
You don't know me

Oh I'm just a friend
That's all I've ever been...



Myungsoo sat against the wall, staring into space while holding his injured hand.


It's probably broken. He thought.


Damn it,Myungsoo! Why do you have to have such a temper huh? It was Sara's voice that ran through his head this time. His eyes watered as another memory resurfaced.




5 years ago


“What were you thinking Myungsoo?” Young Sara said as she got a first aid kit.


“I was thinking that I didn't wanna see my best friend harassed by a bunch of guys-ow!” Sara had put some medicine on his cut without warning.


“So you decided to jump in the middle of them and almost get killed yourself?! Do you know how scary it was to see you getting beat up like that?!”


“I said I was sorry-Ouch! Hey, be a little gentle to the guy who just saved you, will ya?”


“Sorry.” She mummbled as she continued to tend the scratches and bruises on his face.


Myungsoo studied her. Her big, brown eyes, he smooth complecxion, the way her hair fell around her face, and her pink lips that always looked so soft.....his heart began to race, the way it usually did around her. To him, she didn't need to try to be beautiful, she naturally was. Thats one of the reasons why he-


“All done!” Sara exclaimed as she finished placing a bandage over the scratch.


“Thank you, Sara.”


“Shouldn't I be the one thanking you? You did kind of rescue me.”


“Wouldn't be the first attract trouble like a magnet.”


“Shut up, Myung!” they both laughed and she gave him a hug. Myungsoo's arms slowly wrapped around her, he was always wary of hugging Sara. When she was in his arms like this it was too easy to easy to pretend that she felt the same way he did, too easy to get his hopes up that she ever would. “I really couldn't ask for a better friend.”




That word. That horrible word that he hated more than anything. The word that kept him from tightening his hold on her. The word that forced him to fight the urge to kiss her. The word that got in the way of everything.


“Sara! Woohyun is here!” her mother called from downstairs.


Sara gasped and released Myungsoo. “Oh my Goodness! I completley forgot about our date tonight!”


Nam Woohyn. One of the most popular guys in their school and the guy Sara has been dating for most of the year.


“Oh I'm not even ready! Where's my dress?! Does my hair look okay?! Oh look at the mess I still have to clean up!”


Myungsoo caught her wrist “Sara! Calm down! I'll clean the first aid stuff up and you go get ready for your big date.” he forced himself to smile at the end.


“Once again thank you Myung! And could you hide in here until we leave? I dont want him to ask why you're covered in bruises and worry him/” she gave him another quick hug before running off to get ready.


After a while , Myungsoo could here that they were about to leave. He snuck out of the bathroom and watched them from the top of the stairs. Woohyun helped her with her coat, uttered a few horribly cheesy lines that made her blush and giggle, he opened the door for her and Myungsoo was, once again, forced to watch the girl he loves leave with another man.


Yes, since the day he met her, Kim Myungsoo has been in love with Sara Smith.



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I'm such an epic fail when it comes to fanfics....I should just give up on this one and stick to scenarios


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I felt sorry for Woohyun. Jeez. I hate Myungsoo for being coward but I hate Sara more for being stupid! Gaahd! Why did she marry Woohyun?! ;(
Chapter 9: how did i miss the last update????...huh...but...GAAAH!!!!...coward myungsoo...coward...sigh...but i can understand...and poor woohyun...nooo!!!!i cannot watch his heart break!!!!
Chapter 8: Okay... First off, how can someone not be fond of the choding? Who can resist Sungyeol's charms? Unheard of! Right there is an indication that Sara is not right in her mind.
-_- If you were doubting your feelings WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET MARRIED? It's all your fault for all this angst.

Haha... I loved Sungyeol's apology, that's totally his style.

Myungsoo... Seriously, you are such a coward! And tsk tsk... You clearly haven't travelled before because you'd know you have to be there at least 3 hours before an international flight.
Chapter 7: hmph...whatre you supposed to do without myungsoo????...hmph...dont you have oh i dont know...WOOHYUN????he should be enough you greedyish girl!!!!...cant have best of both worlds...
tsk tsk tsk...lying myungsoo...guess its a good thing its not fully a lie lie...ish...
and awww...poor yeollie!!!!...taking the choding for granted...he can be smart you know!!!!
Chapter 7: Don't you understand you feel this way because you love him? Cancel the cursed engagement!!

Hehehehe... I laughed at the choding part. I think that was my favourite part of the chapter ^^
And ohhh... Yeollie's acting all mature. But Myungsoo deserves that.