Playing House Wife

Forbidden Love 1.5

With Hoon having lived with me for about  three weeks now, I was already getting used to living with him. I felt like a house wife. Each weekday, I would wake up to Hoon's warm kisses on my cheek before my alarm clock would ring. I would smile and kiss his lips, making him smile and he'd wrap his arms around me. We would cuddle for a bit until my alarm went off. Hoon would moan, annoyed at the loud, obnoxious ringing and we would drag ourselves out of bed. We would then brush our teeth together and make faces at each other with our foam covered lips. After brushing our teeth, I would shower first so that I could cook breakfast while Hoon showered. As I showered, Hoon made my bed - no - our bed. We would eat breakfast, and if Hoon was going to class, he would drive us both to school. If not, I would send Hoon off with a kiss and Hyun Joong would pick me up at drop me off, since Hoon would no longer allow me to walk alone anymore since the mugging incident. 

On weekends, we would wake up to the same things, only, if the weather was nice, Hoon would walk me to work instead of school and kiss me goodbye outside of the door. Ji-Soo's mother noticed us one day and we spent hours gossiping about Hoon as we worked. Of course I didn't tell her all the dirty little details, just the major details like my confession and our kissing. 

During school breaks, Hoon would take me out to lunch every day, even if it meant leaving in the middle of a dance practice. Luckily, more important things such as interviews, concerts and recording sessions were not usually scheduled until the late afternoon or early evening. When school was over, if Hoon could, he would bring me home, but if not, again, Hyun Joong would come and get me. If not Hyun Joong, then a stylist of U-KISS or their manager would pick me up, but that was rare, and I'd much rather have Hyun Joong take me home. It's so easy to be comfortable around him and he's quite laid back. 

Once home, I would cook dinner and organize the apartment. If Hoon came home early enough, we would eat dinner and talk about each other's day. However, if Hoon came late, I would leave his food in the microwave and do homework. After homework, I would pick out Hoon's clothes for the next day and iron them. Usually Hoon came home soon after I finished. He would greet me with a kiss and then heat up and eat his food. We would then shower, usually together to save time, as it was already so late at night, and go to bed. Occasionally we would make love before falling asleep, entangled in each other's arms and legs, to then wake up and do the same things all over again. It was bliss. 

This morning I woke up to another one of Hoon's kisses. "Wake up," he whispered in my ear. "Wake up."

"I don't want to." I moaned, turning my back to my über adorable boyfriend. 

I felt a hand swipe the side of my stomach and in half a second, I found myself laying on my back with Hoon on top of me. "You're getting up."

"No, no, no," I protested in a joking manner. 

"Yes, yes, yes," he growled before plunging his face down to mine, nibbling my lower lip, arousing me. 

"Okay, okay, I'm up," I told him, gently brushing his chest away from me. Hoon frowned. "You know we can't do this now. Maybe later tonight." 

"Maybe?" Hoon repeated.

"Maybe, baby," I teased, brushing my lips against his for a second. 

"I just can't get enough of you. I think I might have to make you my wife," Hoon laughed. I laughed along. 

"I guess so." I agreed. Hoon smiled. The morning sun shown brightly behind his beautiful mess of hair. I couldn't help but fix his hair, tangling it between my fingers and styling it up nice. "Don't you think I could be a great wife one day?"

"Maybe, baby," Hoon smirked. 

I blushed and shoved my boyfriend away playfully. "You jerk."

"But you love it."

"I know I do," I admitted.


Here it is! I said I would get this chapter out one week from the last one but time flew before I knew it... ._.; I hope you like this chapter and look forward to the rest! If I made a mistake or something sounds oddly put together, please let me know! Thanks for support! Share with friends if you enjoy, I'd appreciate it! :D

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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....