Funny How It Happens

                I woke up to the sounds of lots of talking. It wasn’t even quiet talking. They were almost yelling. I sat up and rubbed at my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them as I looked up at the guys. They were standing in the doorway, staring back at me with looks of shock mixed with curiosity.

                “Did we miss something?” Daehyun asked, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as his eyes flickered from my face to YongGuk, who sat up too. I turned to look at YongGuk.

                “I don’t know. Did they miss something?” I asked him. He shrugged, yawning.

                “If they did, so did we.” He responded, running a hand through his hair and looking over at the guys. “What time is it?”

                “So are we just ignoring the fact that you guys slept together last night?” Himchan ignored YongGuk’s question, turning to look at me. I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief.

                “I didn’t have much of a choice, did I? You guys practically barricaded the living room.” They stood there thoughtfully before nodding in agreement with my statement.

                “Yeah, that’s true.” Youngjae said with a smile. “But does this mean something is going on with you two?”

                “Yeah, we’re raising a daughter together. By the way, where is she?” I said, getting out of the bed and walking passed them and into the hallway.

                “Kitchen, eating breakfast.” Jongup replied. “And we need to leave in an hour to go to the salon.”

                “What time is it?” YongGuk repeated, following close behind me.

                “Early.” I’m pretty sure someone hit Himchan for that response.

                After a rushed breakfast, we all climbed into the van, deciding not to bring up the events of last night to Manager Kang. At the salon, the guys got ready rather quickly before we moved on to their schedules. There was filming for interviews, music shows, and their show on MTV, which took the majority of the day. So by the time we got back to the dorm, I was ready to crash.

                Not that Himchan was going to let me, of course.

                “So, it’s Hana.” He said, handing me the phone. With a groan, I sat up on the couch and took it from him.


                “Wow, hello to you too.” Hana replied, not sounding offended at all. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m on my way to pick you up. We’re going out to dinner, my treat.”

                “You and me?”

                “You, me, YongGuk, and Himchan.” Hana said with a chuckle. “I thought we could just do a double date or something.”

                “None of us are dating.” I deadpanned.

                “Which takes away all of the pressure of actual dating. I know what I’m doing, So.”

                “Do you? Do you, really?” I stood up and walked over to my suitcase, kicking it open. Knowing Hana, we were probably going out to some place where we would have to dress nice, which meant I would have to actually attempt to look presentable before she got here. “Fine, I’ll tell the guys.”

                “Good job, you didn’t argue. I’ll be there in an hour or so. Make sure they dress nice.”

                “Define nice.” I said, bending down and digging through my clothes.

                “No snapbacks.”

                I smirked. “That’s going to kill them.”

                “You don’t think I don’t already know that?” she replied smugly. “That’s why I picked this place.”

                “Alright, I’ll tell them.”

                At first, neither one of them liked the idea of going out and being productive after a full day of schedules, but when I told them Hana was paying, they both decided that they would give it a chance. And then I told them the dress code that Hana had set and they instantly refused. So after much begging, convincing, and finally bribing, I finally got them up and over to the closet.

                “I’m not wearing that.” YongGuk said, crossing his arms as he saw me take out a button down shirt. I sighed and put it back. No use arguing with him.

                Hana got to the dorm around the same time that both guys finally agreed on something to wear. They literally took longer than me.

                “Jongup, can you get the door?” I called out from the bathroom as I applied eyeliner when I heard a knock. I heard him reply and then the door being opened, so I went back to focusing on putting on eyeliner. I could hear Hana greeting each of the guys. I don’t know when she’d gotten so familiar with them, but she sounded so comfortable around them already. I heard her so hello to HanMi and then heard her voice getting closer to me. The door opened and she stepped into the bathroom.

                “Wow, neither one of them is wearing a snapback, good job SoKyung.” I smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

                “I can be tough, you know.” I said, placing my makeup back in my bag and putting it under the sink. I turned to look at her. “Where are we going anyway?”

                Hana smirked, playing with HanMi’s hair which had grown since the last time Hana had seen her. “You’ll see. Just trust me, it’s amazing.”

                “Oh no. It’s some expensive restaurant that we can’t afford, isn’t it? We’re going to walk in, order and eat, then get the check and realize that it’s too much, won’t we? We’ll have to wash dishes or, like, run when no one is looking.” Hana shot me a look.

                “Would you just trust me?” she demanded as we exited the bathroom and walked towards the living room where the guys were hanging out. “We are not eating and ditching. We stopped doing that in college.”

                Himchan looked up at her words and gave her a weird look. “Now I’m worried.”

                “This date doesn’t have a possibility of us ending in jail, right?” YongGuk asked, giving Hana a skeptic look.

                Hana scoffed, looking offended. “You guys have no faith in me.”

                “Well,” I said. “We know you.”

                “Get in the car!”



what kind of place does hana have in mind?

and do her plans really backfire that horribly?

will this one?

only one way to find out :D

read the next chapter~

when i write it haha

thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 22: This has been one of the best fanfics I have ever read!! I love how real it is. Not something rushed and all, but slow and nice. Can't wait for a new chapter!
Chapter 21: Dude i thought HanMi got into like an accident or something. that was crazzzyyyy!!
Crazyhyper09 #3
Chapter 6: Haha that trash can thing happened at my school as well let's just say some of the bathrooms were locked for a while
Byeongari #4
aww this is a very nice story!! :D
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOOON!!!!
stephanieeelu #7
Chapter 13: i can really easily see babyz being like 'BAP WOULD MAKE SUCH GOOD FATHERS' while watching them interact with hanmi xD

Chapter 11: Just read 11 chapters all at once. I subscribed to this story not to long ago! Just now I am finally getting to read it ;-; AND it is just wow GREAT!!
stephanieeelu #9
yeee sokyung referred to yongguk as her bf 8DDD
i can't tell what himchan and hana are haha
are they dating or friends or between...? eep
stephanieeelu #10
Chapter 9: i'm so glad i found this fic omg
usually i just skim but with this fic i actually read the whole thing through bc it's sO GOOD
update soon :DD