Chapter 11

Five Seconds

Seo Joohyun POV


Time flew just like a bird. It had been almost one year i became FNC trainee. My path became an actrees getting real. I filmed several CFs and had a little appearance in several dramas. I was getting busier so did Yonghwa. There was a time when i felt really tired and need somebody to talk. I called Yonghwa but he didn’t answered. I threw my phone in anger and cried alone. I fell asleep and woke up tiredly in the morning. When i opened my room’s door, i saw him sat in my dining table with the breakfast ready. I was really surprised, because i never expected that Yonghwa would come to my apartment. He smiled at me and said, “Good morning, Sunshines.” And all of my sadness was swept away. He never failed to amaze me with his surprising affection.

I smiled at myself remembering those memories. I sighed and opened my door, ready to face another day in my life.




I stepped to FNC building and got ready for my acting class. Funny, me and Yonghwa worked in the same agency but we rarely met in FNC office. CNBLUE now busy promoted their album and i knew that Yonghwa wouldn’t be here.

“Anyeong haseyo!” I greeted the receptionist in the lobby.

“Anyeong haseyo, Joohyun-ssi!” She replied, “By the way, Yonghwa-ssi haven’t come yet.”

I just grinned at her. I always ask her whether she saw Yonghwa or not when i couldn’t contact Yonghwa. She had already remember me and my frequent question.

“Ah! Joohyun-ssi!” Suddenly someone called me. I turned my body and found that the one who called me was Han Sajangnim’s secretary.

“Ne?” I answered.

“Han Sajangnim wants to meet you now.” Said the secretary.

“Ne?” I was very surprised. Han Sajangnim never called me unless there was an important thing to talk.

“Han Sajangnim waits you in his office.”

“Ah, ok. Thanks.”

My heart went dugeun-dugeun as i walked to Han Sajangnim’s office. I just couldn’t guess what matter that he wanted to tell. When i finnaly in front the office’s door, i sighed before i knocked the door carefully.

“Come in.” Han sajangnim said.

“Anyeong haseyo...” I said.

“Joohyun-ssi.” He said, motioning to sat in the chair in front of him.

I walked closer and sat silently, anticipate every little thing he wanted to tell.

“This.” Han Sajangnim handed me a thick book.

“What is it, Sajangnim?” I asked him.

“This is drama script, you will join this drama as a supporting cast.” He said.

“Really? Thank you very much, Sajangnim!”

“The first reading is two days from now. I hope you learn a lot in this drama.”

“I will. Thank you!”

I left Han sajangmin office giddily. I held the script tight as if that was the most precious thing in my life. In the time like this, the first person that i want to call was Yonghwa. Yonghwa now always on my top list and it make me felt like a bad daughter for my parents. My parents be the second party who knew about my recent news now.

I dialed Yongwha’s number as i prayed that he wasn’t too busy. After a while, Yonghwa answered the phone. 

“Yeoboseyo, Hyun~?” He said affectionally.

“Yong~ what are you doing?” I asked.

“I am waiting for CNBLUE’s turn to perform.” He said.

“Pre-record in music program?”


“Yong, when you has finished your schedule, come to my apartment please?”

“Wae?” He chuckled, “Do you miss me that much?” He asked playfully.

“Hmm... i miss you but not that much..”


“Just kidding! I have something to tell you.”

“Hmm is it a good news or bad news?”

“Good news. I am waiting, Okay. See you....”

“See you, Babe..”




I am waiting anxiously in my apartment. Yonghwa said that CNBLUE will finished their schedule around 12 pm. I walked back and forth. I couldn’t wait to tell this news. I took a glance at the script on my table. I smiled giddily and took the script. I flipped open the page and read my line over and over again. This wasn’t a big role but i was very happy.

Suddenly the door clicked open. It must be Yonghwa! He was the only one who knew my apartment’s passcode.

“Hyun?” He called.

I ran to the door and welcome him, “Welcome, Yong~” I hooked my hand on his neck and pecked his lips.

He looked at me softly, “Hey, why my baby so excited tonight?”

“Jang!” I showed him my drama script.

He confused at the start then he looked closely, “You are casted in drama?”

“Yes, Yong! Yes!” I jumped and hugged him.

“Congratulation!” He hugged me too. He lifted my legs and carried me to the living room.

“But i am just supporting actress.” I said. As he sat on the couch and i straddled his lap.

“You will become the most shinning supporting actress.”

“Ya! Stop talk mushy things will you?” I slapped his shoulder.

“Can’t help it when i am with you.” He grinned playfully.

“Aigoo...” I rolled my eyes. How could i love this stupid man?

Suddenly i felt his hand roamed on my back under my shirt. I looked at him and raised my brow. He just smiled naughtyly at me before he kissed me fully in the lips. I was lost in his lips. I was so mesmerized as his lips moved on mine. Every kiss i shared with him was the best kiss ever. It was funny if i remember that i was the one who stole his first kiss. He was not that good at kissing at first but hell, now he could made my heart jumped upside down.

We broke our kiss and locked our gaze. We both panted hard and our face flushed in the shade of red. He lifted her hand to my lips and brushed it softly.

“Don’t you think we need to celebrate for your drama?” He smiled slyly as he play his finger on my thigh.

“I think so..” I whispered on his ear and bit it a little. In a swift mode he got up and carried me to the bedroom. This would be our private celebration.




I woke up and found an empty space beside me. Yong wasn’t there. He might be alredy left for his schedule early in the morning. I really hate this feeling. I missed the time when i saw his face right in front of me when i woke up in the morning. Well, i was being greedy again.

When i went to kitchen for breakfast, i was so surprise that a plate of pancakes and a cup of vanilla latte already served. Beside that there was a note from Yonghwa. It was written.


Already off for my schedule. Don’t forget to eat breakfast. I love you~


I smiled softly. How could i get a better man than him? He really took care of me well. Even he was busy, he never forget me. I grabbed my phone then texted him.


Thanks for the breakfast. Fighting for your schedule and i love you too.


The pancake was delicious and so did the latte. It reminded me the first time Yonghwa made me a cup of vanilla latte when he worked in the coffee shop. It was a long long time ago when i hadn’t know him yet... when i hadn’t love him yet. I never thought that he would be one of the most important person in my life.

Ah! Enough with this mellow feeling. Better i got ready for my practice. Just one day more, my life as an actress would officially begun.




“Cut! Enough for today.” Said the PD and the filming for today was officially ended. It was almost 3 am and everyone was obviously tired. All the staff got prepared to tidy up the set. I also packed my things and got ready to go home. I walked to the dressing room to see my coordi eonni, Minyoung Eonni, to go home together. 

“Eonni! Let’s go home!” I said. But Minyoung eonni just gave me a naughty smile. “Wae yo?”

“I’ll go home first!” Minyoung Eonni said.

“Eh? But why?” I asked confusedly.

“You are really arrogant, little girl!” She pinched my cheek playfully, “How come you brag your handsome boyfriend this way?”

“What do you mean, Eonni?” And i got the answer of Minyoung Eonni’s weird behaviour as i saw Yonghwa sitting in the dressing room busy fiddling with his phone. “Omo!” I gasped.

Minyoung Eonni smiled at me, “I’ll go home now. Bye!” She hugged me lightly then left.

“Yonghwa-yah!” I called him then she looked up at me.

“Hyun! You’ve done the filming?” He asked.

“What are you doing here?”

“Waiting for you.”

“But... aren’t you tired?”

“Nope. Kajja!” He took my hand and dragged me outside. I was just silent as we walked to the parking lot.

Yonghwa unlocked the car, which i was sure that the car was his manager’s car, then he opened the door for me. I got in to car then he hopped to the driver seat.

“Yong~ actually you don’t have to pick me up.” I said.

“It’s okay. It’s not everyday i can pick you up though..” He said as he started the engine.

“But you are already busy with your schedule and you need to rest too.” I said anxiously. Really, he didn’t have to do all of this.

“Just stop, okay? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Actually yes. I was so happy that he appeared all of sudden in my filming location to pick me up. he did really care for me.

“Hyun?” Yonghwa asked me, finding me quite towards his question.


“You haven’t answered my question.”

“Oh, yes.. yes of course i am happy. Totally happy! Very very happy! But....”

“No but, okay?” He cut my words. “as long as you happy, i am happy too...”




Time went so fast. It was my filming almost came to an ending episodes. These recent day i was a little bit unwell. Maybe i am just tired with  this filming. But when i looked at Yonghwa’s condition who had more schedule than me, he seemed perfectly fine. Maybe because i was a woman and he was a man? Man usually stronger physically than women.

I slumped myself at the nearest chair as the PD-nim announce the break time. My head even dizzier than before. I really wanted to call Yonghwa right now and whinned like a little child but i was afraid that he would be too worried about me. I was struck in a dillema.. but i really need to hear his voice right now. Finally, i dialed his number.

“Hyun?” He chirped on the phone.

“Yong, are you busy?”

“Not really, just doing some composing and stuffs in FNC, why?”

“Yong.. i am so dizzy..” I started to whinned. I felt like a five year old girl. “These recent day i am not really feel well.”

“You are sick? Wait, i’ll come there, okay?” As i predicted, Yonghwa would be too worried and panic.

“Aniya... i just need to hear your voice..” She paused, she wanted to spoke ‘besides you are doing your job too right now.’ and calmed him down by saying ‘I’m okay’. But my ego won, instead of said that i said, “Please.. come here..”




Jung Yonghwa POV


As i hung up the phone, i stormed out of FNC building. My Hyunnie was sick! How could i don’t know about that? I blame myself for not care enough about her. I admit that i was too engrossed in composing and making new song for CNBLUE’s upcoming mini album. It was all my fault! Pabo Jung Yonghwa.

Since i knew the location of her filming, i straightly went there by cab. I had no time to borrow  my manager’s car again. It would be long and i was afraid something bad happened to Joohyun while i wasn’t there. In twenty minutes i had already reached the filming location. I looked around frantically to find Joohyun. She was still doing her scene. Her face looked as if she wasn’t sick but her tired eyes couldn’t lie. She was indeed sick.

I waited until she done in the corner, tried to not disturb the staff. Some of the staff recognized me and let me waited there as they finished this scene. After the PD said cut, i straightly approached her.

“Oppa...” She smiled at me then hugged me. This sudden ‘Oppa’ showed that she was in the spoiled mood.

“Hyun-ah.. gwenchanha? Feels better? Have you eaten? Have you drunk medicine?” I questioned her non stop because, hell! I was so worried sick!

“I have eaten and already drunk the medicine that Minyoung Eonni buy.” She said as she snuggled to me closer. We were not planning to do PDA but people around us started to looked at us with a naughty smile and it made me uncomfortable.

“Let’s rest in your dressing room.” I suggested then she nodded weakly.

In the dressing room there was several staff but not really hectic. I thought Joohyun could rest for a bit. I guided her to the chair then i sat beside her. She instantly hugged me and laid her head on my shoulder. Looked at her like this made me so sad yet so happy because it showed me that she really need me. She showed all of her even in her bad condition.

“Oppa....” She called me again.

“Yes, Hyun. I’m here.” I her hair gently. I touched her forehead to know whether she had a fever or not. Apparently she had a normal temperature.

“Oppa... i want to go home...”

“Okay, let’s go home. Just wait for a minute, okay..” Joohyun whinned as i left her. But i had to meet the PD and asked whether Joohyun could go home or not. I asked Minyoung noona to packed her things before i meet the PD.

I had to use all my persuasion ability to convince the PD. Actually Joohyun still had several scene. With a lot of effort and a long negotiation, finally the PD allowed Joohyun to go home. I didn’t care how he managed the rest of the filming. What i care the most right now was Joohyun and only Joohyun.




Before we got home, i brought Joohyun to the nearest clinic. The doctor said that she was too tired and didn’t eat properly. The doctor just gave me some multivitamin and told me to make sure Joohyun eat on time with nutritious food.

“I’ll ask Minyoung Noona to take care of you since i can’t be with you all the time.” I said to her after we arrived in her apartment. “I am sorry, Hyun-ah..”

“It’s okay, Yong... You don’t have to be sorry...”

“But still... i felt like i am not taking care of you good enough...” I sais as i laid her on the bed.

“You have taken care of me very well...” She held my hands, “Yong...”


“Stay with me tonight....”

“Of course, Hyun-ah...”

After i fed her porridge as her dinner and made sure she drank her vitamin, i hugged her in my arm as i sang the song for her. She fell asleep in less then a minute. I hugged her tighter as i kissed her forehead.

“Good night and get well soon, My Hyunnie..”


To be continued~~


Author's Note :

Hi this is meluvyuya.

it's been a very long time i update this fic. maybe you are all already forget the story line.. kekeke.

i'll finish this. Next chap is the last chap and i already write the half of it so the update won't be long.

thank you very much and see you around~

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Chapter 12: love the 5 seconds tat turn into a lifetime ...
Chapter 12: Awwwwww. So cute. :")
Firacardosh #3
YS love in this story is so strong! They keep faith with each other & always stay by his/her side. Such a lovely story, Thank you Author-nim
pipipink #4
Chapter 12: I read again this story. I love the way they show love to each other. They way skinship they have, it fresh. And how destiny lead them together it sweet. I love story so much.
BinBinYong #5
Chapter 12: Authornim, your come from indonesia? Me too ^^
I'm very enjoy your story about yongseo, n all of your story about yongseo, i read already.
Please keep writing about our yongseo^^
Fighting authornim.
FarahW #6
Chapter 12: I read again and again all your story ang it never make me boring... Thanks 4 make my time happy with yongseo story.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #7
Chapter 12: DAEBAK wow I really love all your fics!! so different but so perfect <3 Kyaaaaaaa this yongseo version love the skinship a lot hahahahaha pyuntae!! thanks so much.
meXtaeng #8
I like this fanfic so much!!! keep it up authornim.
KassiixD #9
Chapter 12: Aww, I really liked this fic! It was very good. Unfortunately it had to end. Anyways I will be looking forward to reading "L.A I'm in Love"! I love that fanfic!:)
chana_lo #10
Epilogue please ^_^ thanks