Choi Brothers

When She Was Her

Siwon led Yuri into the parking lot. A lot of things are rushing through his brain. He doesn't know if he is doing the right thing. He doesn't want to mingle in his brother's marriage. He doesn't want to do anything with Kwon Yoona but he think that he is getting entangled with this new girl who is following him around. As they walk toward his car, Yuri offers her hand to him. He gave her a questioning look.

"I'm Kwon Yuri." Yuri said and offers her hand to Siwon again for a handshake.

"How many times do you have to say your name?" Siwon asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We haven't introduced ourselves to each other yet.. oh. well.. you haven't." Yuri said giving Siwon a wide grin.

"Just get in, alright?" Siwon said. Yuri pouted then quietly obeyed. He sighed and then got in the car as well. He hasn't started the engine yet when Yuri blurted something out again. 

"I'm Kwon Yuri!" Yuri exclaimed. "Brother-in-law-ssi, nice to meet you!"

"I have heard your name for atleast 4 times today already. That's enough for today." Siwon hissed. "Please, shut up."

"You told me you don't know me so I'm just trying to I am just trying to introduced myself to you." Yuri pouted. Siwon rolled his eyes. "If you don't want me here you should have asked Park Koon oppa to fetch me."

"I have asked him to fetch Sooyeon." Siwon replied.

"That's better! I should have gone with him to fetch the little baby!" Yuri complained.

"Aniyo. I told you, you will not go to her school without my permission." Siwon snapped, Yuri pouted.

"Then you should just then get to know me and me should get to know you." Yuri said.

"You already know me, why do we have to do that? Do you have to take things so literally?" He asked while fastening his seatbelt. "Your seatbelt. Fasten your seatbelt. And stop doing that pouting thing."

"Wae?" Yuri asked still pouting. "Aisshi... You only knew Yoona. You should be eager to get to know me, we are in-laws after all." 

"Ara... Ara.." Siwon said raising his hand in the air like he is giving up. "Why are you calling her Yoona? Isn't she older than you? Respect is very important in here."

"I'm older." Yuri replied. Siwon gave her a confused look. He doesn't know why he feels that he is going crazy around this girl. "I am 5 minutes older that her. Hehehe!" Yuri said cheerily.

"Didn't you call her "eonni" a while a go in my office?" Siwon asked.

"Yep. But I'm older." Yuri said while starting to fasten her seatbelt. "She always act like she is older and wiser than I am so I used to call her "eonni" to mock her.. but I got really used to it that even I forgot that I am really older than her."

Siwon closed his eyes and sighed. Why is she like that? Why is she so... weird? He started the engine and drove away. He then thought that it really would best to get to know his other sister-in-law. "So.." He started. "What does your mother do for a living?"

"She is an interior designer." Yuri responded.

"Oh." Siwon said. Not bad. "And how many are you in the family?"

"We're 4." Yuri replied. "Yunho oppa, Yoona and I, and our youngest Yukwon." 

"Your father?" 

"He died when Yoona and I were 10." Yuri said. "Don't ask me what happen, I do not remember."

"Okay. But.. why not?" Siwon still asked.

"I.. I.. I just don't." Yuri tried to reason out but failed. 

"Why not?" Siwon asked again.  Why can't she tell me?

"It's an accident that.. I mean where.." Yuri tried to think of words to say. "It is a very traumatic event for me that.. that the doctors said that I am doing repression as a defense mechanism that's why I cannot really tell.. I mean.. ahh.. you should know.. you are a doctor anyways."

"Ah." Siwon said. That must be hard on her.  He then thought of other things that he can ask her. "What course did you take in college?"

"Theater Arts." Yuri said, grinning again. "I am actually a theater actress."

"Oh. You are? That's quiet fitting since you need to act like your sister here." Siwon said. "How is your relationship with Yoona?"

"She's my other half." Yuri quickly responded. "We complete each other. She's the smart one. The obedient daughter. Pure and innocent as other often says. While me.. I mean as I see it.. I am the more sporty type. The rebellious one as my mother would always point out. While Yoona take things seriously, I take them for granted. Hahahaha! I just want to have fun you see. The happy-go-lucky me." She pauses and seems like thinking of something. "She acts older as I have said, they say I am immature. To tell you honestly, she can do things more freely that I can.. I am hydrophobic, I am really scared of huge bodies of water, and I also suffer from mild claustrophobia. I am allergic to seafoods too. Too bad, right? I can only spread doom here on land. Hahahaha!"

"Yeah. Too bad." Siwon said smirking. She's crazy.. and weird. 

"But she is allergic to strawberries and is asthmatic." Yuri pointed out. 

"Okay." Siwon said. "What does your older brother do for a living?"

"He arranges music." Yuri said. "I don't know what you call his job though, that is the only thing I know. But he is one cool guy. He is a very supportive brother."

"And the youngest?"

"He's still in high school. Impulsive but sweet and caring at the same time." Yuri said. "Now you somehow know our family. I am telling you we do not need your money. So don't start with money matters with me."

"That I am not still sure." Siwon said. Yuri gave him a pout again. "Are you happy now?"

"Whut?" Yuri asked. Confused.

"I have tried to get to know you." Siwon said. "Happy?"

"Well.. yeah." Yuri said, grinning. "Kwon Yuri 101."

"Here we go with her name again." Siwon sighed.

Yuri, still being Yoona, went to Jeju together with her manager to have another photoshoot. She have such a hectic schedule that she haven't gone home for 2 weeks. She still receives numerous calls from his brother-in-law-but-husband-for-now Seunghyun. When is he ever going home? It feels like I'm married to Siwon ssi or to Park Koon oppa all these time.. Does he have any intention of going home? Ahhh... I want to go home as well.. That damn Siwon won't let me tour Korea, I can't do anything without his approval! Kyaaah! Her phone suddenly rings. It's Seunghyun, informing her that he is going to be home for the weekends. Is that all that he can offer? How did he court Yoona when he can't even be home every night.

"Eonni!" Sooyeon exclaimed as she tried to wake Yuri up. She have just arrived in Seoul other night but exhaustion has kept her on bed.

"Sooyeon ah" Yuri said then yawn. "Good Morning, what are you doing in here?"

"Appa and I are going to stay here for a while since Uncle Seunghyun will be home." Sooyeon replied. "Let's play!"

"You are going to stay here?" 

"Ye, eonni!" Sooyeon responded enthusiastically. "Home has been very lonely since I am usually alone, it is nice to be here so I can play with you!" The door of her room flew open and there emerges Siwon.

"Wake up, sleepy-head," Siwon said. "You have been in bed since yesterday, I heard."

"Appa!" Sooyeon exclaimed and run to his father. "You're home! I thought you'll be busy again!"

"I took some day off, baby." Siwon replied and smiled to his daughter. Yuri stared. She hasn't seen Siwon smiled like that to her. He suddenly looks so handsome to her. 


"And what are you staring at?" Siwon then asked when he saw Yuri looking at him. 

"Huh?Yuri said. What am I doing staring at him like that? Arrggh! "Staring? Am I?"

"It's rude to stare." Siwon said. "You should start packing up, I think we'll be leaving this afternoon."

"Wae??? Where are we going? I thought Seunghyun is coming home?? Why are you asking me to pack up?" Yuri asked.

"One question at a time, will you?" Siwon said. "Didn't hyungnim told that we are going somewhere?"

"Nope." Yuri said shaking her head.

"That's bull. Hyung probably wanted to surprise and I blew it, pretend that I didn't tell you anything, ara?"

"Ara, but are we really going somewhere?" She asked again. 

"Yeah! We are going to grandpa and grandma!" Sooyeon exclaimed then hugged Yuri. Yuri gave Siwon a questioning look. 

"We are going to my late wife's town in Busan." Siwon said. "We always go to there for vacation, he brought your sister there too before."

"Yah.. Siwon.. Sooyeon is here.." Yuri pointed out. Although she loves Sooyeon, she still cannot risk being known.

"It's hard for me to keep secrets from my little girl." Siwon said then bent down and carried Sooyeon in his arms. He smiled at his daughter again. "And she loves to play with you more than she wants to play with your sister, maybe she can feel your differences."

Yuri did nothing but stare. Can I make him smile like that? she then thought.

"Yah!! Kwon! Stop staring and wake up, okay?" Siwon told her. "I think you are still daydreaming. Hyungnim will be here soon."

As soon as Seunghyun arrived, they traveled to Busan right away. Yuri sat beside Seunghyun the whole time although the man slept the whole ride. Siwon is sitting with Sooyeon who won't stop telling her father dozens of stories, it is as if they haven't seen each other for a long time. Siwon was just smiling to his daughter the whole time which made Yuri stare at him again. What is with his smile? it is always making me stop and stare. I want to make him smile like that to me as well.. Arrggh! What am I thinking?!?!?

"Yeobo," Seunghyun said upon waking up. "I promise that I'll be your servant the whole vacation, I want to make up for all those crazy cold months that I have left you alone at home."

"Just as long as you are here, I am happy," Yuri replied. She is on her Yoona mode again. Her reply made Siwon roll his eyes.

"Gomawo." Seunghyun said then kissed Yuri's forehead.

"For what?" Yuri asked. 

"For understanding." Seunghyun said smiling. Yuri was taken aback with his smile. What's with these brothers? Why do their smiles make my heart skip a beat!?! Oh no.. not Seunghyun... He's married.. And with my sister too! "Wae?" Seunghyun asked her. "Is there something wrong yeobo?"

"Oh no. Everything is fine." Yuri said then gave him a wide smile, a smile that Yoona usually do.  "I have just missed your smile, it has been a long time since I have seen it."

"You'll be seeing me smiling the whole day since I'm with you." Seunghyun said giving her another peck on her forehead. "Ah. We're here!" Their car stopped and Seunghyun immediately went out. Yuri is going out as well when she saw Siwon looking at her. It's his "what-the-hell-is-that look."

"What?" Yuri asked defensively.

"I haven't said anything but you are guilty already." Siwon said. "Tsk! Tsk!" He then went out with his daughter.

It's because of you and your brother's smile! Why do you have to have those killer smiles! All these times I have thought I was a tomboy but your smile and your brother's smile made my heart flutter. Arrgh!  Yuri angrily thought. Yuri still confused angrily thought, Siwon has been very mean to me and Seunghyun didn't even have time for me, but one smile from them is enough to make me stop and stare. Stupid Choi brothers!

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Chapter 22: Sweet yulwon moment hehe...Wauu its end already..i hope u can write another stories^^
Vivay_ #2
Chapter 22: Sulli kidnap yunho?! Omg s&m
ChoiAnna #3
Chapter 19: Siwon and yuri was in love. Very nice.
I hope they are together.

Yulwon jjang^^
Realmz #4
Chapter 16: Wheee!!!

Siwon is Jealous... and I think Yuri is trying to say I'm sorry to siwon! Wahahaha!!!

Things that you would do for your family... Phew...

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 13: Yul u r so damnnn cute hehe~
glowglows #6
i like your story author shi....please update soon =))
vanilla-ssi #7
Chapter 11: kamsahamnida! please bear with me as this is my first time to write stories.. :) I'll try to be good :)
lover91 #8
i really love Yuri character....
make me smile... :}
Chapter 11: yuri is soo cute...i like her character^^