The truth?

You don't know me


You give your hand to me

And then you say hello

And I can hardly speak

My heart is beating so

And anyone can tell

You think you know me well

But you don't know me....






The day after the engagement party


10:00 AM: Missed call from Sara


10:30 AM: Missed call from Sara


10:45 AM: Missed call from Sara


11:00 AM: Missed call from Sara


11:15 AM: Missed call from Sara


11:30 AM: Missed call from Sara


11:40 AM: New text message: I know you're ignoring my calls, though I'm not sure why. Anyway, if you even read this text, meet me at the Cafe in twenty minutes. I'll be sitting at one of the outside tables.




Myungsoo knew that he couldn't keep ignoring her forever. He was just still trying to get over the shock of last night. But he at least owed her an soon as he figured out what the explanation was going to be.


“Just tell her the truth!” His friend Sungyeol said. Last night, after the party, instead of going to his apartment he went to Sungyeol's house for a place to crash. Now he was talking about his situation while Sungyeol played video games in his living room.


“Oh, yeah, 'cause telling the truth is going to make things easier?! She's engaged to another man! How can I tell her the truth now?”


“Uh, like this: “Hey, by the way, I've been in love with you for the past 10+ years. Just thought you should know before you married another man.” See? Simple.”


Myungsoo grabbed a pillow off the couch and hit Sungyeol with it, “If it was that easy I would've done it a long time ago!”


“Aw! You made me die!”


“Whatever, I have to go meet Sara.” He got ready to leave.


“All right, good luck, man! And remember: Honesty is the best policy!” He screamed just as Myungsoo shut the door.




At the Cafe



Myungsoo walked up to the outside seating area of the cafe and quickly spotted Sara, holding a menu and talking to a waiter.


He stopped for a moment to stare at her. She was still the same Sara, his Sara, that he's known for the majority of his life. Except now, when he looked at her, the thing that was most prominent was the ring. The ring that would serve as a constant reminder that soon she would forever belong to another man.


Images from last night popped into his mind, his eyes began to water again.


I can't do this... He thought and turned to leave.


“Hey! Myungsoo!” He turned around to see Sara jogging towards him.


“O-Oh, there you are! Didn't see you for a second....” He quickly tried to cover up why he was facing the other way.


She laughed, “Silly, I got us a table over there, c'mon!” she grabbed his hand and lead him. Just like every time he had physical contact with Sara, his heart began to race.


After they sat down they both ordered a coffee. When the waiter left the questions began.


“So what happened to you last night? You took off pretty quickly...didn't get to see you after the announcement.”


“Yeah, uh, I think I ate something......made me kind of sick.”


“Oh yeah, some other people said the same thing. Last time I use that caterer! Feeling better?”


“Lots better....” There was a rare awkward silence between them as they stared at each other. Sara could see something in Myungsoo's eyes, he was hiding something and it was hurting him, she just couldn't figure out what it was. The coffee came and interrupted her thoughts. As she reached for her coffee, her ring was exposed.


“Congratulations, by the way.” Myungsoo forced himself to say, “I'm really happy you and Woohyun are happy together.” he forced a smile at the end.


“He really is an amazing guy.” She stared down at her ring with admiration, “but I don't want to talk about my engagement right now! You said you had something to tell me last night, it sounded pretty important.”


“Oh, that....”


“Yeah, “that”, what is it?”


“Well, I.....”


Just tell her the truth!” Sungyeol's voice screamed at him.


He stared stared straight into, her big, brown, curious eyes.


“Sara Abigail Smith I'm....”


I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. I'm in-


“I'm moving to Korea.”





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I'm such an epic fail when it comes to fanfics....I should just give up on this one and stick to scenarios


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I felt sorry for Woohyun. Jeez. I hate Myungsoo for being coward but I hate Sara more for being stupid! Gaahd! Why did she marry Woohyun?! ;(
Chapter 9: how did i miss the last update????...huh...but...GAAAH!!!!...coward myungsoo...coward...sigh...but i can understand...and poor woohyun...nooo!!!!i cannot watch his heart break!!!!
Chapter 8: Okay... First off, how can someone not be fond of the choding? Who can resist Sungyeol's charms? Unheard of! Right there is an indication that Sara is not right in her mind.
-_- If you were doubting your feelings WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET MARRIED? It's all your fault for all this angst.

Haha... I loved Sungyeol's apology, that's totally his style.

Myungsoo... Seriously, you are such a coward! And tsk tsk... You clearly haven't travelled before because you'd know you have to be there at least 3 hours before an international flight.
Chapter 7: hmph...whatre you supposed to do without myungsoo????...hmph...dont you have oh i dont know...WOOHYUN????he should be enough you greedyish girl!!!!...cant have best of both worlds...
tsk tsk tsk...lying myungsoo...guess its a good thing its not fully a lie lie...ish...
and awww...poor yeollie!!!!...taking the choding for granted...he can be smart you know!!!!
Chapter 7: Don't you understand you feel this way because you love him? Cancel the cursed engagement!!

Hehehehe... I laughed at the choding part. I think that was my favourite part of the chapter ^^
And ohhh... Yeollie's acting all mature. But Myungsoo deserves that.