Time to move on

You don't know me

The next day, Myungsoo packed his things and prepared to leave.


The sooner I leave the better.


“So you're really going through with it...” he turned around to see Sungyeol standing in the doorway.


“If you've come to try and stop me I-”


“No! No....I...I came to apologize about yesterday.” Myungsoo finally looked up to meet Sungyeol's eyes, “I mean, I figured that if you really were going to move to Korea soon, I didn't want the last time I saw you to be a fight.”


“Wow....thanks, Sungyeol...that means a lo-”


“I still think this is the stupidest thing you could do right now but-”


“Weren't you just apologizing?”


“Let me finish!” Myungsoo laughed slightly before letting his friend continue, “But if you really think that this will help you in some way that I still don't understand, then I can't stop you.”


“.....I think that's the worst apology I've ever heard.”


“Shut up.” They both laughed.


“So, when's your flight?”


“I'm leaving within the next hour.” Myungsoo paused before reaching his hand in his pocket, “Hey, Sungyeol, will you do something for me?”




Myungsoo approached him and placed something in his hand, the keys to the apartment, “I want to you to look after the place until I get back.” the silence that followed was an understanding that neither of them knew when Myungsoo would return.


“Where are you gonna stay in Korea?”


“I have some family there. My uncle will give me a place to stay and a job until I can afford a house.”


Sungyeol couldn't stop the next question from coming out of his mouth.


“What do I tell Sara when she comes looking for you?”


Myungsoo took a deep breath and turned so his back was facing Sungyeol.


“Tell her.....tell her something came up and I had to leave as soon as I could.”


Sungyeol could only nod, trying his best to be supportive of his friend's decision.


“I should get going if I want to catch this flight.” Myungsoo grabbed the remaining luggage he hadn't already put in his car, stopping in front of Sungyeol and patting him on the shoulder, “Goodbye Sungyeol.”


Sungyeol returned the shoulder pat, “Goodbye Myungsoo. You take care of yourself over there! Call me if you need anything.”


“I will.” He gave his friend one last smile before heading towards the door.




Myungsoo stopped without turning around.


“If you run away now.....and she marries another man.....you will regret it forever.”


Myungsoo didn't reply. Instead, he swallowed the lump in his throat and left his apartment one last time.


It's time to move on.....time to forget.


Later that day


Sara Smith ran to the door of Myungsoo's apartment. She didn't know what she was doing here. What she was going to say. She just knew she had to see him.


“Myungsoo? Yah, Kim Myungsoo!” She banged on the door.


The door opened and her heart fell when she saw who opened it, “Oh.....H-Hello, Sungyeol.”


“Sara.....” He looked at her with sad eyes, he wasn't looking forward to this.


“Is Myungsoo here?”


“Um, no....he, um.....why don't you come inside?”


Sara was starting to get scared about why he was acting like this, “Sungyeol......where is he?”


“Sara, maybe you should-”


“No! Tell me where he is!”


Sungyeol looked down, “He got on a plane a couple hours ago.....he went to Korea.”


Sara gripped the door frame. Sungyeol noticed her slipping to the ground and caught her.


“But he wouldn't.....he wouldn't just leave....not without saying goodbye....he wouldn't!” She began to cry, Sungyeol carried her inside and set her on the couch.


“Sara, I'm going to call Woohyun so he can pick you up, okay?”


She shook her head, “No, I don't want him to see me like this. I just need some time to process this.”


He nodded understandingly, “You hungry?” She nodded, “Then I'll go out and pick something up.” He figured she could use some alone time.


“Thank you, Sungyeol.” She smiled at him, she was honestly never very fond of him but she would never forget how he took care of her tonight.


“No, problem.” He smiled and left the apartment.


As soon as she was alone, she got up and started walking around the apartment. Thinking about how emptied it looked now that he was gone. And then she realized, that's almost how she felt, like there was a piece of her missing.


Why am I feeling this way? I'm not...I'm not in love with Myungsoo....am I?




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I'm such an epic fail when it comes to fanfics....I should just give up on this one and stick to scenarios


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I felt sorry for Woohyun. Jeez. I hate Myungsoo for being coward but I hate Sara more for being stupid! Gaahd! Why did she marry Woohyun?! ;(
Chapter 9: how did i miss the last update????...huh...but...GAAAH!!!!...coward myungsoo...coward...sigh...but i can understand...and poor woohyun...nooo!!!!i cannot watch his heart break!!!!
Chapter 8: Okay... First off, how can someone not be fond of the choding? Who can resist Sungyeol's charms? Unheard of! Right there is an indication that Sara is not right in her mind.
-_- If you were doubting your feelings WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET MARRIED? It's all your fault for all this angst.

Haha... I loved Sungyeol's apology, that's totally his style.

Myungsoo... Seriously, you are such a coward! And tsk tsk... You clearly haven't travelled before because you'd know you have to be there at least 3 hours before an international flight.
Chapter 7: hmph...whatre you supposed to do without myungsoo????...hmph...dont you have oh i dont know...WOOHYUN????he should be enough you greedyish girl!!!!...cant have best of both worlds...
tsk tsk tsk...lying myungsoo...guess its a good thing its not fully a lie lie...ish...
and awww...poor yeollie!!!!...taking the choding for granted...he can be smart you know!!!!
Chapter 7: Don't you understand you feel this way because you love him? Cancel the cursed engagement!!

Hehehehe... I laughed at the choding part. I think that was my favourite part of the chapter ^^
And ohhh... Yeollie's acting all mature. But Myungsoo deserves that.