
Forbidden Love 1.5

Days passed since Hoon told me he had to leave, and soon days turned into weeks. Hoon’s and my relationship was now a month long and U-KISS was leaving to Japan. Hyun Joong and I went to the airport to say our goodbyes to the boys. It didn’t matter that they would be gone for only five days and that Japan wasn't incredibly far away. I had to see my new friends and the guy I love off to another country. Before we and the guys parted, Hoon wrapped his arms around me, giving me a quick, but somewhat lingering kiss and a hug. I blushed being kissed in such a public area. I hoped there were no Kiss Me’s around. Thankfully, there were none that made their presence known.

After the guys left, Hyun Joong drove me home. When we arrived, he asked me to come in and I let him. “Would you mind if I made us something to eat?” he asked. “I’m hungry.”

I nodded and let him to the kitchen. He made us Japchae and we sat down in my living room. As we ate, he looked though my DVD shelf and noticed that I had Boys Over Flowers and Playful Kiss DVD sets. He smirked and held them out to me. “You’re a fan?”

“Yes.” I blushed. How embarrassing. I just hoped he didn’t decide to snoop through my CD collection as well.

“Wow, that makes me very happy.” he said, smiling. I smiled back, still embarrassed.

Hyun Joong put my Boys Over Flowers DVD in my DVD player and ran off to my kitchen again, coming back with a bottle of Soju. “Wanna drink?” he asked me. I thought about it for a second before nodding. What’s the harm? It was only a drink. But eventually one drink turned into two drinks, and two into three, and so on.

Hyun Joong and I were now laughing almost uncontrollably while pouring out our thoughts and innermost secrets. I couldn’t control my mouth. It felt as if I’d told him my life story and as if he’d told me his. I had even told him about Hoon’s and my beginning friendship all the way to our relationship now. He has also told me about his past relationships.

“Minah, what is your ideal type?” he asked me suddenly.

“Flower boys.” I told him.

“Oh really? So then am I your type?” he laughed. I suddenly felt sober and drank some more soju.

“Is that a no?” he asked, still laughing. I stayed quiet. “You know,” he began. “You’d be my type if you were just a few years older.”

“And you’d be my type if you were just a few years younger.” I snapped. To this, Hyun Joong began to chuckle and then burst into laughter, which led me into laughter as well.

“Hoon really is a lucky guy.” He told me. “Too lucky. That ungrateful punk...You know, there is something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

I was confused. “What?”

“He loves you, Minah. He truly does. But I have the feeling he will go back to Eunhye. They have been through so much together and even with all the downs, they managed to stay together for so long.” To this, I gasped. Tears began to form in my eyes. “But…” he sighed. “I see that you two have a special bond. You too are good together. I support you guys with all my heart. I do not like Hoon and Eunhye together, but it just seems inevitable eventually. I say this because I don’t want you to get hurt unexpectedly later on. Hoon and I are good friends. I know him all too well.”

I knew he was right, but I still couldn’t stop the tears. As much as Hoon seemed to really dislike Eunhye, he had been with her for two years before leaving her to be with me. What if he left me and crawled back to her? I hid my face with my hands and heard myself sobbing. Suddenly I felt warm arms make their way around me. I accepted the embrace and cried into Hyun Joong’s chest. I cried so hard that I wasn’t aware of anything. I hadn’t even noticed myself drifting off to sleep.

I woke up with a throbbing headache and swollen eyes. Hyun Joong’s arms were still wrapped around me and my head was still on his chest. He was still asleep. I could hear his heartbeat along with the sound of his light breathing. It relaxed me enough so that I didn’t feel like crying anymore, remembering what was said last night. Hyun Joong was right, Hoon might end up going back to Eunhye. But I’m still with Hoon in this present time. I love him and he loves me. Not all relationships work out, but no one goes into a relationship expecting it to end, otherwise why would they bother getting into the relationship? I shouldn’t expect that we would break up either, even if it is to be expected. No one really can say for sure what will happen in the future. I sighed as I thought about it, completely forgetting I was in Hyun Joong’s arms until he wrapped them tighter around me and rolled us sideways. “Teddybear… so nice and soft.” He whispered. I blushed. He thought I was a teddybear? To this, I laughed and pried myself out of his arms.

“Why?” he sighed, opening his eyes. When he saw me, he jumped. “Wah! I’m so sorry!”

I laughed. “It’s okay.”

He yawned and sat up, rubbing his head. “Even with a carpet, floors are so hard…”

I smiled, laughing just a little bit. To this, Hyun Joong tapped my head lightly. “Hey!” I said playfully. He began to laugh as well. After we were done fooling around, Hyun Joong and I went out for breakfast and then Hyun Joong went home, promising to visit me every day to check up on me while U-KISS was gone.

More to come!! :) I highlighted one of my sentences because it is a quote that came from myself. I felt it's something important because I know so many people that go into relationships expecting and waiting for them to end. This quote is meaningful to me because when I do get into a relationship, I do not want to think about the end. It will only make the relationship less likely to last. :(


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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....