Chapter 12

Five Seconds

Seo Joohyun POV


I wake up and felt my body so limp. My head was spinning and and my stomach was queasy. Oh my God.. I had filming schedule today. Ottokhae? I took a deep breath then got up from my bed. As usual, i woke up with an empty space beside me. Yonghwa had left to his dorm. I hate this! I hate him! Why he always left me without telling me? Was it so hard to wake me up for only said good bye? And told me that he would be back soon? Was it so hard?

My body shuddered and unknowingly my tears melted on my cheek. I hugged myself and sobbed hard. Why i was so sad? Why i was crying? I didn’t know. The only thing i felt right know was  a huge lump on my heart. It hurt. Really hurt. Suddenly i felt so lonely without Yonghwa around me. I had promise myself to be strong, but now was too much. I just couldn’t handle this.

I took my phone from the table. There was one unread message. I tap the read button. That was message from Yonghwa.


I left for my schedule. Have a good rest, sweetie. I hope you get well soon.


 I read his message over and over again. Seeking a comfort through his message, but it failed. Was it only me or his message sounds so cold? I intent to call him but i stopped. Why now i hate the idea of calling him? I felt like i would snap in no time if i heard his voice. I started to sob again and cried harder. Oh God, why my tears didn’t want to stop? Why the more i think about him, the more i felt hurt? What happen to me?




Jung Yonghwa POV


I waited her to reply my message but it didn’t come until noon. How was she? Did she alright? I decided to call her but no one answer. Oh my God! This frighten me. Did she faint or something?

“Hyung!” Called Minhyuk.

“What?” I unconsciously raised my voice an it startled Minhyuk a bit.

“Hyung, gwenchanha?” Minhyuk frowned.

“Uh.. yes, i think.” But no. i wasn’t okay. I was so worried sick! I wanted to go to her shooting location but i had a photoshoot schedule now with the boys. Worse, today my schedule was full. After this photoshoot, i had a pre-record for music program. Gosh! This made me crazy!

“Well, at least smile, Hyung. I saw that the photographer not satisfied with your picture.” Minhyuk whispered to me.   

“Arraseo. Thanks for reminding me, Minhyuk-ah...” I comeback to the photoset and posed as well as i could. But my mind wasn’t actually there.




Finally the photoshoot schedule finished and now i was on the van. We were on the way to MBC to do pre-recording. I opened my phone but still no reply from Joohyun. I really tried to think positive that Joohyun busy with her filming so that she couldn’t hold her phone. I hope that thought made me better but apparently not.

My coordi noona did my make up. She talked non stop to me but nothing i could hear or understand. I just looked blankly on my phone. I dialed again Joohyun’s number but no one answered my call. God, please... protect her for whatever she did right now.


Seo Joohyun POV


I managed to come to filming location even if my body wasn’t well enough. My body still weak and my head was so heavy. The uneasyness on my stomach didn’t help at all. I never get sick as bad as this.

“Joohyun, are you okay?” Asked Minyoung Eonnie.

“No, Eonni. I am sick.” I said.

“Omo! Why you still come here? Better if you go home and have some rest. I’ll call Yonghwa-sii to pick you up, okay?”

“No!” I snapped, “It’s okay Eonni.... I think i still strong enough for do the filming.” It was enough. I didn’t want to make Yonghwa worry. Just pretend that i was okay and did the filming normally. Yonghwa shouldn’t know. I could through this by myself.

“But, Hyunnie...”

“I am sick but i can do this, Eonni... So please..” I talked to Minyoung Eonni with a finality on my each word.

Minyoung eonni just looked at me wordlessly. She knew how hard i was and she knew very well there was no use to argue since i wouldn’t listen.

I walked to the set and did my scene. Everything was alright. The PD didn’t complain my acting. It mean that i did good enough right? See? I could do this.

Scene after scene had passed and i did the best i could do. But a sudden nausea attacked me. I felt my body lose its balance and i fell on the floor. I begun to vomit but nothing came out from my mouth. My head was spinning and the last thing i saw was darkness.


Jung Yonghwa POV


I was on the middle of break. It took several times of pre-record to make it perfect. So far CNBLUE had the third pre-record and the PD wanted us to do the performance once again. while my coordi noona did the touch up i grabbed my phone but it just ended in dissapointment. There wasn’t any sign that Joohyun tried to contacted me. Was she that busy? But suddenly my phone rang! It was Joohyun! In no time i picked it up.

“Hello, Hyunnie! How are you? You know that i am so worry! Why you don’t reply my message?”

“Sorry, Yonghwa-ssi. This is Kang Minyoung.” Said someone in the other line. This wasn’t Joohyun. How come?

“Oh! Minyoung noona. How can you call me using Joohyun’s phone?”

“Yonghwa-ssi! This is important! Joohyun faint in filming location! Now she is in Emergency Room.”

“WHAT???” I felt my head become numb. Oh my God, it couldn’t be. I really wanted to go to Joohyun but i was still had my responsibility! I couldn’t leave the boys. “Noona! Please take care of her while i am not there. I am on my schedule and i will go there after this. Please, Noona.. take care of her for me.”

“I will, Yonghwa-ssi. But please be quick.”

“I try, Noona.. i try....”

After i hung up the phone, i felt so limp. I tried so hard to focuss. I had to finished this pre-record in one go. I didn’t know why this time i felt performing was a difficult task to do. My brain wasn’t work propely right now, that was why.....

My dongsaeng looked at me in a concern look. Jonghyun walked closer to me and patted my back. “What happen Hyung?”

“Hyunnie.. she faint and now she is in hospital.” I said in despair.

Jonghyun nodded at me, “We’ll do this well, hyung. So we can straightly go to hospital.” Then Jonghyun went to his position again. We get ready for our last pre-record. Hyunnie... wait fo me.




I ran as fast i could to Joohyun’s room. I left the boys behind me as i kept running and running. Actually my dongsaeng didn’t have to go with me to the hospital. I didn’t know how fans and mass would react if suddenly all the member of CNBLUE dashed to the hospital altogether. I said this was my problem and my dongsaneg could go home but they insisted to came along. They said that Joohyun was part of their family too because she was my fiance. I felt so touched towards my dongsaeng affection and i really grateful for that.

I stood in front of the closed door. I saw Joohyun laid there through a little mirror on the door. A doctor and some nurse was checking on her. I saw her conscious and it really made me glad. Her face was pale but she smiled at the doctor.

After a minute or two the doctor came out. I rushed to him to ask about Joohyun condition, “Doctor, how is she?”

“She’s just tired and need more rest beside she get stress nowaday. You must take care of her well and make sure she have a proper rest and a proper nutritious food.” Said the doctor.

“So it means nothing serious? I mean, she isn’t severe from strange disease or something?”

The Doctor chuckled at me, “No. She’s fine only need enough rest. You may take her home now.”

“Oh! Thank you, Doctor.” I bowed to the Doctor and came to Joohyun. She looked at me and smile. A longing smile as if she hadn’t seen me in a long time.

“Yonghwa-yah..” She spread her hand towards me.

I took her hand and placed it on my chest, “You know you scared me, Hyun-ah...”

“I am sorry..”

“You don’t have to...”

“The Doctor said that you can go home now. After this you must eat well and then sleep. Arraseo!”

“Arraseo, Yong~” She said playfully. I ruffled her hair in affection.

“Ehm..” Someone interupted us then three young guys entered the room.

“Anyeong, Joohyun-ah~ how are you?” Said Minhyuk as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Omo! You are all come. I am better, thank you.” Said Joohyun in glee.

“Of course we come! You are part of our family, after all.” Said Jungshin and Jonghyun nodded.

“Thanks...” She smiled genuinely at my dongsaeng.

“Well, go home shall we?” I asked them all.




After i finished all the administration and hospital fee. We were had our dinner. I insisted Joohyun to eat who strangely refused to eat. I bribed her dinner all along and persuaded her to eat more.

“Hyun-ah, aaaangg~~ come eat this. Doctor said that you should eat well.” I nudged her to open .

“But my stomach feel so queasy. I don’t think i can digest all of this.” She pouted like five year old kid.

“Won’t you listen to me? Angg~” I bribed a spoonfull of rice and meat to her and finally she ate that. “Good girl.” I brushed her oil-stained lips. As i took the meat again my eyes met my dongsaneg’s eyes who observed me amusingly. “What?” I asked them.

“Aniyo. You look so sweet. Never in my life see this side of you.” Said Jonghyun.

“Our almighty hyung can act this way. This is interesting.” Said Jungshin.

“Yah! What’s the strange of giving affection to your fiance?” I snapped at them. Felt a bit annoyed.

“Woo, chill hyung! We don’t hate it, though..” Said Minhyuk and shot me a playful eyesmile.

“Jinjja? Yonghwa never act like this?” Asked Joohyun amused.

“Noo! Of course not. I bet he only act like this only for you.” Said Jungshin.

Joohyun turned to look at me fondly. Her intensity made me blush and nervous, “W-wae?”

She shook her head, “Aniya. Bribe me that meat again, add some vegetable, ne?”

I smiled foolishly at her, “Arraseo..” And i could see my dongsaeng grinned amusingly. Ah, i didn’t care anymore. Let them see and felt envious towards me.




After the dinner my dongsaeng went home to CNBLUE’s dorm and i stayed in Joohyun’s apartment. I wanted to be with her. I felt so guilty when i knew she was sick. I felt that i didn’t take care of her good enough. I promised myself i would be a better man for her.

“Hyun-ah, drink this vitamin before you sleep.” I said then took the vitamin and a glass of water to her room.

Joohyun was wearing her pajamas. Her hands was on her ed pajamas. Her chest were exposed and i was become nervous. Damn it! Jung Yonghwa. Your fiance was sick right now! Why you already had a plan to ravished her right now? I shook my head and placed the vitamin and the water on the table.

“Ah, thanks, Yong.” She said.

“It’s nothing.” I said as i walked closer to her. I grabbed her hands and put it on her side. I took the edge of her pajamas and buttoned it up.

She smiled at me, “You really spoil me today.”

“And i’ll spoil you everyday from now on.” I said as i finished button her pajamas. Then i took comb and combed  her silky hair. She chuckled and stood silent after i finished comb her hair.

“Thanks.” She muttered.

“Now, drink your vitamin.”

She nodded then drank it all. Then she laid on the bed. “Oppa, come!” She said as she spread her hands to me.

I smiled then joined her in bed. I hugged her and she automatically hugged me back. She snuggled closer on my chest as i patted he shoulder slowly.

“Oppa..” She called me. I always loved when she called me Oppa. That was rare and that was special.

“Ne, Hyunnie..”

“I have something for you.”

“What is it?”

She got up from the bed and took something from the drawer. She handed me a white envelope. I took it and looked at her.

“What is this?” I said to her as i flipped the envelope in my hands.

“Just open it.” She smiled encouragingly.

I looked at her curiously before i opened the envelope. It was a paper and something like a long plastic stick. I turned the stick and found that it had a two red line on it. “Hyun, what does it me-....” Snap! A realization came to my brain. I looked at her in amazement.

She smiled and gave a nod to me. Her eyes was teary and she held my hands tight.

“Oh my God.. Joonhyun-ah~ Thank you! Thank you.... ” I brought her closer and i kissed her lovingly. She hugged me back and kiss as eager. I kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her cheek and lastly on her lips.

After one last long kiss. I grabbed my phone immediately and called my manager, “Hyung, cancel all my schedule this week. I am going to get married.”




Seo Joohyun POV


When Yonghwa said that he would marry me in one week he really mean that. For showbiz world we were anomaly. There wasn’t any idol or actress who got married in their twenties. It just us only us so far and i thought that was crazy. He just a rookie idol and i was a newly debut actress. And to make it more complicated, i was pregnant. How i would dealt it?

“I’m still want to be an actress, Yong.” I said while we were on the train to Busan. We would met Yonghwa’s parents, err no, only his mother. His father still won’t to meet him even though Yonghwa had debuted.

“Yes, of course.” Yonghwa answered. “Just promise me that you must take care of our baby and yourself well.”

“Thank you. I thought you will ask me to quit become an actress.”

“What? No. I don’t want this marriage stop your dream.” Yonghwa held my hands tight. “But with that condition! Arraseo!”

“I know, Yong. I will take care of my self and our little Yonghwa here.” I said as i rubbed my tummy. Yonghwa’s hand enveloped mine and both of us carresed our baby inside.

“Or little Joohyun.” He smiled, “I can’t believe you carry a life here. Oh my! For God sake this is our baby..”

“Yes, Oppa.”

We both just stayed silent while carressing my tummy. Yonghwa kept whispering his gratefulness towards me. Thanked for making him the happiest man in the world. Thanked for making him a father. Thanked for make a little Jung family become a reality. You must now, Yong, i was the one who really grateful of having you.




The trip in Busan just smooth. We told Yonghwa’s Eomma the date of our marriage and they blessed us with a wonderful prayer. Eomma promised us to bring Yonghwa’s Appa too. She said that secretly Yonghwa’s Appa opened Youtube channel to stream some CNBLUE’s performance. Well, he was Yonghwa’s father after all. Parent’s love never die.

And here was the time, the day before our marriage. I stood infront of the mirror with my wedding dress on. It was beautiful white dress with a long and huge fluffy skirt and a bedazzled top. Yonghwa who personally picked this dress. He really insisted me to wear this and stop choosing another dress.

“You are beautiful, Baby..” He whispered on my ears as he hugged me from behind. We both looked each other through the mirror.

Yonghwa kissed my bare shoulder as i watched him through the mirror. I saw how his lips swept my skin and how his tongue glided along my neck. The feel of him made me shivered, moreover i saw the detail of it through mirror. Well his kiss was something but watched it by my own eyes was another thing. This was somehow felt so y and more.

I escaped a moan shamlessly. Lucky that the shopkeeper left us alone in the dressing room. Maybe the shopkeeper know what would married couple-to-be did in this room while their fitting their dress.

I felt his hand started to the dress slowly. My was exposed on him. His head dissapeared behind my back to trailed a hot kisses on my back. I bit my lips as he lowered my dress and made it pooled on my waist. He leaned his head on my shoulder and our eyes met again through the mirror. I gasped as his hand cupped my mound and fondled it gently. The image was clearly seen and it made my head spin in desire. I leaned my body on him as i lifted my hands to reach his neck, made my chest exposed even more for him.

She turned my body then pinned me on the mirror. He kissed me hungrily, claimed my lips as his. Her tongue swept on my lower lip and bit it lightly. I tilted my head and made the kiss deeper and deeper. He circled his hands on my waist as i clung to his head and messed her hair.

We broke our kiss. As i panted hard and steadied my breath he trailed his hot mouth lower to my neck, and every spot he could.  Seems he never had any intention to make me rest a bit because he made me breathless again as he planted his mouth on the top of my mound. I grabbed her hair and pushed him further as he enjoyed to ravish me there. I panted even hard and i felt my body trembled with desire.

Knock! Knock!

“Excuse me have you done fitting the dress?”

We both gasped and stopped whateve we were doing. “Omo!” I gasped and pulled my dress on the right place again. Yonghwa frantically zipped it up and brushed my messy hair. Then he walked to the door and opened the dressing room door.

Yonghwa smiled at the shopkeeper as he let her entered the dressing room, “Yes, the dress is beautiful.” He said.

“Wah, yes it’s really beautiful.” As the shopkeeper looked at me, “Your fiance really have a good taste.”

“Ah, kamsahamnida..” I said.

“So fix then? I’ll prepare your dress. You may change now.” Said the shopkeeper and left us alone again in the dressing room. Yonghwa just stood there and didn’t leave.

“Yong, i’ll change. Mind to wait outside?” I asked.

“Why? You act that i never seen you before.” He shrugged.

“That’s not the case! Just get out!” I pushed him out of the room because if he stayed here, we both knew what would happen next and maybe we never got out from this dressing room for the next two hours.




The sun decided to shone brightly on our wedding day. I looked out of the window in the bride’s room. I never got how the destiny work. I never thought that Yonghwa was the one. I closed my eyes and felt my heartbeats. It beat so fast. Yes, i was happy. Very very happy.

“Joohyun-ah!!” Someone called me and when i turned my body there were my eonnis! Hyoyeon eonni, Sunny eonni and Yuri eonni!


“Oh! I can’t believe you get married before us!” Said Hyoyeon eonni as she hugged me. “Congratulation, dear.”


“I always think that you should be thankful for me.” Said Yuri eonni. True! If it wasn’t because her dare to kiss Yonghwa, i never met Yonghwa in the first place.

“Thank you so much, Eonni! I really owe you much for that.” I hugged Yuri Eonni.

“So three of us should be thanked! We are who dragged you to that night club and made that game!” Sunny Eonni chirped.

“Yes, Eonni! Neomu neomu gomawoyo!” I hugged three of them. “I can introduce you to Yonghwa’s badmates, how is it?”

“YES!!” My three eonnis screamed in glee.

“Joohyun-ah?” My mother appeared, “It’s time.”

“Omo! Ottokhae? I’m so nervous!” I gasped in panic.

“Calm down! Just count your step and make sure you don’t tripped by your own dress!” Said Hyoyeon Eonni.

“And don’t cry now! You ruin your make up!” Said Yuri eonni.

“Hurry!” Sunny Eonni pulled the veil and covered my face. “My baby, be happy! Arraseo?!”

I nodded and walked out from the room. My mother held my hand and lead me to the wedding hall. I stood in font of the huge wooden door. Oh my God! This became even real! My father had waited me and spread his hand.

“Ready, Joohyun?” He said.

I nodded and held his hand.

“Let’s go.” He opened the door and revealed the long path to the altar. In the end of the path, there... Yonghwa was waiting for me with his cheek bursting smile.

People on the hall stood and smiled in appreciation. My mother and my eonnies had took their seat among the crowd. I saw Yonghwa’s mother too. She smiled at me and nodded. And also there was a man beside her. Oh! Maybe he was Yonghwa’s father? Because his feature really similar with Yonghwa. I sighed and felt so blessed. Finally, in this happy day all of our family could come.

The flashed of camera was seen to catch every scene as i walked to the altar. No wonder there were paparazzi here. We were public figure after all. Beside, we were the first public figure couple who married this young. It was surely would become a topic.

My eyes was fixed on Yonghwa. We never lost eye contact as i walked closer to him. Finally i was really in front of him. My father released my hand and gave it to Yonghwa.

“Please take care of her well.” My father said to Yonghwa.

“I will, Abeonim!” Yonghwa said as he held my hand tight.

My father patted Yonghwa’s shoulder then he sat on the bench behind, left just two of us in the altar. We both stood and faced the altar and the priest.

“So, we gather here for the holy matrimony. Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun.” The priest announced. “This two good people who have a good intention to be together until the death do them apart. Let’s send their new life with a good prayer and give them bless.”

“Jung Yonghwa, Do you accept Seo Joohyun as your wife, in good and in bad, in sickness and in health. Will love he forever till death do apart?”

He looked at me and smiled, “Yes, I do.”

“And Seo Joohyun, Do you accept Jung Yonghwa as your husband, in good and in bad, in sickness and in health. Will love him till death do apart?”

I looked at him too and answered, “Yes, i do.”

“So, i announced Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun as a husband and wife.” Said the priest, “You may kiss the bride.”

Yonghwa turned to face me and lifted the veil which covered my face. She smiled at me and his eyes were glistened with tears. My eyes were already wet. This was a tears of happiness. I had through a lot with Yonghwa and i was sure we could through everything together from now on.

“I love you, Joohyun. I really do. And i’m so thankful to meet you.” He said. I just couldn’t utter any words and i just smiled at him with tears b on my eyes.

And he kiss me right on the lips. The sweetest kiss i’ve ever felt. I closed my eyes and unconsciously counted  in my head. One. Two. Three. For. Five. He broke the kiss and hugged me tight.

“Sarang Hae, Seo Joohyun.” He said.

Indeed, Five seconds which change everything.





Author's note :

Hi! this is meluvyuya!

wahh.. finally i can finish this! thank you for you who still read this story till the end :)

Next, i'll finish L.A i'm i love, still updating random oneshot and begin new chaptered fic.. kekeke.

thank you very much, goguma~~

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Chapter 12: love the 5 seconds tat turn into a lifetime ...
Chapter 12: Awwwwww. So cute. :")
Firacardosh #3
YS love in this story is so strong! They keep faith with each other & always stay by his/her side. Such a lovely story, Thank you Author-nim
pipipink #4
Chapter 12: I read again this story. I love the way they show love to each other. They way skinship they have, it fresh. And how destiny lead them together it sweet. I love story so much.
BinBinYong #5
Chapter 12: Authornim, your come from indonesia? Me too ^^
I'm very enjoy your story about yongseo, n all of your story about yongseo, i read already.
Please keep writing about our yongseo^^
Fighting authornim.
FarahW #6
Chapter 12: I read again and again all your story ang it never make me boring... Thanks 4 make my time happy with yongseo story.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #7
Chapter 12: DAEBAK wow I really love all your fics!! so different but so perfect <3 Kyaaaaaaa this yongseo version love the skinship a lot hahahahaha pyuntae!! thanks so much.
meXtaeng #8
I like this fanfic so much!!! keep it up authornim.
KassiixD #9
Chapter 12: Aww, I really liked this fic! It was very good. Unfortunately it had to end. Anyways I will be looking forward to reading "L.A I'm in Love"! I love that fanfic!:)
chana_lo #10
Epilogue please ^_^ thanks