get our punishment

why should i accept????!!!!!

taemin's pov

that day we spend the whole day practicing the whole night practing again and again

key and minho were practincing on the rap part even through we told them it's perfect already but key kept saying that it's still bad and doing it all over again along with minho


as for jonghyun and onew was practicing on the song and trying to improve it again and again 


i was the only one left out my singing part was very short so my job was trying to improve the dancing moves 

i teach them the dance moves and of course jonghyun found it hard so minho was teaching him the dance now ,key was sleeping now and onew was teaching me the singing part at 5:30 am we were all so tired 

we leaned on each other and slept in the practicing room 

at 8:00 we all got up again and started practing all together 

at 11 am we all went for breakfast in the cafeteria 

at 11:30 we were back in the practic room 

on the 2:00 suju hyungs came to the practice room they needed to practic as well so we went back to our dorm 

we all became so pale no one ate well and almost no ne talked in other words we were all nervouse we all kept doing the moves and the sing even in the van in the way to the concert 

our turn was 8:30pm we were in the waiting room all ready just sitting there . our manager was sitting with us just talking about defferent things and thinking of punishment for minho and jonghyun when the door of the waiting room opened slowly and member of the staff came towards the manager 

he whispered something to the manager 

i swear that our manager's face turned 180 degree he was all pale and serious now

the man walked away after the manager nodded

''hyung is something wrong?''onew asked worried

*oh gosh i don't feel this is going to be good*

''well you know how minho ran yesterday right?''he started we all nodded

''so...?''key said impatient 

''well i don't know how but the ceo heard about it''the manager give a mad look at minho

''sorry hyung''minho said ''but i came back didn't i?''he said defending himself

''yes you did came back but you already know the rules and it was on the contract as was clearly written #YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT WITHOUT PERMISSION#'' the manager almost shouted obviously mad again

''sorry''minho lowered his head

''so what is going to happen hyung?''jonghyun asked

''well the luck is obviously not with you guys because he also heard how you''he pointed at jonghyun''hit him''he pointed his finger towords minho's face ''and he got really mad now''

''oh boy what is he going to do to us?''i asked scared now

''well you were banned fro preforming today.beside you are not returning to your dorm .instead you are going to go to camp in the mountin as punishment and of course without me''he said

''what??!!!''we all shouted in union

''don't you shout on me you bring this to your self'' he said raising his hands

''hyung we can go to the camp after the concert can't we?''onew asked

''yes hyung we practiced two days without break''key said

''can't we talk to the ceo?''minho asked

''oh right maybe we can convince him to let us participate in today's concert''jonghyun shouted

''i heard he is in snsd's waiting room right now''the manager pointed at the way we were all about to ran out when the manager stopped us again''if all of you go he will only get annoyed three is more than enough''he said

''who?''i asked

''well since he is the one who cause all the problem he must go''he pointed at minho 

''and since he is the one who hit minho he has to go as well''he pointed at jonghyun

''and since he is the leader he has to go too'' he said pointing at onew

the three ran off to snsd's waiting room 

key and me were waiting in front of snsd's waiting room 

''hyung do you think he'll let us?''i asked worried

shut up and maybe i'll know'' key said 

''what are you doing?''i asked

his head was leaning on the door 

''i'm trying to listen so shut up'' he said

i shut my mouth for one second but couldn't keep quite

''hyung what did they said?''i asked

''shut up would you?i can't hear a thing because of your voice''he said not even looking at me and pushing his head in to the door even more

''but hyung i want to....''i was shut by his hand on my mouth

i pushed his hand away ''okay no need to shush me i'll be quite''i said pouting

two seconds and the door opened  and key almost fall but he managed to hold his balance

the ceo walked out giving us a mad look and walked away 

right after that minho jonghyun and onew walked out they looked at us

''sooooo?''i asked

''well .....''minho started

''sooo?''key asked

''our stage will be after 5 minutes''onew said smiling

our jaw dropped to the floor for a long minute then we start jumping in happiness and excitement




minho's pov

the concert ended and let's say it was really no joke it was so cool there was so many people thanks god it was dark on the stage 

now we are in the van heading to the camp to take our punishment

in the back seat jonghyun and key sleeping i'm sitting with onew and taemin sat in the passenger seat everyone was sleeping 

i looked out of the window


''sir we can go to the camp right after the concert please''

''sir we practice so hard please let us praticipate today'' we were all pleading 

and for our surprise snsd noonas were all pleading along with us they were all talking with the ceo trying to convince him thanks god he finally raised his hands in the air

''okay okay you can preform today''he said we all smiled and the noonas were even happier than us 

''but''he put his finger in the air ''you'll stay in the camp instead of two day you'll stay week there and if the coach told me that you didn't do something right or give up you'll be in so much trouble''he said and walked out''

''congratulations and good luck for both the concert and the camp ''yuri said and winked at me i smiled and thanksed her and all the girls 

\\\end flashback\\\





how was it please don't tell me it was expected?did you guys expected that?

ahh if yes then i'm really such loser 

and did you guys saw jonghyun's photo for the teaser i really can't wait to see minho's and onew's photo aigooo i'm so excited


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i'm going to go insane soon i write the whole chapter when i clicked on add chapter it was all gone all my work has gone :'(


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Chapter 1: wow interesting chapter
This story is Daebak i tell ya author-nim
I like it ^^
Chapter 25: ........o_O............
But why the end????
And do you know very interested to more about this story
so thnx very very much
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..............................
OMG is he okay...................................??
Wow thnx for the chap
Chapter 22: Wahhh i'm happy i miss them and the dorm missed them too
thnx for the chap
Chapter 21: Thnx for the chapter poor Key
Chapter 20: Wow thank you for the chapter it was really good when minho was telling his story i was trying to keep quite cuz i was almost crying thank you againe fighting!!!
Chapter 19: o_O i can't belive it.........
Are they going to the punishment camp??
OMG poor shinee
thnx for the it was great
Chapter 25: Aaahhh... I feel not enough... This is so suddenly... I think it's will more and more chapter but it's end today... I'm so so sad... T_T But, i'm still happy cause in the end mihno together with yuri and minho find out his other family... ^^ Thank you author for great story like this although i'm angry a little because this is end so fast... :D