Seunghyun called her. She look up and skated toward him, she faked it of course.

"You're doing good," Seunghyun praised her. "Better than I expected, I thought it would take us the whole weekend to teach you!"

"How dare you... I am a fast-learner. I always topped our class!" Yuri said.

"Not with these stuffs though," Seunghyun said then gave her a wide grin. Yuri stared at him but not the way she did the first time she saw Seunghyun smiled at her. She got used to it that she just stare because the guy look so handsome when he smile. "Let's take a break." They then ate lunch together, just the two of them. 

"When will the construction be finished?" Yuri asked Seunghyun refering to the construction of the hotel in Hong Kong. She is sure that Yoona do not ask about business stuffs from him but she is just curious.

"Hopefully, early next year if everything go as planned." Seunghyun replied.

"Ahh.. So you wouldn't have time for me until early next year." Yuri said without looking at Seunghyun, concentrating on her food. Seunghyun did nothing but look at her. "What will you do if I fell sick?" Yuri continued.

"Of course, I'll immediately come home to take care of you," Seunghyun said.

"You didn't even come home when I fainted in a photoshoot," Yuri complained.

"Ahh.. But I sent Siwon to take care of you. I know he won't fail me," Seunghyun tried to reason out.

"But that's Siwon.. It would mean more if I woke up and you're by my side. But you weren't there." Yuri pointed out.

"Yoona ah.." Seunghyun started. "I know you know how many people are counting on me.. if I fail.. many will lose their jobs.. hundreds of our employee with be hungry and to think they also have their families to feed.."

"I know," Yuri said with a smile. "It's not that I am complaining.. but what if I fell sick and you weren't there? I just had a this thought.. I just thought that that would be hard but  I know how hard this is for you as well.. Mianhae."

"Aniyo. You don't have to be sorry. It's me who doesn't have time for you." Seunghyun said. "It's funny how I complained about you not having any time for me before.. and now I am doing the same to you after you making it up on me. I should be the one who is sorry."

"Let's just eat, alright?" Yuri told him.


Siwon was reading a book that night on the kitchen table. He loves reading in the kitchen, everything he needs is there: chair, table, food and silence. Although he is already a doctor, he still read to improve his knowledge. He is so engrossed in reading that he didn't even looked up when he heard footsteps coming into the room. The person who owns those steps went into the fridge to get something. That person stood there for about 5 minutes then approached him. "Yah.. Siwon-ssi." It's Yuri.

"What do you want?" Siwon said without looking at her.

"Please open this bottle for me?" Yuri told her. He looked up and saw that it is a bottle of soju.

"I will not." Siwon replied then went back to his book.

"Wae?!" Yuri yelled. "I am just asking you to open this for me.. aishii.. 

"Yoona called last week and told me not to give you any alcoholic beverages." Siwon said without looking at her still. "She said that you have a very low alcohol tolerance that one sip can make you drunk."

"Aishii!" Yuri yelled. "Just tonight! Just one bottle tonight and I'll be fine."

"Stop yelling, don't you know what time it is?" Siwon told her. He look at Yuri. "And why do you look like you are about to burst into tears?" He then inquired. "Did you and my brother had a fight?"

"Aniyo." Yuri said weakly. "But we almost did it."

"Did what?" Siwon asked again.

"IT!" Yuri yelled. "We almost did IT!"

"Will you stop yelling? I can hear perfectly, okay?" Siwon told her. "What do you mean by it?" He asked but Yuri didn't answer. "What is IT?" It crossed his mind, the thing that husband and wife do. "Ahh... It." He then tried to stop himself from laughing. Yuri got irritated then hit him on his shoulders. "Aww! Yah!" Siwon complained.

"What is so funny?" Yuri yelled again. "I have never done IT! Not with anyone and who would want to do it first with her sister's husband!"

"Stop yelling already, will you?" Siwon warned her. "Someone might hear." 

"Then stop laughing as well." Yuri said then punched Siwon's shoulders again. He laughed still.

"You are such a kid." Siwon commented. "Some people would get embarassed telling a man that she's but here you are, shouting it at my face."

"Aishiii!" Yuri wet red and went hitting Siwon shoulders so many times that he had to grab her by her wrists just to stop her.

"Yah.. Stop okay?" Siwon said playfully. "I'll stop laughing.." Yuri didn't say anything. She just looked so bothered.

"It's your sister's fault for sending her sister here." Siwon said.

"Do you want me to kill you now?" Yuri told Siwon. He just smiled, which made her stop and stare again.

"Don't kill me, I still have a daughter to feed." Siwon said. Yuri just stared at him, so he just continued talking, "What do you want me to do now?"

"You.. Y-you.. should comfort me..not tease me like this." Yuri said. Siwon continued to smile then put his hand over Yuri head and began patting her as if she's a kid.

"Yuri ah.." Siwon started. "A man would always know if you ready for it or not.. He won't force you because he respects you. My brother who thought that you are his wife didn't force you do to it because he knows you are not ready yet. You, therefore little kid Yuri, is respected by my brother quite a lot." He said still patting Yuri's head and flashing his wonderful smile on her. "You should just sit beside me and stop whining, araso?" Usually, Yuri would smacked anyone who would try to pat her head but somehow she finds it comforting tonight, maybe because she's so upset or maybe because it's Siwon who's doing it. She's clueless.

"Ne." Yuri said then quietly sat on the chair beside Siwon's. "What do you expect me to do now?" She said asking the exact question that Siwon have asked her a while ago.

"I expect that you'll be yourself," Siwon said looking down on his book to read. "Be Yuri and stop being Yoona for now, it must be hard for you to act like her the whole day." That made Yuri smile.

"Kamsahamnida!" Yuri exclaimed then reached out on Siwon to pinch his cheeks.

"Aww!!!! Yuri!" Siwon yelled.

"Stop yelling, don't you know what time it is already?" Yuri said grinning, still pinching Siwon's face.

"Yuri.. stop!" Siwon complained.

"Go-ma-wo-yo Choi-Si-Won-ssi!" Yuri said then she noticed someone standing in the kitchen door. "Ahh.. OPPA!" Siwon then looked at the the direction where Yuri is looking. Both of them were very surprised, they didn't hear anyone coming.

Standing in the doorway was Park Koon with Sooyeon in his arms.


Park Koon, one of the trusted family drivers of the Choi Family, have overheard that Siwon and Yuri's conversation in the kitchen. He saw Sooyeon that night looking for his father so he decided to help her. They saw that the kitchen lights are on, he figure out the his master must be there. He then heard Siwon talking to Yoona, but his master is refering to her with a different name. "See, they're here." Park Koon told the little girl Sooyeon. He entered the room and saw his master, Siwon, and his sister-in-law, Yoona. 


"Ne." Yoona (Yuri) said. "What do you expect me to do now?"

"I expect that you'll be yourself. Be Yuri and stop being Yoona for now, it must be hard for you to act like her the whole day."  Siwon replied.

"Kamsahamnida!" Yoona (Yuri) said.

"Aww.. Yuri!" Siwon yelled.

"Stop yelling, don't you know what time it is already?" Yoona (Yuri) said.

"Yuri.. stop!" Siwon complained.

"Go-ma-wo-yo Choi-Si-Won-ssi!" Yoona (Yuri) said. "Ahh.. OPPA!!!?"


Yuri saw him. She quickly withdrew her hands which were pinching Siwon's cheeks. Confusion filled Sooyeon and Park Koon's face.


"Appa.. why are you calling Yoona unnie "Yuri"?" Sooyeon asked. Park Koon didn't dare to ask anything. 

"Yuri.. I'll explain everything to Park Koon and Sooyeon." Siwon told Yuri. "Go back to your room."

"Huh?!" Yuri exclaimed. "You know that I can't!" She then gave him you-know-Seunghyun-is-there look.

"Aishii.. Go to the living room or to the piano room then." Siwon said. "I'll go there or call you up later."

"Let me just stay here." Yuri suggested. Siwon gave her a what-did-I-tell-you look. "Okay.. Okay.. I'm going." She then left Siwon with Park Koon and Sooyeon, who both gave her a questioning look.


Seunghyun woke up early, he noticed that his wife is not around. He checked his phone and saw messages from his assistant that his presence is needed in their main hotel in Seoul. We just got here, he thought. He stood up washed his face and look for his brother. He found him in the kitchen with a big book in front of him. "Siwon."

"Oh. Hyung, good morning." Siwon greeted his brother. 

"Have you seen Yoona? She's not answering her phone." Seunghyun said. 

"Aniyo." Siwon replied. He then wondered where his sister-in-law is. "You can asked the guards or the maids, they might have seen her." Park Koon entered the room.

"Oh. Good Morning, Master Seunghyun, Siwon." Park Koon greeted them.

"Good timing." Siwon said. "Have you seen Yoona?"

"She went to town this morning," Park Koon informed them. "She said she is going to cook dinner for you Master Seunghyun tonight so she went out to buy the ingredients."

 "What?" Seunghyun asked. He scratch his head. "She didn't have to do that. It make me feel more guilty."

"Guilty?" Siwon asked. "Wae hyungnim?"

"I need to go back to Seoul today." Seunghyun said. "I'll leave first, take care of her.. alright? "

"Shouldn't you wait for her first?" Siwon asked. He wondered why on earth did Yuri want to make dinner for Seunghyun.

"Mianhae.." Seunghyun said. "I need to attend a meeting, the investors from Japan and Taiwan came yesterday. I need to be there personally to assist them. I'll go now." Seunghyun went out and prepare to leave for Seoul.

"Park Koon," Siwon called the driver. "What did she told you exactly?"

"AHhh.." Park Koon started. "Yuri ssi told me that her sister Yoona called her and asked her to buy some lobster in town, she told her that it's the master favorite and asked her to cook it for him.. and to do it as a favor." 

"Is she crazy?" Siwon said. "Her sister is allergic to seafoods! What if Seunghyun asked her to eat it with him?"

"Yuri-ssi is allergic to seafoods?" Park Koon asked.

"Ne." Siwon said. "Don't call her by her real name, someone might hear us." Siwon continued reading. It has been 4 hours since his brother left. He's waiting for a very loud girl to come home but there's still no sign of her in the house. Park Koon suddenly appeared in the kitchen table again. "Wae?" Siwon asked him.

"There is a snow storm!" Park Koon informed him. "Yuri-ssi isn't home yet! The storm is expected to last until this evening, she might be on her way back and has been stranded!"

"W-what?!!" Siwon stood up. "I didn't hear anything about a snowstorm! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"Mianhaeyo, master." Park Koon said, looking worried about Yuri still.

"I am going after her." Siwon said. "Take care of my kid. Keep her warm and tell her not to worry, okay?"

"It is dangerous, Master!" Park Koon exclaimed.

"That's why I needed to go, Yuri isn't familiar with anything yet here in Korea! She might be trembling in fear now." Siwon said. "Or not really trembling... just... just a little afraid." Siwon corrected himself thinking how peculiar Yuri is and how fearless she is.

"I'm sorry?" Park Koon inquired.

"Nothing, just take care of Sooyeon." Siwon replied. "I'm counting on you."

"Araso." Park Koon replied.

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Chapter 22: Sweet yulwon moment hehe...Wauu its end already..i hope u can write another stories^^
Vivay_ #2
Chapter 22: Sulli kidnap yunho?! Omg s&m
ChoiAnna #3
Chapter 19: Siwon and yuri was in love. Very nice.
I hope they are together.

Yulwon jjang^^
Realmz #4
Chapter 16: Wheee!!!

Siwon is Jealous... and I think Yuri is trying to say I'm sorry to siwon! Wahahaha!!!

Things that you would do for your family... Phew...

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 13: Yul u r so damnnn cute hehe~
glowglows #6
i like your story author shi....please update soon =))
vanilla-ssi #7
Chapter 11: kamsahamnida! please bear with me as this is my first time to write stories.. :) I'll try to be good :)
lover91 #8
i really love Yuri character....
make me smile... :}
Chapter 11: yuri is soo cute...i like her character^^