Funny How It Happens


            SoKyung stared at YongGuk in shock. She blinked a couple times, and then continued to stare. YongGuk simply gazed back, waiting for her to say something.

            “D-Did you just…Huh?” SoKyung asked in shock.

            “I said sure. The baby can stay here until you find a place to stay.” YongGuk shrugged, suddenly avoiding her eyes. “I mean, I guess that’s the least I can do to make up for the past year of not being there.”

            “But you…weren’t there because I-I didn’t want…you…” SoKyung slowly stopped talking, realizing how cruel that finished thought would sound. She stared at him for another moment.

            Just then, Hana appeared holding HanMi. She grinned at YongGuk. “Hey you! Long time no see, right?” She turned to SoKyung and placed HanMi in her arms. “Well, I’ll see you later!”

            “What? I’m going with you!” SoKyung said, looking at Hana in confused shock. Hana looked at YongGuk, raising her eyebrows at him.

            He understood what she was hinting at. “If you need to stay here too, So, I’m sure it would be okay.” He said, glancing at Hana as she gave him a thumbs-up.

            “No! Uh, I mean, I couldn’t intrude on you guys like that!” She glared at HanMi and added, “Just give me a few days to find a job.”

            “No, So, YongGuk told you to stay here, so just say here.” HanMi glared back, not backing down. She flashed a smile at YongGuk before not-so-subtly shoving SoKyung towards the door. “Ok, bye! Oh! And tell Himchan and Daehyun I said hey!” then she was down the hallway and entering the hallway before SoKyung could stop her.

            SoKyung turned to YongGuk and looked at him with dropping open. “She’s joking.”

            “Since when does Hana joke?” YongGuk asked, smiling as he opened the door. “Seriously, though, you can stay here for a little while too.” He opened the door and shrugged. “No one here is going to freak out as long as you keep all your girly stuff to yourself.”

            “Yah, you found one bottle of shampoo in your apartment, stop holding such a big grudge.” SoKyung smiled at him and entered the apartment, cradling HanMi close to her.

            She knew for a fact that there were six guys living in this dorm, but she had no idea where they were. The dorm looked deserted. She turned to face YongGuk with a heavy sigh.

            “Well, Bang YongGuk, this,” she shifted HanMi in her arms so that YongGuk could get a better look at her. “is Bang HanMi.”

            He smiled at her name and tilted his head to the side. “She looks more like me than you.” He mumbled in a thoughtful tone.

            “I know, isn’t she pretty?” SoKyung smiled, gazing at HanMi in admiration. “But she has my nose.” She turned to look back and YongGuk who nodded.

            “That’s definitely yours.” He said with a smile. “Well, she’s cute.”

            SoKyung grinned. “Yay, you like her!”

            YongGuk’s expression quickly changed to something SoKyung couldn’t recognize. “W-Well I don’t know about that.” He said nervously. “It’s not like I spent any time with her.” SoKyung nodded.

            “True.” She mumbled then turned to look around the dorm. “Aren’t your members here?”

            YongGuk sighed and stepped around SoKyung to go retrieve the boys in question. She heard a door open down the hall followed by lots of screaming, which startled HanMi. Feet pounded across the floor and suddenly the two of them came face to face with five blonde boys all looking at them in curiosity.

            “You and hyung used to date?” one of them asked.

            “Daehyun! You can’t just ask like that!” another said, smacking the back of Daehyun’s head. They glared at each other for a second before shoving each other. SoKyung smiled, amused at their antics. She could tell YongGuk had his hands full, even if it was just those too.

            YongGuk sighed again and came to stand by her. “Guys, this is SoKyung and HanMi. They’re going to be staying with us for a few days.”

            “Only a few days?” the one that had opened the door asked, his face falling in disappointment. “She can’t stay longer?”

            “No, Junhong, SoKyung has a life to get back to.” YongGuk said, with a shake of his head. SoKyung nodded in agreement.

            “It’s just until I can find a job and an affordable apartment.” She added.

            “Well that could take longer than a few days!” Junhong said, brightening up quickly.

            SoKyung sighed. “Thanks.” She grumbled.

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Chapter 22: This has been one of the best fanfics I have ever read!! I love how real it is. Not something rushed and all, but slow and nice. Can't wait for a new chapter!
Chapter 21: Dude i thought HanMi got into like an accident or something. that was crazzzyyyy!!
Crazyhyper09 #3
Chapter 6: Haha that trash can thing happened at my school as well let's just say some of the bathrooms were locked for a while
Byeongari #4
aww this is a very nice story!! :D
hippo_guk #6
Chapter 15: UPDATE SOOOOON!!!!
stephanieeelu #7
Chapter 13: i can really easily see babyz being like 'BAP WOULD MAKE SUCH GOOD FATHERS' while watching them interact with hanmi xD

Chapter 11: Just read 11 chapters all at once. I subscribed to this story not to long ago! Just now I am finally getting to read it ;-; AND it is just wow GREAT!!
stephanieeelu #9
yeee sokyung referred to yongguk as her bf 8DDD
i can't tell what himchan and hana are haha
are they dating or friends or between...? eep
stephanieeelu #10
Chapter 9: i'm so glad i found this fic omg
usually i just skim but with this fic i actually read the whole thing through bc it's sO GOOD
update soon :DD