Oppa Returns

Forbidden Love 1.5

As promised, each day, Hyun Joong visited me. He took me out to dinner each evening when I got out of work and school. He even helped me with my school work. Hyun Joong made these five days without Hoon go by so much faster than expected. It was already the fifth day and we were at the airport waiting for our U-KISS friends. After about an hour of waiting, Hyun Joong tapped my shoulder. “Look, there they are. Let’s go.”

I nodded and we walked over to the boys. As we walked over, we heard a few girls screaming. They had found out about U-KISS’s flight back to Korea. Hoon and the boys smiled and waved at the girls, but continued to walk towards us. It took a few seconds but the screams got louder, realizing that Kim Hyun Joong was also at the airport. When the guys had reached us, the girls also reached us, snapping photos and asking for autographs. I moved aside and pretended not to know what was going on. I ran off to the bathroom and texted Hyun Joong that I was going to be in the bathroom until their fans left. I didn’t want fans to ask who I was. I received a text back saying to just meet them in U-KISS’s van. I did as told and about fourty-five lonely, miserable minutes later, the boys showed up. Hoon sat next to me and hugged me, not wanting to let go. I wrapped my arms around him as well, not wanting to let go either. “I missed you.” I whispered in his ear.

“I missed you too.” he whispered back into mine.

“What about us?” I heard Eli say. “Didn’t you miss us?”

“Yeah, we feel left out.” Soohyun joked.

I looked up at the boys, still wrapped in Hoon’s arms and smiled, greeting them. “Welcome back guys, I missed you too. Don’t worry.”

The guys laughed. “Where is your hyung?” I asked Hoon when we separated from our long embrace.

“He’s leaving in his car.” he told me.

“Oh, right.” I sighed. “What about the fans?”

“We let them take pictures, gave a few autographs and then told them we had to leave. We have a busy schedule today. More recording and dance practice.” Hoon told me.

“What about school?” I asked, concerned.

“I have to fit school in, of course. That just means I’m even busier.” he answered. I nodded. Did he have time for me? Or was this van ride all the time we had? When the van came to a stop, my question was answered. “I’ll be home late tonight and I’m booked all day tomorrow but we can have dinner together tomorrow evening.” Hoon told me, getting out of the van. “I’ll have my manager send you home.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s okay. I want to walk. I need the fresh air.”

Hyun Joong was right. All of a sudden, Hoon seemed so distant from me. It seemed that way anyway, until Hoon put my hands in his, pulling my closer to him to give me a goodbye kiss. With our lips pressed together, I felt more settled. Hoon was busy, I understood that. Tomorrow night we would have dinner together and things would be just the same as they had been. “So how about that nice, safe ride home with my manager?” Hoon asked.

“Nice try.” I smiled. “I’ll be going now. Bye you guys. Have a productive day and make me proud. Fighting!”

“Fighting!” the boys repeated, before I left.

On my way home, I passed by a park. It was completely empty, and so I sat on a swing and closed my eyes, imagining myself in a perfect world – a world where Hoon and I would always be together. It seemed that I had been day-dreaming for several hours when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and snapped out of it. I looked back to see Hyun Joong. He smiled and sat on the swing next to me. “Hyun Joong-ah… What are you doing here?”

“I was just driving home from the airport and noticed you here, so I came.” he told me. “Would you mind some company?”

“No.” I said shaking my head. “It’s always nice to see you. You’re a great Oppa to me.”

Hyun Joong smirked at this. “You’re so silly. Of course I’m there for you. I have to look out for my friend’s girl.”

“Right.” I sighed. “But you don’t have to.”

“But I want to.” he told me, stretching out his legs. “You’re a really sweet girl. It makes me want to protect you when Hoon isn’t there to do so. It’s just something about you that brings out the older brother in me. You’re so… innocent.”

“Innocent?” I repeated questioningly. Hyun Joong nodded. “I guess I am, but I’m not a small child.”

“I know. Don’t be so defensive.” he laughed. “But you are several years younger than me.”

I pouted. This made him laugh even more. “Oppa, age is not that important. But I’m almost 19. I will be 20 soon. When I’m 20, we will both be in our 20’s… what will you say then?”

He smiled. “I will always see you as I do now. A little sister.”

I sighed. “Okay.”

“Want me to get you lunch?” he asked me. I nodded slowly. “How does Curry sound?”

“It sounds great.” I told him. “Let’s go.”

After Hyun Joong and I ate, he dropped me off at home, where I stayed up all night waiting for Hoon. He got home at about three in the morning. When he saw me he jumped. “What are you doing up so late?”

“Waiting for you.” I whispered tiredly. He smiled and walked over to me, wrapping me in his arms just like earlier that day.

“Silly, you should sleep.” he told me. I grabbed his arms and held them tighter against me.

“No. I wanna spend time with you. It’s been five days that we haven’t even talked. You’ve been so busy that you couldn’t even call me.”

Hoon frowned. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Just hold me like this for a while.” I told him.

He smiled and kissed me. “Silly Minah, I’ve missed you so much.”

I smiled back weakly. I was barely awake. Noticing this, Hoon carried me to my bed. He then got undressed to put on his sleeping clothes. When he lay next to me, his warm body made me unable to sleep and I told him this.

“I’m sorry, Minah. Maybe I should sleep on the couch today.” he said, getting up.

“No.” I said, grabbing onto his shirt. He looked back at me, knowing what I wanted.
“Minah… you look so tired. We shouldn’t…” he said.

I sat up and put my hands on his chest. “We haven’t done anything in almost two weeks. And I haven’t seen you in five days. It’s making me long for you more and more.”

He sighed and kissed me, pulling off his shirt.



The next chapter is rated M. It's more descriptive than I have ever written. Sorry. >.<

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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....