Luhan is cute?

I love you, jerk! {EDITING}

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The next morning I woke up earlier. I turned off the alarm clock and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and when I looked in front of myself where Luhan‘s bed is I furrowed my brows when I saw Alan holding Luhan‘s hand. “Alan, what are you doing?” The little boy jumped and turned around and looked surprised at me.

“Ah, noona.. You scared me.” He placed his hand on his chest and nervously laughed. “What are you doing?” I asked again and he hung his head low. “I know that noona won’t tell on me.” He said and lifted sleeping Luhan’s hand in the air.

My hand flew to my mouth to hold my laugh in as I saw Luhan’s nails. “You decided to color his nails?” I stood up from the couch and walked closer to Alan. “Don’t you think pink looks good on him?” Alan asked and I nodded with a chuckle.

I was about to say that he should do Luhan’s toe nails too, but Luhan stirred in his sleep and his own alarm clock started beeping. I and Alan looked at each other with wide eyes before he ran out of the room and I ran to my closet. I grabbed any kind of clothes and quickly ran inside of the bathroom.

“Ah, shut up…” I heard Luhan groan when I placed my ear on the door. Then I quickly changed and went out of the bathroom. “Oh, you’re up?” I asked innocently and Luhan sat up on his bed. He rubbed his eyes with his fist and faintly smiled at me, he was still sleepy so he didn’t noticed his nails.

“It’s more surprising that you’re up.” Luhan said and got up from the bed. I bit my lip praying that he wouldn’t look at his nails, but when he went to the bathroom I realized that he will have to look at them so I quickly dashed out of the room and ran downstairs.

“Oh, Suyeon, eat before you go.” Mrs. Wu said as she saw me already putting my shoes on. “I’m not really hungry, though.” I flashed a quick smile and bowed. “We’re going on—ah, Luhan you’re up too?” I hissed in worry as I saw Luhan’s dark, angry eyes.

“Yes, I’m up. Suyeon are you in a hurry?” Luhan gave me a fake smile and I nodded. “I’ll be going then.” I said and bowed again before going out of the house. “Yah, Suyeon!“ I heard Luhan shout, but since he was still with his pajama, he couldn't get out and run after me.

Luhan‘s pov.

Aish, I woke up normally just like every day, but when I went to the bathroom what do I see? My pink finger nails? I knew that it was too weird for Suyeon to wake up this early. “Luhan, we’re going camping today.” My mom (he calls Mrs. Wu mom if someone didn't know  that already.:) told me and clapped her hands once.

“What?” I turned to her and raised a brow. “Yeah, we talked with your dad last night and we decided to go the that campsite where we would go before you debuted.” She said and I nodded with a smile. I can’t believe we’re going there; I spent almost my whole childhood there.

“Tell Suyeon not to go anywhere after school.” Mom added and I evilly smirked. “Oh, I will.” I nodded and chuckled a little bit. “By the way, dad said that EXO can come as well, but you have to tell me before school ends so we could rent a big van or something.” Mom added and I nodded again.

Then I went upstairs changed into the uniform and went downstairs to eat my breakfast. “Hey, hyung.” Alan smiled and I looked at him weirdly. Why would Alan be so nice? Even if mom is here, he’s never like this---------then it hit me.

“You painted my nails, right?” I narrowed my eyes and Alan nervously chuckled. “I can’t believe you! And I almost shouted at Suyeon! Aren't you embarrassed?“ I asked him and he shook his head. “It would be you who would feel embarrassed if you have shouted at Suyeon noona.” He said.

Aish, this kid.

End of Luhan’s pov.

I was already at school, I got there with a bus and now I and the rest of EXO were waiting for Luhan. As I saw him already coming I quickly jumped behind Kris and held onto his shoulders. Since he was too tall, I went to stand behind Kai.

“Mh, Suyeon what are you planning?” Kai asked huskily and I hit his arm. “Just hide me from Luhan, you flirt.” He laughed, but nodded and turned to the front. I was sure that when Luhan came closer he saw me, but he didn’t do anything so I just stayed quiet.

“Hey, guys. I have news.” Luhan said after everyone greet him. I curiously stepped on my tip toes and watched him. “What kind of news?” Suho asked first and Luhan smirked. “We are all going camping.” He said and my eyes started shining. “Everyone is going, except Suyeon, who is hiding behind Kai.” He added and I jumped to stand in front of Luhan.

“What? Why? I love camping!” I exclaimed with angry eyes and he smirked. “Because of my nails.” Luhan stated and I without thinking bit my lower lip. “What about your nails?” Chen asked and Luhan showed him his hand.

“AHAHHAHAHHA!!! It’s pink!” Chen didn’t help as the rest of the guys started laughing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t do it!” I exclaimed at Luhan who only narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. “I know you didn’t. Alan did.” I then got confused.

“Then why can’t I come? And why are you deciding if I’m going or not? I’m going!” I protested, but he smirked. “No, you’re not. I can just call my mom and tell her that. T
hen she won’t get a bigger van and you will have to stay alone at the mansion.” He said and I scoffed.

“You don’t want me there that bad? Fine! I’m not going, go and make a call, jerk!” I shouted and after a couple of growls from him, a couple of laughs from EXO and a couple of hisses from me, I walked away towards the school with Tao and Sehun following me.

Luhan’s pov.

She called me a jerk? Just because I a bit? Fine, I admit that she might feel that it's unfair, but it was only a joke and she was the one who overreacted. MY NAILS ARE PINK, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

“Why did you say that to her?” Suho gave me a judging look and I sighed. “Don’t start, okay?” I looked at them all and they didn’t seem to be pleased with the situation. “You’re going to go and apologize.” Kyungsoo stated and I scoffed.

“Why should I? She’s the one who let Alan to do this to me.” I frowned at how they were taking her side. “Well, if Suyeon is not going, I’m not going.” Suddenly Chen stated with a stern look and I laughed. “Come on, guys… Why are you doing this to me?” I laughed a little bit.

“You’re our friend, but Suyeon is too. If you get her to come, we’ll go too.” Kris said and they all started walking. Without another choice I followed from behind and we entered the school.

I saw Suyeon talking with Sunmi and Serah, but when she saw me, she glared and after whispering something, she walked away. “Wow… She’s angry.” Sunmi looked at me with amused face. “Apparently, you didn’t want her to go camping and that’s almost her favorite thing in the world.” Serah said with a chuckle.

“Hyung was a little bit of a jerk to her.” Kai said and I rolled my eyes. They are all so unfair to me.

I was about to say something and defend myself, but I got a text.

Mom: Hannie, so is the whole group coming? Did you tell Suyeon?

I tilted my head to the side while thinking. I will have to apologize if I want them to come. If I won’t… then I will have to go alone with my parents and Alan and that’s something that I don’t want to do.

I quickly thought about a reply and sent it mom.

Me: We’re all going.

“Hey, where are you going?” Xiumin asked as I started walking. “To apologize. Later!” I said without turning back and going towards the class.

End of Luhan’s pov.

“Stupid jerk with pink hair and pink nails…” I muttered under my nose with my teeth gritted as I sat down on the chair and took my books out. “I don’t want you to go… Blah, blah, blah… I’m Luhan, I’m a jerk..” I did a silly voice and quickly slammed my forehead on the desk when I realized that everyone is staring.


“Are you crying?” suddenly I heard Luhan’s voice and lifted my head up. “Yes, I’m crying because I won’t see you for a day or maybe two, poor me.” I said sarcastically, but actually I really didn’t want for that, I bet that I’d miss him.

“You can go if you want to.” He said as he took a chair and pushed it in front of the desk where I was sitting. He sat on it backwards, putting his arms on the backrest and smirking at me. “Are you trying to look cool?” I asked as I raised my brow.

“Do I look cool?” he asked and I shook my head. He then faked a pout, but laughed after that. *How cute can you get?* I thought, but quickly shook my head again to stop thinking like that. “I already texted mom that we’re all going.” He said and I looked at him.

“Well, you said that I’m not going, so I’m not going.” I said as I crossed my arms, but then I started cursing myself for saying that. Why do I have to be so stubborn? “Oh, come on… Please?” I was suddenly shocked when Luhan did puppy eyes.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a blank face because my heart suddenly stopped beating and I couldn’t breathe. “Suyeon-ahhhhh
~~ Please go with us~..” he talked with a cute voice and my eyes widened.


“Pretty please?” Oh, bloody hell...... “Fine.” He jumped carefully from a chair and did a silly, short dance. “I still got it.” He smugly said and I rolled my eyes. “See you at lunch?” he asked and I nodded. “Okay, I’m going to my class then.” He waved and went out of the class.

“Hey, what happened? Why are you all so red?” Chen then walked in and stood in front of me. I looked around and turned back at Chen when I saw that no one was looking. “Chen, sit here.” I patted the chair next to me and he sat down. “So?” he raised a brow.

“Well…..” I started.

“Luhan was so cute and I was like ‘no I’m not going’ and he was like ‘please….’ All cute and stuff, he did puppy eyes and I couldn’t breathe for a moment and then I just said fine and why does he have to be so cute?!” I finished and took a huge deep breath.

Chen then gave me a weird look and patted my back. “I haven’t seen you like this. Love sure is changing you.” He said in a teasing tone and I hit his upper arm. “I don’t love him, I hate him for being cute.” I muttered, but he still heard. “That’s how love works.” He said.


The school went well. I managed not to blush in front of Luhan. Chen sometimes dragged me away, which made some of the guys suspicious, but we shrugged it away while he let me spazz about Luhan being cute all I wanted.

And now, I am in the car with Luhan, we‘re going home to change and pack. Other guys decided to do the same and then come to the mansion a little bit later. “So, what’s new?” suddenly Luhan asked and I turned to him. He looked like he was bothered by something, but I didn't know what.

“What do you mean?” I asked him confused, but he only shook his head. “Nothing, forget it.” He said and I narrowed my eyes for a second, but then looked away again, not wanting to bother him even more with my question.

__________at the mansion___________

“Oh, kids, you’re here!” Luhan’s mom came running to us and pulled us both into a hug. For a moment there I smiled because Luhan was squeezed right next to me, but then when we locked eyes behind his mom’s shoulders, I quickly pulled away.

“I’ll go change and pack.” I bowed and went upstairs. I heard Luhan’s mom asking him what is wrong with him, but I didn’t hear the answer as I was already upstairs. I opened the door to Luhan’s, well, our room and went to my closet.

I picked simple skinny jeans, a simple tank top and my lingerie. Then Luhan entered the room as I walked inside of the bathroom. “Hey, I need to pee!” I held my laugh in while I looked the door and started changing.

After I was done, I walked out and found Luhan in his shorts and shirtless. “Oh, dear god! Cover up!” I shouted as I turned around and covered my eyes with the clothes from before. “Knock next time!” he shouted back at me.

“Yes! I will knock while going out of the bathroom.” I shouted and after a moment I carefully looked if it was save for me to loo. And I was just in time to check out Luhan’s back. I my lips and smacked my head because of some erted thoughts. “I’m done.” He then turned around and my eyes widened.

“Were you----checking me out?” he asked and I abruptly shook my head millions of times. “You totally were! You were checking me out!” he said as an amused grin appeared on his face. “Suyeon, you’re a bad, bad girl.” He said in a teasing manner as he placed his hands on his hips.

“Ah, shut up!” I threw all the clothes that were in my hands, hitting Luhan in his face. “What the?” he checked what I threw and I swear I wanted to kill myself when I saw my bra in his hands. “This is cute, actually.” And of course, it had to be the one and only bra with kittens.

“Give it back!” I shouted and started chasing him around the house. Suddenly I thought that Luhan wasn’t cute anymore, but when he started running backwards with a grin on his face and excited eyes, I thought that he’s cute again.

Especially, when he suddenly tripped and fell with his back on his bed and I fell on top of him.


Especially, when I was the one who didn't control herself and leaned in to kiss him.


And especially when I realized that he still had my bra in his hands.


SHE KISSED HIM!!!! Herself!!! YEY FOR HER! What will happen next?

And Luhan is cute, right? Hehe, okay... I'm going to go and work on the next update.

Any suggestions what should happen at the campsite?



 Is there a video or something?


 so cute..... /sobs/

 the more I watch it, the more I laugh. :D

Comment!! ^^

Oh, and please check this story out. The author said that she was inspired by my story (I love you, jerk!) so I feel like I should share her story with you. :)

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I'm going to edit this story now. The plot will stay the same, but I need to take care of the typos and everything else...


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Chapter 59: woah.. it's really a long story.. but it was good.. I finished it:)
Chapter 30: OMG OMG OMG!!! finally Suyeon falling in love to Luhannnn!!
Yummoz #3
its so cuutteee :3 thank you~
luhupga #4
Chapter 59: woaaahh i finished it now T.T ill miss this story author-nim

i reallyy LOVE IT ♥0♥ the best ..gomawo for writing this and sharing your imaginations ~~
waiting for the squel^^ 화이팅
lim_neulra #5
Chapter 60: I really love this story, authornim. keep updating, i can't wait for the sequel!!
luhupga #6
Chapter 2: im exited for this one *0*
Mary_EXOtic #7
Chapter 60: *_* sequel ....gimme hehe LOOLLL i really want to read the sequel!
Chapter 4: Really, really, really like this story.. this is the best story i had read!!
Kpoplover2008 #9
Chapter 30: Best fan fic ever!!!!
abcindyz #10
Chapter 59: This is the first fanfic that i've ever read and i have to saaayyy it didn't disappoint :) I really enjoyed the story