I love you, jerk! {EDITING}

For five minutes, the car was taken by silence. Woohyun only spoke up when he the radio. “Is this okay?” he asked, referring to the song and I nodded. “I didn’t know you knew how to drive.” I said out of nowhere, I didn’t really know what else to say, it was so awkward.

“Oh? Would that have changed anything? Do you like rich guys? Like Luhan?” he asked with a little smirk and I shook my head. “I don’t care about those things, I just didn’t assume that you had license.” I said and he smiled.

“Anyway, where are we going?” I asked while looking around a little bit. “I thought we could get some ice cream, you like ice cream, right?” he asked and I quickly nodded happily. “I love ice cream.” I beamed up and he chuckled while reaching with his hand to ruffle my hair.

“Eyes on the road, please.” I smiled while I grabbed his hand and put it back on the wheel. “Okay.” He nodded and kept on driving.

After more than ten minutes we were already in front of a small ice cream shop. “Wait.” Woohyun stopped me from opening the car's door and got out of the car himself. “Oh.” I blushed and lowered my head when he opened the door for me.

“Thanks.” I smiled while getting out, but he only waved his hand in the air, saying that it’s okay. “Let’s go.” he then locked the car and I flinched when he suddenly held my hand. “Is this okay?” he asked with a sweet smile and I blinked a couple of times feeling a little bit uncomfortable, but I still nodded.

“Great.” He grinned and led me towards the ice cream shop. “What kind of ice cream do you want?” he asked and I bit my lip while looking at all the tastes. “Just strawberry.” I said and he nodded before letting my hand go and going towards the cashier.

I looked down at my warm hand and pressed my lips together. *I feel so guilty, like I would be betraying someone.* I thought and waited for Woohyun to come with our ice cream.

“Here you go.” he smiled while laughing and handed me my strawberry ice cream. “Thanks, how much is it?” I asked him and he frowned. “It doesn’t matter, I’m paying.” He said and opened the door for me. so I could go outside.

“As you say.” I chuckled while going out of the ice cream shop. “Hey, so I was thinking that we could go to the park.” He suddenly suggested and I turned to him. “You thought a lot about this, didn’t you?” I asked him and he nodded with a proud smile.

“Sure, let’s go there.” I smiled back at him and he tried to hide the fact that he was really excited. “Let’s go!” he bit his ice cream and took it in his right hand while he grabbed mine with his left.

“O-oh.” I looked down with wide eyes, still not used to him holding my hand. “Tell me if you’re uncomfortable.” He said while his ice cream and I shook my head. “It’s fine.” I said and we continued walking until we reached the park.

“Do you want to sit down? You can finish your ice cream.” He said and I nodded, he was already finished, but for me there was still a lot. “There.” He pointed at the bench and I nodded before we walked to sit there.

“Ahh…” Woohyun smiled when he sat down and I did the same, next to him. “Do you like it here?” he asked and I nodded while my ice cream. “Uh, you have something here.” He suddenly said and was about to wipe off the corner of my lips, but I quickly did it myself.

“Thanks.” I awkwardly said and looked at the front. “It’s so beautiful here.” I said and heard him sigh. “What’s wrong?” I asked, but he only smiled and shook his head. “Nothing, eat your ice cream.” He said sweetly and lightly pinched my cheek.

We sat on the bench while talking about simple stuff like school and just life, almost two hours passed like that and we finally decided to stand up. “Where do you want to go now?” he asked me and I pouted.

“I don’t know, I was thinking maybe we could see a movie?” I asked and he snapped his fingers in the air as if he would have thought about something. “I know a great place where we could watch a movie! Come on!” he grabbed my hand gently and we both ran back to his car.

I laughed at how happy he was while buckling my seat belt and couldn’t help, but ask. “So where are you taking me?” I asked him and he smirked slightly. “The best cinema in town.” He said and I got curious even more.

“Okay then.” I nodded when he started the engine and the car started to move. I watched the streets, cars and tress outside the window, but when I noticed that we were going somewhere where I have never been I got a little bit worried.

“Seriously, where are you taking me?” I asked him and he glanced at me. “My house.” He said and my eyes bulged out. “What?” I asked in disbelief and he laughed. “I’m not going to you or something, we have home cinema.” He explained and I nodded again.

“But wouldn’t that be easier to just go to the cinema?” I asked him. “That would cost me, we can watch any movie at my house for free.” He beamed and I took a deep breath. “Fine, I’ll trust you.” I said while slightly biting my lower lip.


“Ohh….” My eyes bulged out as I saw the house; it was almost the same size as the mansion. “Wait until you see the inside.” Woohyun grinned with a chuckle and I looked at him while raising a brow.

We both got outside of the car and he almost skipped towards the house while I just simply walked next to him. “Oh my god, I don’t know why I’m so excited, I actually really waited for our date.” He admitted honestly while taking the key out of his pocket.

“Really?” I asked and pouted while looking down. *I didn’t even think about it until you texted me.* I thought and sighed quietly before he opened the door for me. “Thanks.” I smiled before walking inside and my eyes bulged out once again.

Everything was so modern and cool. It was almost all white, just the furniture was red or black and it just looked so awesome. “Nice, huh? It was my idea.” Woohyun said and I nodded while still looking around and taking my shoes off.

“Come on, let’s go to the cinema.” He laughed and took my hand before leading me upstairs towards some kind of a room with black door. “This is the best place in the whole house.” He said before opening the door and letting me inside first.

“Woah, it’s so cool!” I said as I looked around the room that had a big TV on the wall; it was almost the size of the wall so it really reminded me of the cinema. “What movie do you want to watch?” Woohyun asked me as I sat down at the front row.

“I don’t know, you can pick.” I told him and he nodded before I turned away and looked at the big screen in front of me. “Um, do girls still like The notebook?” Woohyun sheepishly smiled while sitting down next to me and turning the TV on with a big remote.

“Uh, sure.” I nodded with a smile and he started pressing some buttons on the TV, I just sat there not understanding anything. “Here, we go. Oh, wait. I’ll go make some popcorns.” He said and I nodded.

Then he stood up and walked out of the room. I pursed my lips and tapped the arms rest, not knowing what to do now.

Then I just simply took my phone out and start locking and unlocking it, I was doing that for almost five minutes, but then my phone suddenly rang. I rolled my eyes when I saw the caller ID and then picked it up.

“Luhan, I’m busy.” I lied with a sigh. “Oh, what are you two doing?” he simply asked, pretending to be innocent. “We’re going to watch a movie.” I told him and heard a little gasp from him.

“Y-y-you mean you’re at the cinema?” he asked and I didn’t understand what a big deal it was. “Well, not really. We’re at his house, he has a home cinema.” I said simply. “WHAT? HIS HOUSE!” Luhan shouted and I pulled my phone a little bit away from my ear.

“Yeah, what’s the big deal?” I asked him and he scoffed. “Oh, nothing… You’re at his house, you’re going to watch a movie, cuddle probably… Great, no, everything is okay. Listen, I have to go and kill myself slowly and painfully, bye.” He then hung up and I raised my brow while looking at my phone.

“Weir—“ “Who called you?” I jumped up and looked behind my shoulder when suddenly Woohyun sat down. “A f-friend.” I shuttered and he bitterly smiled. “Is your friend’s name, by any chance, Luhan?” he suddenly asked and I pressed my lips together.

“You know, Luhan said something really weird today.” He then said while he pressed a button on the remote and the movie started playing. “What did he say?” I asked him and he pouted.

“Oh, well… He just , you know, he said that I won’t see you anymore after today.” He said and  I slapped my hand over my forehead. “I’m sorry, he’s just—“ “Jealous and protective? It’s okay, I understand.” Woohyun cut me off with a smile.

“However, even though he jealous, I hope that we could see each other again and at least be friends.” He said while putting some popcorn into his mouth. I stared at him with surprise written all over my face, was Woohyun already giving up? I don’t need to feel bad, right?

“Um, Woohyun…” I cleared my throat and he looked at me. “I think that today was really fun and I’m sure that we will be able to do this again, maybe we could just simply hang out next time? I could introduce you to my friends, pretty friends.” I said with a kindest smile and he nodded.

“Sure, but for now… Let’s just keep this date real, okay?” he asked and I nodded, thankfully he understood me.  

Luhan’s POV.

I couldn’t fall asleep. It’s already past 11 pm, but I’m still imagining Woohyun holding Suyeon’s hand. I couldn’t take it anymore so I got up from the couch, took my phone and walked out of Kris’ room. (I’m staying here for the night because aunty/Kris’ mom insisted)

I dialed Suyeon’s number and hoped that she would pick up. After 4 beeps, she did. “Oh, you weren’t sleeping?” I asked her. “Uhm, this is kind of awkward.” I frowned when I heard Woohyun’s voice.

“What the hell? Why do you have her phone?” I asked him and heard how he sighed. “Listen, she’s staying over at my place for tonight.” He suddenly said and my eyes widened. “WHAT?” I shouted not caring if anyone would wake up.

“She’s not staying ove—“ “She fell asleep while we were watching a movie, dude. Calm down.” He said and my free fist balled up. “Send me your address.” I said and hung up. I then started walking back and forth while waiting for his text.

Suyeon: XXX 27, she could just stay, you know. –Woohyun.

I glared at his text and scoffed quietly.

Me: Yeah, right… Over my dead body.

I replied back and went to put my clothes on. After I was done with that I put on my shoes, took my wallet and just walked out of the house, not forgetting to lock the door.

Then I called myself a taxi and told them where to go. My eyes were narrowed all the time while the taxi drove me there; I was not surprised to see a big house in front of me as I got off.

“I’ll be back in five minutes, please wait.” I handed half of the money to the driver and he nodded before I walked towards the house. I rang the bell and took a deep breath to calm myself down, I didn’t wanted to punch him or something. Well, I do want to punch him, but I don't care about that at the moment.

“Oh, you actually came.” The guy chuckled lightly and opened the door wider for me to come in. “Where is she?” I asked not wasting any time with him. “Follow me.” He said and closed the door, pushing me away.

He then turned around and led me to some kind of room. *Creepy.* I thought as he opened the door for me and let me go inside first. My eyes lit up when I saw Suyeon’s sleeping figure in the chair, I quickly ran to her.

“Suyeon-ah.” I called out and lightly shook her shoulder. “Suy—“ “Why don’t you just let her sleep here? It’s not like I’m a ert or something, my parents and my cousin is at home, I wouldn’t do anything.” Woohyun cut me off and I glared at him.

“Just shut up.” I said and turned back at Suyeon. “Wake up, Suyeon.” I whispered and she stirred in her sleep. I quickly pushed the hair out of her face and looked at her while she slowly opened her eyes.

“L-Luhmm?” she mumbled and I just assumed that it was supposed to me my name. I smiled with a little chuckle and help her to sit up normally. “What are you doing here? Wasn’t I with Woohyun?” she asked me while blinking and I nodded.

“You were, but I came to pick you up. Let’s go home.” I took her hand and then she stood up while rubbing her eyes. “Woohyun?” she looked in front of her where that guy was standing with an annoying smile on his face and she laughed.

“Sorry, I didn’t want you to hear me snore…” She said and they both laughed. I just glared again at Woohyun before he arched his arm and handed Suyeon her phone. “Oh, thanks, you probably texted him.” She said while nodding and tucking her phone in her pocket.

“Actually he wanted you to stay.” I butted in and she looked at me. “Really? Well then why did you come?” she asked and I scoffed in disbelief. “Come on, let’s just go. Taxi is waiting.” I said and dragged her past Woohyun, outside of the room.

End of Luhan’s POV.

Luhan led me though the hallway and just when I was wide awake I looked up. I noticed that it was the same hallway that I walked though before, but suddenly I saw all the photos that were hanging on the wall and one particular photo caught my eyes.

“Wait.” I stopped and turned to look at the photo. Luhan gripped on my hand a little bit tighter and tried to make me walk again, but I just stood there frozen. “Oh god.” I breathed out and placed me free hand on my parted lips.

“Sunggyu oppa.” I said and Woohyun looked at me weirdly, I turned to him and he laughed with amusement. “You know my cousin? Do you want me to call him? I bet he’s not sleeping yet.” I blinked at him uncontrollably, before I realized what he said.

“Your cousin?” I asked and he nodded happily with a smile. “Yes, wait. I’m going to call him down.” He said and quickly ran off. My eyes widened thinking that I would see Sunggyu again and I quickly looked at Luhan.

“Please take me out of here.” I said and he worriedly looked at me. “What’s wrong?” he asked and I started crying. “Please, Luhan… Sunggyu is here, I don’t want to see h—“ Without letting me finish Luhan quickly dragged me towards the door.

“Where are your shoes?” he asked and I pointed at the ground. He was about to get on his knee and help me put it on, but then he just cursed when he looked me in the face and suddenly he picked me up in a bridal style.

“Hold on to me.” He said before placing my shoes on my belly and I quickly hugged his neck while crying. “You’re not kidnapping her, right?” I heard someone ask and after Luhan sat me inside of the car, I realized that it must have been the taxi driver.

“No, but start the car, please.” Luhan said as he sat at the back seat of the car together with me and hugged me tightly. He then told the driver the mansion's address and the car started moving.

I sobbed in Luhan’s arms the entire ride. I couldn’t believe that this happened; how can he be Woohyun’s cousin? Woohyun’s so nice and Sunggyu is a bastard...

“Shh… please don’t cry.” Luhan whispered me in the ear while my back. I just unwrap my arms from around his waist and wrapped them around his neck. “He-he was in the house…” I sobbed out and he squeezed me tighter.

“It’s okay, I’m here now.” He whispered back and nuzzled his nose in my hair. “You don’t have to worry about him, I won’t let him to get to you.” He said and I nodded into the crook of his neck.


“Thank you.” Luhan bowed for both of us to the driver when we got off. After the car drove off and left us stand in front of the mansion Luhan quickly turned to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, bringing me close to his body, warming me up that way.

He unlocked the door and led me upstairs to the room that we share. “Are you feeling okay now?” he asked me when he closed the door behind us and walked me up to the bed, sitting me down on it.

“Yes, I’m okay.” I said with a sigh and wiped the tears that were already dry on my cheeks. “You don’t look okay.” He said and sat next to me. “Then how do I look?” I asked him and looked up at his eyes.

“Pale.” He said simply with a little pout and I chuckled. “Thank you.” I told him and he raised a brow. “For what?” he asked and I sighed. “For coming to pick me up, if you wouldn’t have come I would have probably met Sunggyu.” I said and he nodded with a smile.

“I’ll always come to get you.” He said and I smiled back. I then realized how lucky I am to have Luhan. I wanted to punch myself in the face thinking what a stupid girl I was for rejecting him in the first place.

“Luhan.” I breathed out as I sat closer to him. “Hm?” he raised a brow and I gulped while staring at his lips. I placed my right hand on the back of his neck and looked up at his surprised eyes.

“I love you.” I whispered before placing my left hand on his cheek and pulling him into a kiss.

OH MY GOD!!!! Are you excited? Are you? No? Okay.....

Um... anyway, could you read this for me? I just wrote it and I wonder what all of you think ;)



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I'm going to edit this story now. The plot will stay the same, but I need to take care of the typos and everything else...


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Chapter 59: woah.. it's really a long story.. but it was good.. I finished it:)
Chapter 30: OMG OMG OMG!!! finally Suyeon falling in love to Luhannnn!!
Yummoz #3
its so cuutteee :3 thank you~
luhupga #4
Chapter 59: woaaahh i finished it now T.T ill miss this story author-nim

i reallyy LOVE IT ♥0♥ the best ..gomawo for writing this and sharing your imaginations ~~
waiting for the squel^^ 화이팅
lim_neulra #5
Chapter 60: I really love this story, authornim. keep updating, i can't wait for the sequel!!
luhupga #6
Chapter 2: im exited for this one *0*
Mary_EXOtic #7
Chapter 60: *_* sequel ....gimme hehe LOOLLL i really want to read the sequel!
Chapter 4: Really, really, really like this story.. this is the best story i had read!!
Kpoplover2008 #9
Chapter 30: Best fan fic ever!!!!
abcindyz #10
Chapter 59: This is the first fanfic that i've ever read and i have to saaayyy it didn't disappoint :) I really enjoyed the story