New Friends

Forbidden Love 1.5

After work, Hoon was waiting for me outside the restaurant, just as he had told me. I hugged Ji-Soo and said my goodbyes before walking out to meet Hoon, whose aura was different than usual. We walked home in silence. I wondered if I should ask him what was wrong, but by the time I had gained the courage to do so, we had already reached home to find six well-dressed guys with nice hair sitting on our couches. When they heard us come in, they turned to face us. These boys were the rest of U-KISS. They smiled at me and I bowed, remaining calm, but secretly fangirling. I gave Hoon a ‘why are they here?’ kind of look.

“Minah, this is U-KISS, which is something I know you already know…” he began. “They are here as my guests, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind, Oppa, it’s a pleasure to have them here.” I told him. It really was. He smiled weakly.

“Minah… I’ve been informed by them that we will be going to Japan in about a month. We’ll be gone for two weeks.”

So that’s what it was. “Why so sad, Oppa? It’s for your career.”

He sighed. “I can’t leave you Minah, I just can’t.”

“Yes you can.” I assured him. He shook his head.

“I just don’t want to leave you.”

“You should be more worried about leaving school.” I told him. “And it’s just two weeks.”

“Need I remind you about last night?” he asked me. I shook my head.

“But you still have to go. You know this.”

To this, he nodded. I smiled and told him not to worry, that I would be fine and would be extra careful while he’s gone. His eyes became noticeably calmer. After his eyes became calm, we sat down with our guests. Hoon properly introduced us all and we talked for a bit and ordered food for delivery. After a few hours, the boys left us. Early tomorrow morning they had dance practice and a song recording, as well as Hoon, of course. Because of this, as soon as they were gone, Hoon and I did homework and went to bed. We barely even spoke, other than asking each other homework related questions.

When I woke up this morning, Hoon was already gone. I went into the bathroom to get ready for another day of work, to find a note on the mirror. I didn’t want to wake you. When you’re done with work, my hyung will pick you up and bring you to the dance studio. Love you. -Hoon

I smiled and traced out Hoon’s words on the note and after that, I got ready for work and walked to Ji Soo’s family restaurant. It was another slow day today, so slow that Ji Soo’s mother decided to let us practice cooking in the kitchen. Ji Soo and I spent the whole day making Kimchi Fried Rice, Bulgogi, Udon and Yakgwa. Before I knew it, my shift was over and I was starving. I hadn’t taken my lunch break because we were so busy cooking. Because of this, Ji Soo’s mother put some food in containers for me. As she was packing my food to go, a handsome man with sunglasses entered through the door. “Is Minah here?” he asked. I nodded.

I walked over to him and bowed, asking him why he was looking for me. He pulled down his sunglasses just enough for only me to see his eyes, and I knew who he was - Kim Hyun Joong, himself! “Are you by chance, Hoon’s hyung?” I asked him barely audibly. He nodded.

“We’re pretty good friends, I suppose. I’m here to take you to Hoon.” he told me. I nodded, telling him I knew about it. He smiled a heart-melting smile and I felt myself blush. I smiled and looked down at my feet.

Ji Soo’s mother rushed over to us, handing me a bag with three times as much food as I expected, along with some tea. I shook my head, telling her this was too much food but she insisted that I take it, telling me it would go to waste otherwise. I bowed and said my thanks as well as a good-bye to my friend, and with that Hyun Joong grabbed the food out of my hands and told me to follow him. Once in his car, Hyun Joong put on the radio and drove out to the studio. When we got to the dance studio, I apologized to Hyun Joong about making his car smell like food. He laughed lightly and told me not to worry about it. “It smells good.” he told me, smiling. I told him I had made it and offered him some. He shook his head. “I’d love to, but I also have work to do. And I think Hoon may be jealous. I’ll stop by your work one day though, I promise.”

I smiled and bowed, thanking him and with that, he left. I carried the food into the dance studio and found Hoon and the others free style dancing. They stopped when the saw me. “Minah!” Hoon exclaimed. “So happy you’re here!”

“You brought food?” Eli asked, his eyes glazing.

“Yes,” I told him. “Dig in.”

Eli smiled. “Nice!” he said as he came up to me and took the bag, emptying it of the containers of food. He grabbed chopsticks and took a piece of Bulgogi. After one bite, he began picking at the food some more, Dongho joining him and the others soon after. Hoon was the last to go to the food. Watching them eat, I remembered how hungry I was and joined them as well. The food was not too warm anymore, but it was delicious. After eating, the boys stretched and began to practice dancing again for a couple of hours. I watched happily.

After they were done, Kevin came and sat next to me on the floor. “Did you enjoy yourself today?” he asked me.

“Yes, I did.” I smiled.

“Wanna learn some dance moves?”

My eyes widened. “I-I can’t dance” I told him. He laughed and told me it was alright, that he and the guys would help me. I hesitated, but stood up. Kevin smiled and then started to teach me the basics to Man Man Ha Ni. The others joined in, helping me as well. I was sweating, tired and hungry again by the time it was ten o’clock at night. When we finished, Kevin walked over to me.

"I see a future idol in the making." he said, smiling. I thanked him and went over to my belongings, getting ready to leave. It was getting late and Hoon decided we should get home. We had classes early tomorrow.


Chapter Seven and finally, for you old readers, there will be new additions to the story from here! ^^ Hope you will enjoy! :)

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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....