Funny How It Happens

                Weeks passed faster than I had ever experienced. Probably because the guys never stopped, therefore I had no chance to stop, but it could also be because I was actually doing something I enjoyed now. In between managing them and taking care of HanMi, I swore my life just got a lot more hectic. Not that I was complaining. I really loved my new job.

                And the guys weren’t so bad either.

                “Noona, have you seen my headphones?” Youngjae asked as we climbed out of the van and began to walk towards the music building for the next performance they were doing today. I reached into my bag and pulled out a pair of tangled headphones and handed them to him, using my other hand to raise the cup of coffee to my lips. I took a quick sip of the precious caffeine that had kept me going the past few days and glanced around, making sure each of the members were with us.

                And that HanMi was with us.

                Because we didn’t need to lose her either.

                Luckily, she was safely wrapped up in Daehyun’s jacket, being carried in by YongGuk, who smiled at me as soon as our eyes locked. I returned the smile then looked away, not wanting to make things anymore awkward than they already were between us.

                I mean, it wasn’t like we were painfully awkward to the point that we couldn’t be in the same room as each other. We just couldn’t hold a conversation longer than a few minutes.

                After all, how were we supposed to go back to normal when everything between us had changed?

                With a sigh, I opened up the back door and stepped back, allowing for the guys to go in first. After double checking for any wandering members, I entered the music building with another sip of coffee.

                In their dressing room, the guys scrambled around, getting their hair and makeup done along with getting dressed in their performance outfits all at the same time.

                “Is this my shoe?” Jongup called out to me from across the room, holding up one of the boots that had been set on the floor in front of the rack holding the outfits.

                I gave a quick glance then replied with, “It doesn’t matter, you guys all wear the same size anyway. Just pick a pair of shoes quickly! It’s almost time for you guys to go!”

                After doing a quick onceover, I gave a nod of approval for the guys once they were done getting ready. “Awesome, you all look great, you’re ready.”

                “Are we?” Himchan murmured, rubbing his hands together nervously. I smiled and placed a consoling hand on his arm.

                “Yes, you are.” I said, looking him in the eye sternly. “You’ll do great. Seriously. Don’t worry.”

                “It’s what he does best.” Daehyun said teasingly, shooting his hyung a sly smile.

                And after all of that, they all left to go get ready for filming. I stayed behind since HanMi wasn’t allowed near the stage area for safety reasons. She didn’t like it, but it was an agreement we had made with the music company. She could watch from the dressing rooms, as long as she didn’t get near the stage. Not only because she could hurt herself or others, but also because she could be a huge distraction for the guys.

                After all, her dad was up there performing.

                I still couldn’t get over that thought; even weeks of living with him, I still found it hard to believe that he was in HanMi’s life now. Something told me he thought the some—or at least similar—way.

                “HanMi-ah, look they’re going to be on TV!” I said eagerly, gesturing towards the TV above us. She looked up with excitement, grinning from ear to ear.

                She squealed as soon as the guys were shown on TV and bounced up and down in her seat, looking up in amazement as we watched the performance.

                As expected, they did amazingly well, and the cheers were exceptionally loud.

                Once the performance, interview, and end filming was over, the guys came back to the dressing room and changed back into their regular clothes.

                “Noona! HanMi-ah keeps screaming every time I go to pick her up!” Daehyun yelled from the doorway. I sighed and walked over to where he was standing with her.

                “She wants to walk.” I said with a shrug. “Just hold onto her hand so she doesn’t run off and get lost in the crowd.”

                We walked back to the van and climbed in, fully ready for a break. Not that we were going to get one. The guys had a radio show to go on and after that, they had practice.

                While we were in the van on the way to the radio show, my phone rang. It was Hana.

                “Hey punk, let’s hang out tonight.” She said as soon as I answered.

                “What time?”

                “When do you get off work?” she asked.

                “Like eleven.” I responded.

                “Let’s go get drinks! We haven’t done that in a while!” Hana cried out, suddenly sounding eager and energized. I laughed.

                “What am I supposed to do with HanMi then?”

                Hana paused for a moment. “Let the guys babysit. You trust them, right?”

                “They have practice tonight.” I replied, slightly deflating at the thought. Drinks with Hana did sound like a great idea.

                “No they don’t.” Manager Kang said, glancing over at me from the driver’s seat. “I’m giving them a break tonight. They can watch HanMi.”

                “You can hear her?” I asked him in slight surprise.

                “We all can hear her.” Himchan said with a laugh.

                I rolled my eyes. Of course my best friend would be easy to overhear on the phone. “Looks like I can go. The guys don’t have practice tonight.”

                “Awesome! Tell Himchannie and YongGuk-sshi to get their butts to the bar too, then.” Hana practically yelled. I glanced back to look at them for a response.

                YongGuk shrugged. “Yeah, alright.”

                “They said they’ll come.”

                “Did you even ask?”

                “Didn’t have to. You’re loud enough.” I laughed as she spluttered in protest.

                “I am not!” she cried out.

                Himchan took my phone out of my hand. “Yes, Hana, yes you are.” He said. The guys all laughed as they heard Hana yelling insults at Himchan like an immature child.

                “Just be at the bar, Kim Himchan, or else!” I heard her say, and then she hung up.

                So we dropped off Youngjae, Daehyung, Jongup, Junhong, and HanMi, then got in my car and drove down to Hongdae to meet up with Hana after she had texted me the address of a specific bar to meet her at.




hello ^^

i dunno what to write here, but i'm going to write something because i'm stubborn like that.

you wanna know something about me?

i have an obsession with fro-yo (frozen yogurt)

luckily there's a fro-yo self-serve place down the road from me :) i went yesterday with my mom and sister and i'm going again tomorrow with my friend :D

super excited! getting me some fro-yo, nam sayin'?

haha i'm such a dork!

well, just ignore me and my randomness!

thanks for reading this chapter ^^


and if you read this whole author's note, i applaud you for that too!!

i'm in a weird mood today...

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Chapter 22: This has been one of the best fanfics I have ever read!! I love how real it is. Not something rushed and all, but slow and nice. Can't wait for a new chapter!
Chapter 21: Dude i thought HanMi got into like an accident or something. that was crazzzyyyy!!
Crazyhyper09 #3
Chapter 6: Haha that trash can thing happened at my school as well let's just say some of the bathrooms were locked for a while
Byeongari #4
aww this is a very nice story!! :D
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOOON!!!!
stephanieeelu #7
Chapter 13: i can really easily see babyz being like 'BAP WOULD MAKE SUCH GOOD FATHERS' while watching them interact with hanmi xD

Chapter 11: Just read 11 chapters all at once. I subscribed to this story not to long ago! Just now I am finally getting to read it ;-; AND it is just wow GREAT!!
stephanieeelu #9
yeee sokyung referred to yongguk as her bf 8DDD
i can't tell what himchan and hana are haha
are they dating or friends or between...? eep
stephanieeelu #10
Chapter 9: i'm so glad i found this fic omg
usually i just skim but with this fic i actually read the whole thing through bc it's sO GOOD
update soon :DD