first meetings

You don't know me

Gonna be a little flashback-ception(flashback within a flashback)so please bear with me!


Thank you<3


Myungsoo left shortly after Sara and Woohyun. He wandered though the cold night alone and when he reached his house he paused for a moment and then continued passed it, tonight he just wanted to walk.


A gust of cold air blew and thoughts flashed to Sara.


 I wonder if she remembered her scarf. Surely he wouldn't continue their date in this weather....he would have to make her go inside....if she gets sick because of him...


"Aish stop it! Why can't you be normal and love someone who actually loves you back!?" He scolded himself and ran a hand through his hair. He could remember it so well...the day he fell in love with her....the day she entered his life.


*flashback - ception* They were only children, both in the seventh grade. Myungsoo was sitting alone at recess reading a book, none of the other kids wanted to play with him but he didn't mind because he didn't care about them either. He was content spending time alone, lost in the world of the stories he read.


And then Sara happened.


"Hello?" He heard a girls voice. He looked up and saw a girl he had never seen before.




"Can i sit next to you?" Myungsoo just looked at her confused. No one had ever approached him like this, especially not a girl. "....I'll take that as a "yes" " the girl took a seat next to him on the ground. Myungsoo continued to give her a confused look. there was something different about this girl, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. "Soooo....what's your name?"




"Hi, Myungsoo! My name is Sara." She held out her hand, "Nice to meet you!" She gave him a smile.


Sara....Myungsoo repeated the name in his head, confused at how funny it made him feel. And her smile...when she smiled his heart did this weird flip flop thing. Could he have heart problems? He would have to tell parents once he got home...


"Helloooo?" Sara waved a hand in front of his face for he had zoned out as soon as she smiled. "Earth to Myungsoo!"


"W-What? Oh I'm sorry...nice to meet you too, Sara."


"And that's Sara WITHOUT an "h" at the end. Just S-A-R-A."


"Huh? Is it important that i know how you spell your name? I don't even know you."


"You will. I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends." From that day forth Myungsoo's life was never the same.


*back to present day*


Myungsoo splashed cold water on his face as if trying to wash away the flood of memories that just hit him. Memories that he had forced himself to forget years ago.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


Myungsoo could only be one person. He wasn't sure if he could calmly face her right now.


He took a deep breath and opened the door. His eyes grew wide when he saw who was on the other side.


Sara Smith's husband, Nam Woohyun.


Sorry the updates are so short:( I'll try to make them longer in the future.

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I'm such an epic fail when it comes to fanfics....I should just give up on this one and stick to scenarios


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I felt sorry for Woohyun. Jeez. I hate Myungsoo for being coward but I hate Sara more for being stupid! Gaahd! Why did she marry Woohyun?! ;(
Chapter 9: how did i miss the last update????...huh...but...GAAAH!!!!...coward myungsoo...coward...sigh...but i can understand...and poor woohyun...nooo!!!!i cannot watch his heart break!!!!
Chapter 8: Okay... First off, how can someone not be fond of the choding? Who can resist Sungyeol's charms? Unheard of! Right there is an indication that Sara is not right in her mind.
-_- If you were doubting your feelings WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET MARRIED? It's all your fault for all this angst.

Haha... I loved Sungyeol's apology, that's totally his style.

Myungsoo... Seriously, you are such a coward! And tsk tsk... You clearly haven't travelled before because you'd know you have to be there at least 3 hours before an international flight.
Chapter 7: hmph...whatre you supposed to do without myungsoo????...hmph...dont you have oh i dont know...WOOHYUN????he should be enough you greedyish girl!!!!...cant have best of both worlds...
tsk tsk tsk...lying myungsoo...guess its a good thing its not fully a lie lie...ish...
and awww...poor yeollie!!!!...taking the choding for granted...he can be smart you know!!!!
Chapter 7: Don't you understand you feel this way because you love him? Cancel the cursed engagement!!

Hehehehe... I laughed at the choding part. I think that was my favourite part of the chapter ^^
And ohhh... Yeollie's acting all mature. But Myungsoo deserves that.