
What's left behind


*continuation from the last chapter
Jiyong runs to the toilet and takes a quick piss. His belly is big now and it gets harder and harder to hold on to . Soon he will have to swallow his pride and sit on the toilet. Right now he can still reach around and grab but when he gets bigger it's not going to happen. 
The younger puts back in his pants and takes a tissue to wipe his of  his lovers seed. He would shower but he is too hungry to really care about hygiene at the moment. He goes to the sink and washes his hands and goes back into the dimly lit room. 
His lover is sleeping peacefully in the bed. Jiyong figures that the let lag finally caught up to the man. Jiyong takes this opportunity to go grab a bite to eat...if there is anything left. 
He goes to the door and opens it quietly and closes it with a soft click. He then goes towards the dinning table and there is still plenty of food left. Actually the food still looks heated. The younger takes a plate and a chef appears almost startling the other. "Omo...I didn't see you" The younger didn't think that anyone was in the room with him. The chef smiles. "Sorry to scare you Mr. Jiyong. We were waiting for you to come and eat. We made sure the food was still fresh to your standards. 
Jiyong chuckles to himself while the man is still talking. He never knew he had standards at this level. "You did great thank you" Jiyong smiles at the Chef. "Is your husband still sleeping?" Jiyong kinda laughs "Ne he is still sound a sleep. He must be tired." The chef makes a concerned face. "Shall I prepare him a soup for jet lag?" Jiyong nods "Thank you. Please do so." The chef leaves the room and Jiyong takes a seat at the huge table. Bae and Dara come over. "I knew I heard your voice man. How are you feeling?" 
Jiyong butters a biscuit. "I feel great now that I had some sleep and knowing that we are all safe." 
Dara takes a seat at the table. "Is Seunghyun still sleeping?" 
"Ne he must be tired. I think he tried to stay up with me but I knew he would fall out" Jiyong chuckles to himself. 
"Did he say anything about what's next?" Bae leans on his girlfriends chair. 
"He said that a friend of his is going to call later. I'm assuming in Korean time...so much later today." 
Bae nods his head. "Well that's good he is making things happen." 
Jiyong continues to eat. "How is my family? Are they still shaken up?" 
Dara laughs. "Noooo not at all. Dami and Mrs. Kwon are totally distracted by this beautiful hotel....well really me too." 
"and Me...this place is just incredible. I have never slept on a sofa that is more comfortable than my bed. Seunghyun is protecting all of us...he could have just protected your family but he brought us in too. I will always remember this..." Bae almost looks like he is going to cry. 
"Aigo baby. Don't cry..." Dara wipes a tear from her lovers face. Bae always gets emotional when it comes to friends. He has had some ty ones in the past. He loves that Seunghyun is nothing of the sorts. 
The couple then goes back into the main liveing room and leaves JIyong to finish his breakfast. The younger takes a look at the room and sees that it really is beautiful with it's beautiful t and details. The detail runs all throughout the room. Even the knives and forks have the same theme. 
He then finishes his meal and the chef comes out just in time with soup in hand. "Shall I serve this to him?" Jiyong shakes his head. "I will do it." He takes the tray and the Chef leaves the room again. Jiyong then goes back into his room with is snoring rather loud lover. Jiyong laughs as he takes a seat next to his boyfriend. He places the tray in his lap and then takes a hand to rub his lovers back. The older slowly stirs out of his sleep to find his lover sitting next to him. He lifts his head with a sleepy like grin on his face. "How long was I out?" 
"You were sleeping for about an hour." 
The older sits up in the bed. "Hmm...what you got there" He yawns into his hand. Jiyong takes the spoon and loads it up with soup. "It's for jet lag...open up" Seunghyun chuckles and then opens his mouth. Jiyong brings the spoon to his lovers mouth and Seunghyun eats what's on the spoon. The warm soup was just what he was needing. Jiyong loads the spoon again and continues to feed his lover. It gives Jiyong joy being able to serve his lover in such a way. Seunghyun has done so much for him and his family already. 
The soup is now gone. Jiyong takes a napkin and wipes the corners of his lovers mouth. He steals a kiss and the older chuckles. "You are such a sweetie." He leans in and kisses his lover again. Jiyong then puts the tray on the night stand. Seunghyun smirks and grabs at his lovers hoodie. "Have you showered yet?" Jiyong shakes his head. "No...I just ate and came here." 
Seunghyun scoots to the end of the bed and stands up. He hold out his hand to his lover. "Let's get cleaned up Ne?...I will wash your back for you" The older smiles as he holds out his hand still. Jiyong blushes "Hyunnie...I haven't been in front of anyone in a long time..." 
Seunghyun takes the smaller hand in his and helps the younger one get off the bed. He looks into the coffee eyes and smiles. "You are beautiful to me always. To me you are perfection. Ji Hyun has a happy home right now in your belly. Thank you Jiyong ah for being such a great daddy." Jiyong smiles and looks into the floor. "You just know what to say...you are almost to good to be true." 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "You are almost too good to be true. Sometimes I just need to pinch myself." 
The older then bring the two into the bathroom. He helps Jiyong takes off his sweat pants and then his boxers. The younger shivers a bit to the cold bathroom. Seunghyun turns on the shower to warm up the room. He quickly undresses and JIyong blushes at his beautiful boyfriend. Seunghyun chuckles "Aw don't be shy. I don't bite" He walks over and give his lover a bag hug. "Now off with this hoodie." Jiyong plays with the strings and then sighs. He slowly takes off the hoodie revealing his very pregnant belly and still small but healthy frame. 
Seunghyun takes a look at his lover and smiles. Jiyong is simply beautiful the way that his belly sticks out and how his body carries the baby so well. "Ji hyun has a beautiful daddy." Jiyong blushes. "I'm fat..." He pokes at his hips. Seunghyun chuckles. "You are not fat. This is all baby" He reaches up to rub the tummy. Ji hyun kicks against his fathers touch. "See baby agrees you are very beautiful." 
The two get into the shower and the water is perfect. Jiyong stands more towards the water while Seunghyun stands behind him. The shower is rather huge to the jets and two shower heads make the experience relaxing. The two lather up and wash their bodies. Seunghyun helps Jiyong take care of the areas that he just can't reach. 
The older washes his boyfriends back and backside. Jiyong moans as his lover cleans his private areas. Seunghyun finds this fun so he spends a little extra time in that area. He then turns his lover around to look at the two little mounds. Jiyong blushes as his boyfriend stares. "Hyunnie...stop it..." Seunghyun smirks. "I can't do that'" He leans in and takes a nub into his mouth. He gently and Jiyong moans in response. "Aaahh hyunnie..." The older then rubs his lovers while he and the s. They are not big but they are round and puffy enough to grab and tease a little. 
The older then stops and kisses up to his lovers neck. He places two kisses and leans back to smile at his lover. "hmmm those tasted good." Jiyong who is still out of breath just nods. "I didn't know you liked them that much." 
"They are . I like ." He grabs at his lovers again and JIyogn lets out a moan. "Hyunnie...let's just wash." The older then chuckles. "Don't worry baby. I don't plan on having y time in the shower. I just wanted to show your glorious nubs some love." Jiyong laughs. "You are ..." 
"Oh indeed I can be at times. You make me hot baby" He then turns off the water. The two get out of the shower and then dry each other off. Jiyong dries his lovers back and Seunghyun dries Jiyong off completely. The younger could have dried himself off but Seunghyun insisted. The older loves the feeling of catering to his lover. He just wants to take care of him so that he will have no worries. 
Seunghyun puts the towel around his lover. "All dry my love." 
Jiyong rubs his lovers shoulder. "I love you so much." 
"I love you too." The older places a kiss on the plump lips. "So full and soft. You are driving me crazy" Jiyong laughs "You always say that" 
"Because it's true baby. Let's get dressed Ne?" 
///////////////////Living room////////////////////////
It's 4pm and the living room has been turned into a mini hospital room. Dr. Park is in the hotel with his nurse. There is an examination table and a ultra sound machine hooked up. 
This will be the first time the family will hear the baby's heart beat and see what it looks like at almost full term. Bae and Dara have seen most of this stuff but the Kwon's have not heard the baby yet. Dami heard the heart beat before but she has not been to appointments the past couple of months. Seunghyun has never seen one ultra sound or a heart beat so this makes the family excited. 
Jiyong sits patiently on the examination table. His bright blue I Love NY hoodie is pulled up slightly and he is ready to start the show....he even drinked a extra bottle of water before the appointment. 
Seunghyun is sitting in a chair next to his lover closet to the screen. Everyone else is sitting on the furniture surrounding the setting. Dr. Park then starts the examination. "Jiyong I'm just going to feel around to see if baby is comfortable" The doctor takes his white gloved hands and feels around. Ji hyun moves around a bit while the doctor feels  around. "Well he is a very active baby. That is good." The doctor then takes his chair and turns on the ultra sound. The nurse squeezes the gel on Jiyong's stomach. "Ohhh that cold" The nurse chuckles. "Ne it is" as she spreads the gel around. "Thank you nurse Soh" 
The doctor then takes the instrument in his hand and places it on Jiyong stomach. Instantly there is a picture of a baby. Since Ji Hyun is seven months it's not hard to figure what's what. The Kwon's immediately start crying especially Mrs. Kwon. "He is beautiful Jiyong ah.. Simply beautiful." This is truly a emotional setting. Seunghyun watches in awe as his lover is revealing their son. "He really is beautiful." He places a kiss on his lovers lips and the doctor continues to probe around. "This is his head...and these are his feet....his is currently on his thumb." Everyone smiles as they look at the baby his thumb and moving around. 
Seunghyun smiles "Ji Hyun move for Appa." The baby moves and the doctor smiles. "He really knows your voice." The doctor then chuckles "Welll here is the proof he is a boy." The doctor then points at the monitor to show the little . Jiyong laughs and Seunghyun pats himself on the back. "That's my boy" Everyone ends up in a fit of laughter and Dr. Park can't help from laughing too. He takes a couple of pictures with the machine and prints them out. He then removes the instrument from his hands. "Well baby Ji Hyun is a healthy boy. Just take it easy Jiyong. With you being a male the last trimester is very important. You are very lucky that you survived the tase." '
Jiyong nods. "I'm grateful that my friends were there to help me." 
The Dr. nods. "Well you are in good hands." The doctor stands and bows to everyone. "Nurse Soh and I will take our leave. I will see you next week Jiyong. Great meeting you all." The doctor bows again and they leave the room. The butler comes into the room and motions for the employees to move the ultra sound and other medical furniture. 
Seunghyun helps Jiyong off the table and brings him over to the two seater sofa. The family passes around the pictures of baby and they all try to figure who looks like who more. Mr. Kwon sweaters that the baby has the Kwon nose and the other argue that the baby is just in a weird position. Seunghun watches how his new family interacts with each other. He loves that Jiyong breathes life into everyone. 
"Son in law?" says Mrs. Kwon Jiyong blushes. "Mom..." 
"What ever. Seunghyun do your parents know about Jiyong?" 
Seunghyun nods "Ne they do and they want to meet him soon. I figure after all the drama is settled I will bring him to Korea with me to meet the family." 
"Where will you live after the baby is born?" 
"I will live with you happy people" 
Dami chuckles. "In our small as accommodations?" 
Seunghyun chuckles again. "I'm looking for condos for all of us to stay in. I'm trying to get four units in the same building." They all look at the idol. Jiyong looks over at his lover. "Baby...are you buying us all condos?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne...I think that we should all live comfortable." 
Bae is almost speechless. "Wow man...I don't know what to say..." 
"Just be ready to move when I get them. I'm still looking and of course I want your approval too." Seunghyun smiles at them. Mr. Kwon then ask. "Are you really that rich?" Seunghyun nods. "Ne I have been in the industry for years. I have many hits and endorsements that keep me very comfortable. I'm happy I can put my money to good use....I just hope that you all don't mind making a commute to your Cafe" 
Dami chuckles. "Not like there will be a line down the block waiting for us..." 
"Oh things will change. I have a marketing team working on new advertisments for the Kwon Cafe...and people working to get your bar on the map too Bae" The younger grins. "I like the sound of that hyung...you are like a genie..." 
"I know that this is a lot of talks of money but I really want to take care of you. I consider you all my family now. Jiyong and I just want you all to be happy." 
Mrs. Kwon smiles. "Well you are in my eyes my son. You have really taken responsibility and you never gave up on my Jiyong. We love you more for that" 
/////////////////Night time////////////
It's night time and Jiyong and Seunghyun are back in the room. Dami of course decided to sleep in the other room. While the couple takes the main room. Jiyong is already sleeping in his hoodie and Seunghyun is on his phone. He dials his hyungs number in Korea. 
"Hey I was waiting for your call" 
"Yea I figured you would be ready for me...did you figure anything out?" 
The other sighs. "Well it's messy but I think we can get out of this." 
"Well I think that we should just threaten them with bad press. The police will not do for the fear of what those powerful pricks might do to them...but the press...they would eat this up.." 
Seunghyun likes the idea but he doesn't want the press in their relationship just yet. "Well...is the press the only way out?" 
"If you want to be done with this company we need to threaten them with press. We are not going to them we are just threatening them. Giving them a taste of their own medicine...what you think?" 
"Well I guess that 's the only way out." 
"We are still thinking of ways out...so I will get back to you...we need to think ahead so that Daesung won't us over. That man knows how to threaten in five languages...we need to learn six..." 
"We can do it...just keep me posted" 
"Cool man...just keep the family at the hotel...I just need to come back soon" 
The younger sighs. "I will be there soon. I just need to spend time with the family." 
"I know you do but this is serious. If you are ready to take action get on a plane in two days." 
"Two days?" 
"Ne two...we need to get rollin." 
Seunghyun hangs up the phone and gets into bed. He takes his lover in his arms and snuggles closely. He will do what it takes to save his family from harm. Daesung will get his rude awakening soon...
Hey all thank you for reading! Please tell me what you think. What you think the plan will be? Please leave feedback and a upvote :)
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^