out start on the camp

why should i accept????!!!!!

minho's pov

soon as we arrived at the camp it was 4am we were all so sleepy but soon as the car's doors opened a man stood in front of us to say the truth he looked scary 

we all get off of the car and the car left right away we looked at each other the back at the man after we bowed and introduce ourselves to him but he didn't even nodded he kept glaring at us

''run''he yelled we looked at each other dumbfounded not getting what he want us to do

''the last one who get to that room is the one who cook today''he yelled again

we all looked at each other alarmed

''guys i can't cook''taemin said ''sorry''he shouted running  

just then it really hit me and started running after him when the rest of the boys saw us running they started running as well

the room was far but obvious simply because it has flag on it 

after about 5 minutes we were all in that room where another man was standing there 

he wasn't as scary as the previous one but still scary enough

''you''he pointed at me ''and you''he pointed at taemin

you are going to cook today

''mwooo?''taemin yelped

''but we are not the last in fact we were the first to get here''i said 

''exactly''he said

''you guys are going to learn what real team means since you ran first without word and all that just to not cook take it as punishment''he said

''this can't be happening''taemin whined  i just nodded in agreement

at this time key who was last to arrive he was jumping from happiness since he wasn't the one to cook as onew and jonghyun was laughing on us

''i'll be your trainer for this week i suggest for you kids to listen to every single word i say because when i order something you have to do it without thinking got it?''

we looked at each other then nodded ''yes''

''yes SIR'' he said 

''we repeated ''yes sir''

''no go change your outfit to these clothes and go out and oh this is the room you'll be sleeping in for this week''he said and went out 


''you  have two minutes to be here'' he shouted from outside

we all started to change fast ''what did i do in my previous life?''key asked more like whining

''it's not your previous life hyung it's this life our mistake is to be in sm''taemin answered

''sorry guys it's my fault''i said 

''true it is yours thanks to you and jonghyun we'll be suffering here''key said 

we finished changing and went out side where he was waiting for us

''stand straight''he shouted 

we did as told 

''take your hands out of your pocket ''he shouted pointing at taemin 

''turn left''he shouted we all did as told but key dared to talk

''sir?''he said almost whispering

at first the trainer was obviously surprised but right away asked stern ''what?'' 

''hmm we are all hungry and we are all sleepy we didn't sleep at this night and haven't eat sine yesterday's lunch''key said pointing at us and then looked down we all nodded 

*hyung you are really the best i thought i was going to die from hunger*

the trainer looked at all of us then back to key then again to all of us then i think he softened or something because he said not as stern as before ''it's 5 am so you have to start the day with running for at least houre then eating as of for sleeping you should have slept in the car then and you'll be having two hours later to do what you want so you can sleep if you want'' he said the shouted ''start running''

we all sighed and started running since we have no other choice the trainer was running along with us 

we ranlike for ever. we were all suffering almost falling at sometimes  but we held each other

then the trainer stopped us and said ''okay enough for today''

when he said those words all of us dropped on the floor  at the same time

''no need to relax too much. did you forget that you need to cook ?''the trainer said

''like now?''taemin asked

''of course beside didn't you said that you are hungry?now get up the kitchen is right there''he showed us the way

i looked at taemin and he looked at me and sighed''there is no way out of this''i said he nodded we helped eachother to get up .we waved at the still sitting on the ground boys as they  waved back

key's pov

we saw them heading to the kitchen while we were still on the ground sitting

*feels really bad*

''sir''onew said the trainer looked at onew

''what are we going to do while the boys are cooking?'' onew asked

''whatever you want''he said then started to walk away but stopped again ''at 10 you have to be here if you are late one second you are all in trouble.you are free to do what you want for now'' then walked away

''how about we go to sleep?''jonghyun asked

''seriously?are you asking for real?''i gived him a deadly glares

''why?we have nothing to do anyway''he said

''and we are going to live minho and taemin alone?''onew said as if he was reading my thoughts

''ahh right''he said in guilty

''let's go then what are we waiting for?''i said standing up and dusting the dust off my clothes onew and jjong did the same and we walked after the boys

when we entered the kitchen.well...lt's say it was a huge mess

jjong cleared his throat loudly so the boys would notice us  and it worked they both looked at us

''hyungs ''taemin shouted hugging onew

''we can't let you ruin the food that we are going to eat andi can't trust two boys who can't cook with the food i'm going to eat later''i smiled minho obviously was happy

all of us start cooking together i was telling everyone what to do exactly in order not to ruin anything but onew burned the rice anyway and jjong didn't cut the vegetablese properly 

after an houre we all the food was ready and we all ate happily

it was 7 am now we had nothing to do we went to 'our room'

''so how are we going to sleep all together in this tiny room?''i asked

''it'll be fun believe me''minho said smiling

''agree it will be really fun to sleep together''taemin said onew just nodded

''what are we going to do we are free till 10 am''jonghyun asked

''how about we just sleep?''taemin said

''sleep?''i said with the face 'seriously'

''yes aren't you tired?''jonghyun said

''what what is...wow so fast''i said pointing at minho who was sleeping already

''do what you want i'm going to sleep''taemin said and laid on onew's stomach to our surprise onew didn't react not even a bit it was like dead body

''again...wow''i said

all of the boys were sleeping now i couldn't close an eye even through i tried to sleep so i give up and went out for a walk

''why are you alone?''i heard someone asking

i turned my head and saw minho walking towards me 

''weren't you sleeping?''i asked

''oh yes i am i'm sleep walking now''he said i chuckled and nodded smiling

we start walking with silence but it was peacfull it wasn't awkward at  all 

''look''i said pointing right in front of us

''wow so beautiful''minho said clapping i nodded

we were standing on the edge of the mountain it was very beautiful seen

we stood there just looking at the beautiful seen for like 5 minutes 

minho's pov

while we were standing peacfully suddenly key start screaming i got really worried and started to ask what was wrong and what is going on to make him scream so loud

''insect take that thing away from me''he ponited at his leg

at first i was really worried but when i saw that small insect that made him scream so loud okay i couldn't hold my laughter i took it away and fall on the fground laughing out loud

''yah stop laughing this isn't funny''he said but his face was so funny that made me laugh even harder







short boring chapter i know guys i'm sorry for that i'll try to update a good chapter tomorrow sorry again >_< 


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i'm going to go insane soon i write the whole chapter when i clicked on add chapter it was all gone all my work has gone :'(


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Chapter 1: wow interesting chapter
This story is Daebak i tell ya author-nim
I like it ^^
Chapter 25: ........o_O............
But why the end????
And do you know very interested to more about this story
so thnx very very much
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............................
OMG is he okay...................................??
Wow thnx for the chap
Chapter 22: Wahhh i'm happy i miss them and the dorm missed them too
thnx for the chap
Chapter 21: Thnx for the chapter poor Key
Chapter 20: Wow thank you for the chapter it was really good when minho was telling his story i was trying to keep quite cuz i was almost crying thank you againe fighting!!!
Chapter 19: o_O i can't belive it.........
Are they going to the punishment camp??
OMG poor shinee
thnx for the it was great
Chapter 25: Aaahhh... I feel not enough... This is so suddenly... I think it's will more and more chapter but it's end today... I'm so so sad... T_T But, i'm still happy cause in the end mihno together with yuri and minho find out his other family... ^^ Thank you author for great story like this although i'm angry a little because this is end so fast... :D