
You don't know me

Woohyun was pacing back and forth. He hadn't been able to contact Sara and it was starting to get dark, he was going crazy with worry.


His phone rang and he answered immediately, “Sara?!”


“Uh, no, sorry.” A male voice replied.


“Who is this?”


“You might not remember me, we only met a couple times, but I'm Myungsoo's friend Lee Sungyeol.”


That name did ring a bell and suddenly Woohyun remembered who is was talking, “Right, yes, how are you Sungyeol?”


“I'm fine but I'm calling about Sara.”


“What about her?! Is she okay?! Do you know where she is?!”


“Look, man, it's a long story. But the bottom line is she was at Myungsoo's and I left to get food and now I have no idea where she is!”


Woohyun took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. His Sara was out there, wandering the New York City streets alone.


“I thought maybe she would've returned home.....but I guess not.”


“No, I haven't seen her.” Woohyun let out a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his hair. Then there was a knock at the door, “Sungyeol I'm gonna have to call you back.” he hung up and quickly went to answer the door.




“Oh, look! It's my *hiccup* fiance! I'm gonna marry you!”


“Sara.... are you alright?”


“I may *hiccup* or may not *hiccup* be drunk.” She tried to walk into the house but stumbled as soon as she tried.


“Whoa there!” Woohyun quickly caught her.


“When did we get walls that move? That's a stupid idea.....*hiccup*”


“I think it's time we got you to bed.” He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom.


“I love you....” she said.


“I know you do.” he said as he laid her down and tucked her in.


“No!” she grabbed his arm tightly, “I love you! You're the perfect guy and I can only love you! You're the guy every girl deserves to marry and I. Love. You. Sara Smith can only be in love with Nam Woohyun! You would never leave me when I needed you the most! It only makes sense for me to be in love with you! It has to be you....”suddenly she let go of his arm and was fast asleep.


Woohyun just stood there staring at her. He gently pushed some hair out of her face, that's when he noticed the puffy condition of her eyes.


“Baby, what happened to you?”


His phone started ringing and he stepped out of the bedroom to answer it, “Sungyeol? Yeah she's here. I think she walked home after having a few drinks.....did something happen I should know about?”


“Um, yeah, It's Myungsoo. He's gone.”


“What? What do you mean gone?”


“I mean he got on a plane and left the country. And the dumb bastard did it all without saying goodbye to Sara.”


Now something Sara said made sense: You would never leave me when I needed you the most...


Woohyun felt anger rising up in him. He never imagined that Myungsoo would do something like this to Sara.


“She took it pretty hard. She'll probably be down about it for a while......Woohyun?....You still there?”


Woohyun shook himself from his thoughts. “Yeah, Don't worry. I'll take care of her. Bye Sungyeol.” he hung up without waiting for a reply.


He re-entered the bedroom and carefully climbed onto the bed with Sara. Tears had started falling from her eyes again and she was whimpering in her sleep. He gently wiped the tears away, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her so her head rested against his chest.


“I'm so sorry.” he whispered.


“Myungsoo...” She wined in her sleep, “Myungsoo, please.....please don't go.....don't leave me...”


Woohyun couldn't deny the jealousy he felt but he knew that Sara didn't a jealous fiance right now, she needed a supportive one. He soothingly her hair, intertwined his other hand with hers, and whispered in her ear.


“Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I promise.”


At Myungsoo's apartment


As soon as Woohyun hung up, Sungyeol groaned and threw himself on the bed.


“Aigooooo, this whole situation is exhausting.......what did I do to deserve getting caught in the middle of this?!”









Author talking:


*sobbing* I'm so sorry Woohyun




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I'm such an epic fail when it comes to fanfics....I should just give up on this one and stick to scenarios


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I felt sorry for Woohyun. Jeez. I hate Myungsoo for being coward but I hate Sara more for being stupid! Gaahd! Why did she marry Woohyun?! ;(
Chapter 9: how did i miss the last update????...huh...but...GAAAH!!!!...coward myungsoo...coward...sigh...but i can understand...and poor woohyun...nooo!!!!i cannot watch his heart break!!!!
Chapter 8: Okay... First off, how can someone not be fond of the choding? Who can resist Sungyeol's charms? Unheard of! Right there is an indication that Sara is not right in her mind.
-_- If you were doubting your feelings WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET MARRIED? It's all your fault for all this angst.

Haha... I loved Sungyeol's apology, that's totally his style.

Myungsoo... Seriously, you are such a coward! And tsk tsk... You clearly haven't travelled before because you'd know you have to be there at least 3 hours before an international flight.
Chapter 7: hmph...whatre you supposed to do without myungsoo????...hmph...dont you have oh i dont know...WOOHYUN????he should be enough you greedyish girl!!!!...cant have best of both worlds...
tsk tsk tsk...lying myungsoo...guess its a good thing its not fully a lie lie...ish...
and awww...poor yeollie!!!!...taking the choding for granted...he can be smart you know!!!!
Chapter 7: Don't you understand you feel this way because you love him? Cancel the cursed engagement!!

Hehehehe... I laughed at the choding part. I think that was my favourite part of the chapter ^^
And ohhh... Yeollie's acting all mature. But Myungsoo deserves that.