Chapter 4

Our Yesterday

Chapter 4

            “Haaaaaa…….,”  Eun Hye yawned.  She rolled left and right until she was completely covered by her yellow covered comforter.  Sitting up straight, she raised her hand and she gave out her last loud yawn.  She slapped both of her cheeks before completely waking up. 

            Slowly, Eun Hye moved her legs to the side of the bed.  She was standing up when suddenly……. THUD!!!!  Her legs got tangled in the comforter and she fell to the ground.

            “Owwww……,” she whined as she continuously kicked the comforter away for her legs to become free.  “Clutz.”  After finally standing up, she made her way into the bathroom to do her morning routines and changing before going into the kitchen for a quick snack before her morning jog.

            “Water, ready.  Shoes, tied. Ipod, fully charged.  Phone, check.  Let’s go!!!”  With the headphones in her ear, she made her way into the elevator, down the lobby, and outside the main door.  Unbeknownst to her, while doing her stretches, the owner of the bracelet that she picked up, just passed by her and entered the van before driving away.

            “Huh,” she looked up.  “I thought I saw something.  Must be my imagination.”  And with that, she went on her way.  She made her way to the stop light before crossing over to the nearby park.  “It’s that van again,” she thought as she looked to her left.  “Can’t be.  There must be vans like this all over the country.”  When the pedestrian sign allowed her, she crossed but not before the van almost ran her over as it turned to the right just as she was crossing.

            “You face!”  she screamed to the van as she fell on her from surprise.  She saw that the van halted on the side of the road maybe from the concern of the driver.  So she walked over, took off the headphones, and stood in front of the van.  “Are you trying to kill me?  Huh?  Come out.  You should at least apologize.” She could see figures in the van but couldn’t clearly see the faces.  “Ya! Come out!”  She walked over to the driver’s side and could see that the driver is about to open the window.  But as she was walking over, the van started driving away, but not before she pounded on the windows as it passed by. “YA!!!!” she screamed.  “I’ll get you next time.”

            Great day I’m having.  She just decided to let her anger out by jogging so she finally made her way to the park and began jogging.  When I get my hands on whoever was in that van, I’ll kill them.  I mean, not even an apology.  Argghh..!  Relax, Eun Hye.  It’s a nice weather today and it’s not like you got hurt.  You’re still in one piece.  As she’s running, she finally felt some sharp pain on her leg so she looked down and saw that she had actually scraped herself.  Ahhh…  Looks like, you did hurt yourself after all, Eun Hye.  Where’s the water fountain?  I need to wash this before it’s infected. 

            Aish…  Hurts…  Well, it’s not bad enough for me to need to go home yet.  I’ll just run for half an hour.  And with that she started running while listening to music.  But after 20 minutes, her injury began hurting again, so she decided to go back.  It wasn’t until she came to a full stop when she realized how much it hurt.  Oww… Maybe I should have just gone back.  I’ve only been here for 18 hours and I already hurt myself.  New record, Eun Hye.

            “Miss, are you okay?” asked the guard from her the apartment building after seeing her limping.

            “Yep.  Fine.  Just a scrape that’s all.  No need to worry,” she told the guard.

            “Do you need help getting to your penthouse?” he asked.

            “What? No, no need to bother you over this minor thing.  I’m fine really,” she said jumping around to reassure the guard that she’s fine.  “No help needed here.  See?  But thank you.” When he saw that she was doing fine, she went right up to her penthouse.

            “Haaaaaa……” she sighed as she makes her way to her bathroom to shower and properly disinfect the scrape.  “Ouch.  Aish….  I still want to look around today and go to the mall.  I can’t be bothered by a scrape.  Eun Hye, Hwaiting!”

            After she finished in the shower, she was drying her hair with a towel wearing a bathrobe when she remembered the bracelet from the night before.  She made her way into the bedroom and picked the bracelet up from the stand next to her bed.

            “I should return this,” she said.  

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I love your story so much. I bet all of YEH's fans love yours too. Please update. I beg you. Gomawo :)
Chapter 11: Wish you will update this beautiful work...
Atreyu80 #3
Chapter 11: Very fun!!!Waiting for the update:)
shan1122 #4
Great fanfic. Really worth reading. Please update!!! I love your story. Thanks..
whozjenny #5
gosh.. I wish this story will continue.. its so good and I really miss it
jn3143 #6
Chapter 10: Update please....
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i found warroirs finally <3
i want to read this very fast but i have to wait till i wake up tomorrow .. dang i never thought i will find story about my hye but i hope its not sad as her lives in the roleplays >_<
guyz anybody interested at rping as any sj or dbsk member with my eunhye ? :( i hate her being lonely like this
Martina16 #8
Chapter 11: I really like your story!pls.update
sanlly2419 #9
i really love the story, please update soon.
lovgdspell #10
I really love your story, I cannot wait for more update! thank you!