Pinky Promise

Forbidden Love 1.5

I was in dreamland until the scent of something delicious filled the air, waking me up. I walked into the kitchen to find Hoon making vegetable Jeon (pancakes). Hoon turned to me and smiled. “Just making your lunch for work.”

“I can see that.” I laughed. He stopped what he was doing to poke my nose.
“Don’t tease me.” he told me, laughing. Then his face turned serious and he cupped my face in his hands, inspecting my forehead. He took off my band-aid carefully and told me he would clean my cut again when he was done cooking. I told him there was no need, that I would do it myself. I saw his eyes change from serious to sad and somewhat lonely when I said this. He was just trying to help and I rejected it.
“You’re busy cooking for me.” I explained.
“I’m never too busy for you.”
“Sometimes you are.” I said. “I know it’s because of school and work, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are sometimes too busy for me. I wish you would just relax sometimes.”
Hoon nodded. “But I’m not at school or work right now.”
“But you are cooking.” I told him. He sighed.
“Okay, fine. You win. This time.”
I smiled at him and walked off to shower and get ready for work. When I was done and ready to leave, Hoon joined me at the door carrying my lunch. “I’m walking you to work.” he told me. I knew this was coming. I just nodded. After last night, I don’t think he’d ever let me walk alone ever again. But it was fine because I wanted him to walk with me anyway.
When we arrived at my work, a small family restaurant, Hoon gave me my lunch and a quick kiss. “Have a good day.” he told me. “I’ll be back when you get out to walk you home.”
I nodded and then realized Hoon's dress-shirt was not buttoned all the way up. "Button your shirt, Oppa." I said, blushing.
He smirked, buttoning his shirt like I had asked, and with that, he left. I walked inside and saw that my friend, Ji-Soo had a huge smirk on her face. She walked up to me, jumping on me from behind playfully and began poking my cheeks.
“Who was that?” she asked. “You never told me you had a boyfriend.”
“That… was my Oppa.” I told her.
“The one you told me about? The one that you’ve been absolutely in love with for almost a year?”
I nodded. “That’s the one.”
“But you told me he got back with his ex.” she frowned.
“Yes, he did… But now we’re together. I confessed to him and he left her. He had feelings for me too, but he thought we shouldn’t be together so he had tried to make things work with her before.”
“That doesn’t sound good, Minah.” Ji-Soo told me. “This could be trouble. His ex will be very upset when she find out he left her for somebody else. He should have never gotten back with her in the first place if he loved you so much. I do feel he loves you, but he did make a mistake getting back with her and ignoring you.”
“I know, I know.” I frowned. “But we both want this now. I’ll hold on as long as I can, even though I know us being together can lead to trouble. His ex already beat him up for leaving her. I feel horrible and scared, but it’s too late to go back now.”
Ji-Soo nodded. “This is true. Just be careful. But really, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks Unnie!” I said, hugging her.
Work was a bit quiet today, and so Ji-Soo and I were able to talk a little bit about Hoon. We tried to be quiet so her parents would not hear us in the kitchen. This was her family restaurant and so her parents and two siblings were all working there. During our lunch break, we sat outside to talk more personal. I got out my lunch that Hoon had made me and grabbed a small Jeon with my chopsticks, offering it to Ji-Soo. “Who made that?” she asked me.
“Hoon.” I said, smiling. Ji-Soo smiled back and accepted Hoon’s Jeon, taking it out of my chopsticks with her own. She took a bite and her eyes lit up like Hoon’s did when he first tried our Bibimbap.
“Wow, this is amazing! Minah, he is a keeper!” Ji-Soo exclaimed.
“I know.” I blushed, taking a bite of Jeon myself. It was very good. So good that I felt my eyes light up as well.
“Now tell me,” Ji-Soo began. “How long have you been together for that you didn’t tell me?”
“We aren’t official, but we are a couple. It’s been only three days, but it’s really good. We really just have a special bond. It just feels right when we’re together.” I told her. She smiled at this. As we got deeper into the conversation, it came to me confessing to Ji-Soo that Hoon was living with me now.
“So soon?!” Ji-Soo asked, eyes wide. I nodded and told her about being attacked last night. Her eyes were still wide in shock, but I knew she understood. “Where does he sleep?” she asked. I told her that he slept in my bed. To this her eyes widened even more. “You just sleep on the same bed?”
To this I blushed. “Mhm.”
“Did you guys…?” Ji-Soo began, noticing my red face.
I covered before she finished and nodded. “Just once.” I whispered.
I didn’t think Ji-Soo’s eyes could widen any more than they had already, but they did. She shook her head. “Oh my… Sleeping in the same bed is not a good idea.” she told me.
“It wasn’t on the bed.” I told her. “When we are in bed, we lay close to each other, that’s all.”
Ji-Soo’s face looked like she wanted an explanation, so I told her about Hoon’s and my intimate time, only I didn’t go into detail. I just told her how it ended up happening. “Wow, I didn’t think my yeodongsaeng (little sister) would do such a thing.” she said. “But I guess I shouldn’t talk. I’ve done things I shouldn’t have when I was 18 too. I just wanted better for you. And I did not imagine you doing this.”
“Unnie, I’d never have done it. You know me. It was heat of the moment. I don’t regret it, but I still feel shame in doing it.”
Ji-Soo patted my back. “It’s alright.”
We sat quietly for a few minutes. Ji-Soo broke the silence. “Well I guess our lunch break is over.”
We had barely even touched our food. But it didn’t matter anyway. I felt sick after this conversation. As Ji-Soo put her hand on the door, I called out to her. “I hope you don’t think badly of me now.” I told her. She shook her head. “Good, I’m glad. Let’s just forget about it.”
To this, she nodded and smiled. “And I have one more thing to tell you. My Oppa is Hoon of U-KISS.” I said quietly.
“No way!” Ji-Soo shouted. “No wonder he looked familiar. I thought he was someone I knew of but I couldn’t place a name. This is crazy! This could be more trouble than before! Fans will be so upset if they knew.”
I nodded. “This is a secret, of course.”
Ji-Soo nodded and held out her pinky. I held mine up as well, curling it around hers. We then touched our thumbs together, a Korean pinky-promise.
Chapter Six~ New readers, how is it so far? Old readers, hope you can still read and enjoy. I think freshening up your memory before I add more to the story is helpful, no? :) I hope so, as least. >.<;; Lol
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Chapter 8: this is such a cute chapter ^_^ looking forward to more updates ;)
Chapter 1: the beginning of this chapter made think of my crush in my school, i like him but then i met another guy, then i start having feelings for him too, but my crush made mad ans sad all the time...because he's too quiet....