Making it quick

What's left behind
Due to the tabloids and the small country of Korea wedding plans have been difficult. Not that they gave up on planning a wedding. It's just a little tricky when they think they have a venue and some people can't keep their mouths shut. 
That's right, rumors have already started happening again and this time it's more about TOP's mystery lover. Of course since TOP is the most looked at man in their country every one is on his tail. There are the good fans and the fans that simply want to destroy him. The bad fans are trying all stops to see what the man has been up to. 
It has gotten to the point that SM had to hire more body guards...and that was something that was not needed before. Dongwook said it would be crazy now that the man is back in Korea...and his hyung sure is right. 
Seunghyun is in SM headquarters having a  meeting with his manager. Dongwook who has been busy every day  is now currently doing press and fan control blocking things that need to be blocked. 
"This is the second picture of you two together....thankfully Jiyong looks like a girl....but I don't know how much more I can block...." 
Seunghyun didn't think that it would be this bad. He figured once Daesung was out of the picture things would cool off, but really the fire just started. "What am I suppose to do....stop planning a wedding...." 
"We might have to...maybe a year." 
Seunghyun winces to the number. "A year...really...." 
"Well there is no way we can have your family safe in a venue with how things are's been two months and nothing has changed...." 
Seunghyun hates to hear it but his hyung is right. Things are so crazy Jiyong is once again confined to their condo. Jiyong is patient with things, but Seunghyun hates that he is going back through the cycle of hiding. The rapper stands and goes over to a window looking at fans with signs and phones sitting on the concrete. The women sit there for hours just waiting for a couple of seconds with the man. 
The rapper hates that he can't be open with his fans like he use to and he just wants to get things clear. "What if we got married sooner..." 
Dongwook sits up in his chair in confusion. "What...married....when and how. Do you realize how crazy it is out there..." The older shakes his head. "It's too dangerous..." 
"What if we don't go anywhere....what if we...just had something small. Jiyong and I can't be legally married here why don't we just have something in my condo..." 
"You sure Jiyong would be okay with that?" 
"I think that we are more than ready to do something. I just feel we need to get married so that we can move on to the next step." 
Jiyong places their son in their crib and cracks the door. The younger then comes into the living room to have an important talk that his fiance insist that they have. Seunghyun turns off the TV and smiles up at his lover. "Come sit next to me baby." says the older patting the seat next to him. Jiyong flops in the seat and cuddles to his side. "Now what is this talk that we must have?" 
The older takes Jiyong's left hand and plays with the ring a bit. "You know marrying you will be the best day of my life...." 
Jiyong smiles. "Ne...." Jiyong is not sure where he is going with he listens intently. 
"Baby..." The older then holds the smaller hand in his. "What if we got married sooner...." 
"Sooner?" says Jiyong sitting up a bit. "How soon baby?" 
Seunghyun then looks his lover in the eyes. "I think that we should marry sooner...because things are getting too crazy. We need to marry so that we can show the world our family. I feel it's the only way...." 
Jiyong makes a concerned face. "Baby please don't feel that you need to marry me now....I can wait." says the younger with a smile but the older shakes his head. "No....I can't do that. This ring should have been on your finger when I first heard that you were pregnant. This wedding I know is very important to you and it is to me too. Baby...what if we got married....tomorrow." 
Jiyong's eyes widen...."Tomorrow?" says the younger a little shocked. "But how...where?" 
"We could have it here. With just family and friends." 
"But didn't you want a big wedding hyunnie?" says Jiyong a little sad making the older chuckle. "I thought that you wanted the big wedding..." 
"No pabo...I was just going along with your dream." 
The older then smiles. "Why did you have all those big wedding mags?" 
"Those were Noona's...she was giving me ideas....I don't know how to plan stuff...." says Jiyong with a chuckle. "I would be just fine not having a ceremony.  I just wish to be with you always." 
"Oh we will have something. Our parents will kill us." 
Jiyong nods. "Ne ne." The younger leans in capturing the thinner lips in a soft kiss. "Well looks like we have a wedding tomorrow." 
"Ne...well we will have to tell our parents." 
Jiyong then slumps into the sofa. "Oh will we tell them..." 
"We will just tell them. Hopefully they will understand since we are in a crazy situation." 
//////////////////////////The Next Morning//////////////////////////
Everyone is gathered in the massive living room of Seunghyun and Jiyong's condo. The Kwon's, Choi's, Dami, Bae and Dara are all sitting and waiting for what the couple has to tell them. They were told to dress up so they all think that they are having a fancy dinner. 
Seunghyun and Jiyong come out from their room in white suits making their company look at them in confusion. Seungri then comes out with his hyung Dongwook also in a suit. 
The rapper takes his lover's hand and looks at his family. "Hello all. I bet you are wondering why breakfast has not started?" Dami then interrupts. "Yaaah I was told there would be buttered rolls....aish..." says the older getting a light slap from her mother. Mrs. Kwon smiles at her son in law. "Continue." 
Jiyong then smiles. " you all know that things are a little crazy out there in the we...uh...." Jiyong is a little nervous breaking such surprising news. "We are getting married today." says the older with a grin making everyone gasp. 
Mrs. Choi then speaks with tears in her eyes. "Surprise wedding????" 
"Ne.." says Seunghyun unsure if his mother is pissed or happy. "I hope that you all understand us and will share this moment with us." 
Mr. Kwon chuckles ."Who's going to marry you two? Dongwook?" 
Seungri then grins. "I took a online course last night to marry these two." 
Everyone laughs in the room and come up to the couple sharing hugs and tears. Today two families will be officially joined together in a very casual event....well casual to a celebrity status. Jiyong still feels a little fat but his suit is making him look amazing and his lover  in  matching color looks dashing as his hair is slicked back. 
Bae comes up to his best friend lightly punching him. "Yah you little punk hiding this from me." Jiyong smiles. "I'm sorry man....but we just thought of everything last night." 
Seungri then tings a glass getting everyone's attention. "if everyone will have a seat. We will proceed to the wedding." 
Everyone takes a seat and Mr. Kwon is already crying that his son is getting married. Jiyong looks over at his dad and laughs. "Why do you always cry so much at weddings." 
"Yaaaah whatever you little punk. Just focus on your husband." 
Jiyong almost sheds a tear to the words. Seunghyun is about to be his husband. Nerves start to flutter a bit as sweaty palms join the larger hands. The two stand across from each other as they continue to have their western like wedding. There is no music; just the presence of family that they love and friends that have grown to be family. 
Seungri opens up a binder with papers every where. People laugh a bit as the younger organizes his thoughts. Jiyong and Seunghyun stare into each other's eyes and grin at the moment that they will talk about for years. 
"Aaaheem. We are gathered here share the wedding of place name here....ops of Seunghyun and Jiyong's wedding" "It's hyung" says Jiyogn with a laugh." 
Seungri nods. "Ne ne hyung. It is a glorious time that we can share this moment of bringing two families into one and two being connected  in an eternal bond that no one can break. These two have been through a lot and it is wonderful now that we can marry these two off." says the younger with a laugh. 
Seungri then presents the rings. "Here take these rings....hyungs." The two take the rings and Jiyong almost drops the box due to his shaking hands. Seunghyun leans over and places a kiss on Jiyong's forehead. "Relax" he whispers in the smaller ear making Jiyong smile a bit and of course making the family cry more. 
Jiyong takes the ring in his hand and looks at Seungri. "Now what?" 
"Oh yea say your vows." 
"Make up your own's from the heart." says Seungri with a grin. Jiyogn is kinda put on the spot and didn't intend on saying his own vows...because he is not that creative. The younger then looks at his lover. "These might be the crappiest vows ever....disclaimer." The older shakes his head with a chuckle.
Jiyong takes a deep breath. "I love you....waking up with you...raising our child." Jiyong laughs to himself. "Picking up your underwear off the bathroom floor....makes me love you....your everything makes me love you. How you didn't give up is what keeps me loving you. Even though I was mean at times you still loved me and still wanted to take care of our son. Our baby is such a blessing to us...." Jiyong then starts to cry a bit. "Aigo...I didn't know I wasgoing to cry....There were times where I didn't know what I was going to do with my life, but you came in and swept me off my feet like a fairy tale. With you I never will have worries again." Seunghyun smiles and kisses his lover softly making Seungri whine. "No kissing yet." 
Everyone laughs a bit to Seungri wanting things perfect. Seunghyun then puts out his hand to his lover so that Jiyong can slip the ring on. The older then takes his lover's hands again. "Jiyong ah. You are the love of my life and I can't even imagine life with out you. With our struggles of love I came to love you more and came to love your family more. You not only got me into American gave me a precious son with your almond eyes and your little nose. " The older laughs to himself. "It's amazing how two good looking people can produce something so great." He then looks at his family. "Don't worry there will be more good looking Choi's soon" making Jiyong blush a bit. "Hyunnie..." he says softly. 
Seunghyun then looks into his lover's eyes again. "As your husband I promise that you will always be happy and that we will always have memories for years to come. You are my rock my foundation. The one that keeps me going on to never give up. It's you and me against the world baby. I love you Ride or Die." 
Jiyong chuckles a bit. "You just rapped...." 
The older steals another kiss to then look at Seungri. "Sorry he looked I kissed him." Seungri laughs a bit while Jiyong continues to get use to kissing his lover in front of his family. 
Jiyong puts out his hand. "My ring baby." 
The older then reaches in his pocket to pull out another box. "Oh yea I forgot about this..." says the older in a joking manner. He opens the box to reveal another ring that has even bigger stones in it rapping around the band. "These two go's called a forever band." 
Jiyong allows the bling to be put on his finger and he can't help but stare. "" "Don't you dare take it off." 
Jiyong then grins. "Oh I will never take this off." 
The older then motions for Dami to bring their baby up. Jiyong takes the baby in his arms and Jihyun then puckers his lips a bit making Jiyong laugh. "Looks like he will be hungry soon." 
Seunghyun chuckles and reaches out to hold the tiny hand. "Jihyun ah. Appa and Daddy love you so much." The baby grins with drool coming out of his mouth. Jiyong whips the drool and continues to listen to his lover. "I wanted to give you a present baby ah." Seunghyun then pulls out a silver bracelet  putting it on the little hand. "This will be our bond and as you get older we will make the bracelet bigger. It's suits you well my little Choi. Continue to be our shinning angel and be a great big brother or sister in the future." 
The baby smiles again wiggling a bit making Jiyong cry. Bae who is the best man comes up and takes the baby away again so that the couple can continue with the ceremony. This family is so intune with each other they already know what to do to help each other out. 
Seungri then turns a page in his binder. "Well with the power invested in me...I now pronounce you hyungs. Husband and Husband!" 
Everyone cheers and Seunghyun takes no time pulling Jiyong into a passionate kiss that was unexpected for Jiyong. Before the wedding they decided to jus do a peck but Jiyong's husband got a little excited. 
The Kwon's and the Choi's come up and congratulate the family and everyone looks at Jiyong's ring. Jiyong who is still in a daze looks up at his husband. "Yaaaah you..." 
Seunghyun steals a kiss from his husband in front of his mother and laughs. " I can kiss you properly all day. It's  our wedding baby." 
Jiyong then laughs. "Ne ne." 
Dami comes up to her brother with red eyes ."That was so beautiful. I could just see that over and over again." She pulls her brother into a hug. "Do you realize that you two are official now. You are the husband of a pop star!!" 
Jiyong grins. "I just love Seunghyun." Dami rolls her eyes. "Of course you would say that you love sick man...." Jiyong laughs again and stares at his husband across the room. Seunghyun comes over picking up their baby. "Excuse us....Jihyun needs to be fed." 
The family smiles and nods as the three go into the baby's room. Seunghyun places the baby down putting a bottle of milk in his hands. The baby drinks the milk holding the bottle tightly. The older then pulls Jiyong into an embrace "You are so beautiful." Jiyong then chuckles at his crazy husband. "Baby we are not having in front of the child." 
The older then grins. "Of course not....I just wanted to see you...." 
Jiyong then blushes at his husband's intense stare. "Yeobo...." says Jiyong shyly.
"Neeee my beautiful husband" says the older kissing Jiyong gently. The baby coos and tosses the bottle to the side. Jiyong laughs a bit. "I guess that he is done.
"Shall we go out again." 
The family all go out into the living room again where food is being placed on the long dinning room table. There is plenty of food and plenty of room in all of their stomachs since it's so early in the day. 
Everyone is seated and the couple sits at the head of the table. This wedding is small but it's perfection for what Jiyong and Seunghyun wanted. They don't need a huge venue...they just wanted to share this moment with family. 
Everyone is gone and Jiyong and Dami finished cleaning up. "I will see you in the morning sis." 
"Did Seunghyun go to bed already?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne...he was up all night planning everything. Did you have fun?" 
Dami smiles warmly turning off the kitchen light. "Ne. It was a great surprise." 
Jiyong smiles. "Good. Thanks for everything Noona. See you in the morning." 
Jiyong goes into his room closing the door softly. "Baby...are you in the bathroom?" 
Seunghyun opens the bathroom door and Jiyong could just melt into the carpet. "Baby...." says Jiyong over looking his y husband in tight boxer shorts revealing everything. The older leans against the door making his toned body glisten against the light. "You ready for bed?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne...." says the younger getting in bed.  The older then turns on soft rap music making Jiyong look back at the older one's direction. The older smiles "You didn't think that tonight would end with us going to bed did ya?" 
Says the older walking more into the room. He sways his body side to side listening to the music. "Oh I like this song." He purrs while moving his hips. Jiyong hitches his breath to the movements that are so fluid and y. The older closes his eyes to the music still moving his hips. 
The older then opens his eyes slowly with a y grin. "You want to dance with me..." says the older holding out a hand. 
Jiyong doesn't think twice and gets out of the bed. He is wearing a Captain America shirt and random shorts..." Baby....why didn't you tell me you wanted to do something" 
The older smiles and pulls the younger closer pressing his body closer to the older. "But you look so y all the time baby. Unless you brought something naughty for me" says the older placing his hands on he smaller hips grinding his hips slowly into the younger. Jiyong softly moans. "Mmmmm" making the older grin. "I love hearing you moan baby." he says softly as he turns the man around moving their hips together. Jiyong grinds his into the older moving his hips up and down. Seunghyun groans and steadies the small hips more towards . "You feel so good baby." says the older as he moves in sync. 
Jiyong continues to grind on his husband trying to bring out old moves from when he use to dance at clubs. It's been a while since he has moved like this but his husband doesn't see any flaw as he kneads into his skin. 
Jiyong turns around again with half lidded eyes. He grinds into his lover making them both do a body wave. Jiyong already feels that he lover is satisfied. "You want me baby?" 
The older then purrs taking a smaller hand and placing it on his . "Oh. I so want you.." Jiyong grabs the larger smacking it making the older purr. "mmm Yeobo" says the older looking into the coffee eyes. "You ready for me baby?" 
Jiyong then grins. "Take me" 
**So the Honeymoon begins. I hope that you all enjoyied this chapter! I will be soon finishing this story so stay tuned for of course a happy ending^^
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^