Temporary House Guest

Forbidden Love 1.5

After my first and only class of the day ended, I recieved a text from Hoon. I'm sorry, but I can't meet up with you today. I'm really busy the next few days as well. I will see you soon. I love you. I really do. - Hoon

I wondered what that was about. It made me worry, but I tried not to think about it. I walked home and wrote more to the paper I had been working on earlier. I had set it aside yesterday and lied to Hoon about having things to do because I wanted to spend time with him. I guess it was time to make up for that by working on it while he was not around. I felt bittersweet about not seeing him today. On one hand, I could get my work done. On the other hand, I really wanted to see him.

I was done writing the paper in just a couple hours and now I didn't know what to do with myself. Normally I would watch dramas, go online or have work, but thoughts of Hoon had taken over my mind and my boss had told me I didn't need to go to work today. Because of this, I was able to keep wondering why Hoon could not meet me. He said he was busy, but for some reason, the text really worried me. I decided to walk over to Hoon's house.

When Hoon's house was in sight, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. The sun was beginning to set. I was scared. I pretended not to notice, but quickened my pace a bit. Hoon's house was so close, but before I could reach his door, a hand covered my mouth and pulled me away. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a muffled sound. I punch and kicked, and tried to bite the large, masculine hands over my mouth, but this man was not alone. He had two other friends with him. They held me down while the man smacked my head onto the pavement. He then began feeling me up and down, groping me as well as searching me for anything of value, reaching into my jean pockets to pull out my cell phone and a few dollars that I had. After that, his friends began to kick me. I cried in pain. "Hoon Oppa!" I called out weakly, covering my face. The men kicked me harder for this, but suddenly they stopped. I heard a few yelps and a shout. When I was free to get up, I saw Hoon before me. He had a cut on his left cheek, a bloody lip and a black eye as well as a few bruises on his arms. It was clear that not all of these marks were from just now.

"Oppa, what happened?" I asked him, struggling to get to my feet. Hoon walked over and helped me to stand. He  looked into my eyes and I could see anger and disappointment.

"Nevermind me. Why are you here? Are you crazy? You're lucky I heard you!" he shouted. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Oppa." I cried. "I was just worried about you not being able to see me and I had reason to be. How did you get these bruises?"

Hoon shook his head slowly. "Come inside. We'll talk about it inside."

I looked at the three men that had mugged me, lying unconscious. I grabbed my phone and money that now lay on the ground before Hoon led me into his house to call the police and then talk. I cleaned Hoon’s cut and bloody lip and soon the police arrived. We were asked questions, and after an hour or so, the police left, taking the three muggers, still unconscious, with them.

After they left, Hoon began looking through his belongings. He got out his old tennis bag and packed it with clothes and necessities. “Where are you going?” I asked him.

“To your apartment.” he told me. “I can’t leave you alone for one minute without you getting into trouble. I don’t want you getting hurt again so I’m going to have to stay at your apartment with you for a while.”

“Oppa! That isn’t necessary. I can take care of myself.”

“Oh really?” Hoon laughed. “Then who saved you back there? I don’t want to offend you, but that was serious. Those guys had knives. That’s why I have this cut on my face.”

“But these things aren’t something to worry about all the time.” I told him.

 Hoon only shook his head and sighed. “Minah… I feel… really protective over you. You’re younger than me so I’m responsible for you.”

“Hoon, you’re not much older than me. Why do you always enlarge our ?” I frowned.

He apologized. “I just don’t want you to be hurt. Why do you think I have been there for you for every little thing in your life since I’ve met you. Can I please stay with you for a while?”

“Okay.” I sighed. He was right. He had always been there and I knew I could never get him to stop being so protective over me. I appreciated it anyway. “But only if you tell me what happened to you today. I hope you didn’t think I forgot already.”

Hoon grimaced. “Of course not.”

With that, Hoon finished packing and he took us to my apartment in his car. When we got inside, Oppa put his bag of belongings on the floor next to my bed and sat down. I sat beside him and then Hoon told me everything that happened today. Apparently, Eunhye had noticed Hoon had not shown up to his first class of the day and had waited for him at his house. She also noticed that when Hoon showed up, he was wearing a hoodie and shirt that weren’t his own, and that he was wearing the same pants as yesterday. She interrogated him but he told her it was none of her concern. To this she wacked my dear Hoon's arms and punched his torso, getting one good punch in the face before she left him. After Hoon told me this, he explained that he didn’t want me to see his bruises, and was waiting until they started to disappear before he saw me again. He didn’t want me to worry, but ended up doing so in the first place. “I’m sorry.” he told me.

“No, it’s okay. I’m sorry too.” I said, hugging him. He winced at the pain. I pulled away, but he pulled me back to him, kissing the top of my head. With the kiss, he backed away.

“Why does your hair smell like blood?” he asked me.

“My head was smashed against the ground, but I’m okay.” I told him.

He shook his head. “No, you’re not. You're not okay. We need to get you to the hospital.”

“I really am. It wasn’t that hard.” I assured him. Hoon squinted at me and pulled my head gently to his face to find and inspect my head injury. He pushed my side bangs out of my face and found it.

“You’re lucky. It’s just a small cut and some scrapes on the side of your forehead, but it's bleeding a lot.” he told me.

Hoon carried me to the bathroom and cleaned my cut, placing a bandage on my head and kissing it after. I was so lucky to have Hoon here with me. I never imagined that my confession could result this way. I expected the worst, but here he was; our relationship mended and better than before. I was happy. Thankfully it was the weekend tomorrow, and I would hopefully be able to spend time with Hoon before and after work.

We both took showers after Hoon took care of my injury and prepared for bed. We did not sleep for a few hours as a precaution to my head injury. Of course, we were snuggled up against one another like last night, Hoon’s arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe and warm. There was no place else I’d rather be.


Chapter Five and getting to where new things will be added in. Sorry about that! I did add a couple new things, but still, not too, too much! Please be patient with me? Thanks so much! :)

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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....