
What's left behind


Jiyong is really feeling it. Not the pressure of the situation, but really the pressure of Ji Hyun. The baby is starting to lose space in the womb, so the baby is resting in crazy positions that cause a lot of discomfort. The other day Jiyong swore the baby was hanging on his ribs like a jungle gym. 
This whole pregnancy thing gives the man a whole new respect for women. He can't believe that he is even pregnant...well he believes it now. Still the fact that he is a man and is carrying the baby of the man that he is so in love with. Sometimes he has to pinch himself because only these situations would end up in Disney or romantic comedies....and of course Jiyong doesn't watch such girly things...sure. 
////////////////////Jiyong and Seunghyun's room////////////////////
Jiyong's is in the process of putting on his shoes. He decided on wearing slip on shoes instead of lace ups because the whole sneaker bit was driving him crazy. People of course would find it cute if he walked around with mismatched shoes but he can't do it. He is not a fashionista but he just can't deal with the mismatched shoe thing. 
Seunghyun the other day brought him some flats that were easy to put on. The younger still has to stand in front of the mirror to put them on but it is way easier than bending down. The belly is just huge now. Jiyong has not gained weight, he is just all belly now. At times the belly is perfectly round and then there are those times when Ji Hyun decides to lounge out sideways. It makes the belly look a little interesting but everyone finds it cute. 
Jiyong puts on his shoes and then looks at himself in the large mirror. Lot of things have changed. He gained almost twenty pounds but it doesn't really show. His face is a little fuller and his arms are a little thicker but nothing out of the ordinary. His belly is too big to wear jeans so sweat pants have been the the look. 
Dami comes into the room....of course with out knocking. Jiyong jumps a little. "Aish noona could you knock." 
"Why the for." She plops on the bed and chews on a random bread roll.
Jiyong chuckles and slowly gets on the bed too. Dami looks over. "Wow you are huge" 
"Thanks noona you are so encouraging." He rolls his eyes.
Dami shrugs her shoulder and takes another bite. "Not saying you are fat. Your belly just seems to get bigger and bigger every day." 
"Well the doctor said that in my last month I could gain a pound a day....so it will be soon baby will be here" 
Dami lays back. "So do you think that the guys will figure things out?" 
Jiyong sighs. "I hope so. Hyunnie won't let me go to the meeting cause it might stress me...so I have no idea what they are planning" 
"Well I agree...you don't need to be running anymore. Hopefully this will be over soon." 
Jiyong rubs his belly. "I hope so too. I really want to bring the baby into this world in our home. This hotel is nice and all but still ya know..." 
Dami nods her head "Ne, I miss home too. The Cafe has been closed for over a week. It's crazy to say but I miss my job and the three regulars that would look forward to their pastry." 
"Oh yea I forgot about them" 
Dami smirks. "I didn't. Those old bastards give good tips if I flirt a bit." 
Jiyong lightly slaps his sister's arm. "Yah noona. Don't give those men heart attacks." 
"Oh I got it under control" 
Jiyong lays back and puts his hands on his belly. Dami sits up and smirks. "What are you looking at?" 
"When was the last time you lotioned your belly" 
Jiyong frowns. "Really...do we have to do this...?" 
"Jiyong you know you don't want stretch marks." 
"True...but still this is so awkward...I will have hyunnie do it later." 
Dami shakes her head. "I'm here now so I will do it." She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a bottle of Coco Butter. Jiyong laughs. "So you came here to lotion me up?....get me all comfortable and then trick me..." 
Dami squirts some lotion on her hand. "Ne, my plan worked." She lifts up the shirt half way and starts to lotion up the large belly. "Besides it's either me or Mom who will do it. I also have to hear the nagging from mom...about being a good Noona to my dongsaeng blah blah blah." She continues to rub and then chuckles. "Jiyongie do you have bigger ies" 
Jiyong blushes and pulls down his shirt. "Yah! " Dami tries to lift the shirt again. "Come on let me see them. I have s too...." 
"Yah Noona this is beyond weird. I don't want you looking at my chest." 
"You mean your knockers." Dami smirks. 
"Yah yah..." Jiyong waves the hands away from his shirt. He does not want his sister feeling him up. Rubbing his belly is already weird enough. "Don't you have some rolls to eat or something." 
Dami chuckles "Fine fine. I will leave it be but you know those things might need a training bra one day." 
"Forget it...I will just wear hoodies." 
"Oh they won't hide those perky little nubs." 
"Nooooa I thought that you didn't see" Jiyong is now totally red from embarrassment. Dami starts to get off the bed. "This was nice bonding brother. Let's next time shop for bras" 
Dami laughs again and leaves the room. Of course she forgets to close the door back. Jiyong is too lazy to close it so he just lays back on the bed. He pulls a hand up to his chest and feels the growing . His doctor did say that they were going to get bigger so he is just taking it one day at a time. 
Mrs. Kwon comes into the room for the first time "Aigo...this place is so big I have not seen my baby boy in a day." Jiyong sits up and smiles at his mom. "Hi mom. What brings you here" 
"Well I missed you and my grand baby. I wanted to check to see if you are keeping up with your lotioning?" 
Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Mom...I'm putting on lotion." 
"Good because you don't want stretch marks." 
"Ne mom." 
The older woman sits on the middle of the bed. She then takes her son and lays his head on her lap. She gently runs her fingers through his hair. This moment is just so peaceful and it almost brings them back to how things were. "I'm sorry mom" 
Mrs. Kwon shakes her head. "Why are you sorry son?" 
Jiyong sighs. "Well all of this..." 
"It's okay son. I'm just happy that we all are safe and that you have a loving boyfriend to help us through it all....by the way what are your future plans of your relationship?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "I know what we will be together and that he will commute from Seoul to NYC...and that all of us will live in a new home." 
"What about marriage?" 
Jiyong smiles a bit. "I would like that, but I don't want to talk about that now..." 
"Have you brought it up?" 
"No....but I don't think it's the right time to bring up something so little at a time like this." 
Mrs. Kwon chuckles. "Baby boy marriage is nothing little. It is a bond. It's a true commitment." 
Jiyong sighs. "I know that you and appa want me to be married soon...but I hope that you understand that Seunghyun has not brought up marriage and I'm not sure if he is the marrying type." 
Mrs. Kwon frowns "Did he say that he doesn't want to be married." 
Jiyong chuckles again. "Mom calm down...he didn't say that. Maybe it's my crazy brain or maybe I looked into the KPOP world too much. Most artist are not married before they are thirty...even if they have a kid...so I'm not sure what his plans are.." 
"Still Jiyong...it's about you too. You should talk about where your relationship is going to go because very soon there will be something that will keep you two connected for the rest of your lives." She reaches down and pats the growing belly. "I love you Jiyong and I only want what's best for you. I already look at Seunghyun as my son in law. I know that marriage has not been talked about, but I encourage you to at least talk to him about your future...this relationship does not revolve around him. You are his other half." 
Jiyong knew that a lecture was going to come soon and here it is. He knows that his parents want him to be married. Mainly because they are traditional and also they just want their son to live his life with his family. The Kwons love Seunghyun and they love everything that he is doing for them. It's not that they think that he will ever leave Jiyong. They just want them to be a little more committed. Might sound a little much but they are very traditional when it comes to relationships. 
"Okay mom...I will talk to him." Jiyong is not sure if he will but he just says it to ease his mother's stress. All Korean moms want their children to be happy. "Good my good boy." She rubs her son's shoulder and then gently places his head on the mattress. She slides off the bed "Well I will see you at dinner. I need to go help your father do something." 
Jiyong laughs. "What is he doing." 
The older laughs. "I have no idea....but I need to supervise" Dami comes back to the room and clicks her tongue. "So did mom lotion you up and look at your s?" 
"Dami...don't embarrass your brother." 
"Fine fine...I came to tell you that dad is doing something weird." 
Mrs. Kwon runs towards the door. "Dami come with me. I don't know what he is up too but this place is too big for his trouble." The old man is know for getting bored and getting into things. Jiyong is use to it so he doesn't budge. He just continues to lay on the massive King size bed. The thought of marriage is something is just not sure about. All the drama and the baby not even born yet is enough for his brain.
/////////////////Living room/////////////////////////
Dong Wook places a bunch of papers on the coffee table. The older is known to be a little disorganized so lots of notes and smashed papers is normal. YoungBae is not use to such chaos and he can't help but stare as the man sorts threw the many papers. Seunghyun chuckles. "Don't worry Bae he is always like this." 
Dong Wook nods. "Ne....there is a method to my madness." He sorts  couple more papers. "Ah Hah!" He holds up one and everyone looks up. "Oh did you find what you were looking for." says Seungri looking at the massive pile. Dong Wook nods. "Ne...I found my parking ticket." 
 Seunghyun can't help but laugh. "Now that you found what is important to you. Can you work on my drama." 
"Ne ne I was getting to that." The older goes into his bag again and reaches into a random compartment. He pulls out a recording device and notebook. Seunghyun takes the notebook in his hands. "What is this stuff??" 
"Well these are all written and verbal confessions of Daesung and his lackeys abuse. Also a couple of executives have some evidence. This is plenty to break your contract." 
YoungBae clicks on the recorder and a voice starts to play in the background. "So just this can break the contract? Sounds so easy..." 
"Well in order to break the contract and have Daesung finally let go is to present this to the company president." 
"Isn't he the one who is allowing all of this ruckus?" 
"Yea...but remember. YG doesn't like mess. Once Yang sees this, he will want to resolve it. He of course will try to keep Seunghyun at the company at all cost by trying to get him to sign another contract under another manager...this is where I come in I will make sure that doesn't happen. I have roughed elbows over the years with many es. Yang and that company is nothing..." 
"Wow you are so tough hyung." says Seungri excited about the plan.
"Aigo Ri you already know the plan..." 
"Ne but it's cool to hear it again." 
Bae shakes his head and chuckles. "Is he always like this?" 
Seunghyun can't believe his ears. "So then after that we are home free?" 
Dong Wook nods.  "Hyuuuunnng!" Seunghyun hugs the man beside him. "How did you do all of this?" 
The older releases the hug. "I have my connections...now that you are almost a free agent...you need a company...and a manager..." 
Seunghyun smirks. "Not now..." 
"Well actually" Dong Wook places a contract on the table. "You need to sign with me now. We don't want you going over there as a free agent..." 
"Isn't that breaking my contract signing this." 
"Seunghyun ah....after we present this. They will be more than willing to resolve this. You are too much of a presence...you know... If you say you don't like something....everyone will not like it. Now. You think YG wants that label?" 
Seunghyun nods. "True. So will all my endorsements come over to his contract?" 
"One step ahead of you Hyun. I have your current endorsements ready and waiting for you to sign" 
"That's what I like to hear." Seunghyun signs the contract and Dong Wook takes the folder away. "Well this will be a nice start of our relationship Seunghyun ah." 
The younger nods. "Thanks hyung for helping me." 
Dong Wook chuckles. "We have just started...we still need to go to Seoul to finalize everything." 
"Oh yea...how long do I have here?" 
"Well...I hate to do this...but we need to leave tomorrow morning." 
Bae gets concerned. "So soon? Can't he stay with Jiyong a little longer." 
"I know I sound like a bad Santa right now but we need to push these papers so that there will be a smooth transition." 
Seunghyun sighs. "Well what has to be done has to be done." He stands from the sofa. "Good meeting guys." 
Seungri stands up and goes over to hug his hyung. "It's so good being your assistant hyung. We will all be happy now." Seunghyun pats the younger ones shoulder "Ne ne...it's almost over" 
Jiyong slowly walks into the room to find his lover hugging his assistant. Seungri notices Jiyong first so he releases the friendly hug. "Hey hyung!" shouts Seungri. Jiyong is not sure but he is very jealous. "Hi" says the younger with a very short tone. He looks over at his lover. "I was just seeing if your meeting was over...and I see it was...." Jiyong then turns around and makes no contact with his hyunnie.
Bae looks over at Seunghyun. "What was that about?" 
"I don't know...he has never acted that way..." 
Seungri then sighs. "I don't think that he liked me hugging you..." 
"But you are my little brother." 
"Still...he's very pregnant...and his hormones are going crazy..." 
Seunghyun then sighs. "Aiiish..I better go fix this. I will see you guys at dinner" The others chuckle a bit as the rapper makes his way out of the room. Seunghyun as never seen Jiyong with a look like that. He did notice that he tends to be a little more sensitive but he thought that he was just not a morning person. Nope...it's pure pregnancy.
/////////////////////The bedroom/////////////////////
Seunghyun slowly opens their bedroom door to find his lover curled up on his side of the bed. "Yongie..." There is not answer so he decides to walk over to the other side of the bed. Jiyong doesn't know why...but he is crying. Seunghyun of course scrambles to the side of the bed and pushes the loose hair out of Jiyong's eyes. "Baby....why are you crying?" says the older in a whisper. Jiyong sniffles again and wipes his eyes with his lovers t shirt. "I don't know why..." says the younger in a soft voice. Seunghyun then gets up on the bed and pulls the younger into a embrace making sure to wrap his hand around the belly. "Aigo I don't want my baby crying" 
Jiyong doesn't say anything but continues to sniffle into the shirt. Seunghyun rubs the belly and kisses the back of Jiyong's hair. "I love you so much Jiyong ah. You know I would do nothing to hurt you right." Jiyong nods "Ne..." 
"You didn't like that hug huh? Is that what got you upset about?" 
Jiyong sighs "Normally I don't care about such petty things. He is your younger brother...but for some reason I felt jealous....then I felt stupid and started to cry..." 
"Oh well let's stop those tears. Roll over my love" 
Jiyong slowly turns his body to face his lover. His eyes are puffy and tear stained. Seunghyun chuckles and takes his thumb to wipe away a tear. "Aww you are so cute when you are puffy like this." Jiyong blushes a bit. "It's not cute...it just enhances my fat." 
Seunghyun lightly grabs the small . "This feels fine to me." Jiyong chuckles. "Not there..." Seunghyun leans in a takes the pouty lips into his. They press their lips together and Jiyong leans into the kiss to make the kiss deeper. They slowly move their lips which elicits a couple of moans. They release the kiss and Jiyong smiles brightly. "Now that's the face I like to see." 
"I'm sorry hyunnie...I will try not to get moody" 
"Don't change baby. You are just fine the way you are." 
Jiyong figures that this is a good moments to bring up the question his family all wants him to ask. "I want to ask you something..?" 
Seunghyun laughs. "Ask away my love" He kisses his nose. Jiyong grins and almost forgets the question. "Aigo you are too good looking....well...I have been thinking...I....uh...well...huh..." Seunghyun loves how cute the younger is at the moment. He can literally see his brain searching for words. "Just tell me Yongie..." The older bats his lashes. Jiyong laughs. "Hyunnie...I told you that's not cute..." 
"I'm still cute." 
"Ne...well I unn....have been thinking" 
"Thinking about?" Seunghyun grins as he helps his boyfriend form a sentence. 
Jiyong sighs. "Well I have been thinking about the future..." 
"Oh like our living situations?" 
"Yea...something like that.." 
Dami comes into the room. "Come and get dinner you love birds. Seunghyun, mother really wants us all to eat on time today since you are leaving tomorrow." She closes the door.
Jiyong looks up at his lover. "You are leaving tomorrow...how come you didn't tell me yet..." 
"Because you were crying pabo..." 
"Oh yea." He chuckles to himself. "Will you be back soon?" 
"Yea...I will be back in  a couple days." 
"So things will work out?" Jiyong smiles. 
"Ne things will work out." Seunghyun sits up. "Let's go get some dinner Yongie. Baby needs to eat and I'm hungry too." Jiyong chuckles while his lover helps him out of bed. "Ne I'm hungry too." 
/////////////////////The next morning///////////////////////
Seunghyun's flight left really early in the morning so Jiyong wasn't even awake to say goodbye. For some reason he has become a heavy sleeper the past couple of months. Jiyong hates that his lover is gone but he loves that he will be back soon. Things will hopefully resolve soon. 
Jiyong wakes up to the empty bed in the room. He stretches his arms to the sunlight room. The park views are beautiful with the lush landscaping and beautiful skies. The mornings are just perfect from their room and it really helps to just get away sometimes. Jiyong then notices something shining on the walls. 
He brings his hands down and then comes into pure shock. "Omo!" He looks down to see a huge diamond band on his left finger. Jiyong being 8 months pregnant can't help but cry.  He takes a look at the ring and knows that it cost  alot of money. "Aigo aigo" He puts his hand on his belly and takes a picture with his phone. This will be a moment he will never forget. "How did he know." says the younger to himself. He looks over at his coffee table to see a note. 
Surprised?? Hopefully you noticed the ring before the note. I know that this might be the crappiest proposal ever but I figured this was the best time. Yesterday when we were talking I figured you wanted to ask about marriage. First I want to say I'm sorry for not bringing it up first. It should have been the first thing I should have done.Not to freak you out, but I have had this ring ever since I came back to visit you for the first time. I was going to give you the ring and the necklace together. When you pushed me out...I figured I would wait...because I was never going to give up on you. Ever since we first met to the first time we made love I knew that we were always going to be together. I love you so much thank you for being with me and enduring this drama. I promise we will live a good life. You are the father/appa of my child and the love of my life. Wear that ring well my love and make sure to tell the family. I can't wait for this all to be resovled and we all can be a family together. 
I love you
Hey all thank you for reading. Sorry for the late update. School is getting busy^^ Please leave feedback and a upvote! Love!
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^