Thats Bad News


Jiyeon was walking over to Iu and Suzy when her phone began vibrating.

"Hello?" she said

"Jiyeon-ah...your father is in the emergency room right now!"

"What?!" Jiyeon said "Why? WHAT HAPPENED?!"

"H-he was in a car crash...h-he is in a dangerous position.." her mother choked out.

"..."Jiyeon stood in her classroom with many eyes staring at her

"Jiyeon-ah" her mother whispered over the phone.

"I-I'll be right there..." Jiyeon said quietly.


As she ran out of the school everyone was whispering and pointing their fingers at Jiyeon.

Suzy and Iu  were shocked and quickly tried to call Jiyeon and see what was wrong.

Sungyeol just looked out the window and when class began and Jiyeon still wasn't back in class even the teacher asked "Is Jiyeon sick?" The students nodded their heads because they didnt know.


Jiyeon was slowly walking back from the hospital to the bus stop with tears in her eyes.

Her feet dragged on the ground and everyone around her wasn't there. All Jiyeon felt was a lonely atmosphere. 

She curled up on the bus stop's bench and began crying. She cried herself to sleep with the thought "Your father didn't make it...and I dont know where your mother went." from the doctor.

Sungyeol was walking around looking for Hoya. "Aish! He said in front of this cafe!" Sungyeol stomped his foot on the ground hard then quickly began rubbing his foot because he had stomped to hard.

He began looking around to see if anyone saw and then a girl laying on the bus bench caught his eye. "Isn't that Jiyeon?"

Sungyeol slowly walked over and saw Jiyeon curled up in a ball...sleeping?


Sungyeol tapped Jiyeon and said "Yah? Wake up.." Jiyeon kept her eyes closed.

"Yah...your gonna catch a cold like this.." he shook her one more time. Jiyeon still didn't open her eyes.

Sungyeol looked at her and then thought of his catch phrase when it came to messing with Jiyeon and started laughing. "Puahahaha...Jiyeon-ah! Its Sungyeolie!"

Jiyeon still didn't open her eyes but she did move a bit.

Sungyeol sighed and realized he had been a bit loud and people who were passing by were looking at him weird. Sungyeol immediately covered his face and called Hoya.

"Yah..where are you?" Sungyeol said.

"Aishhh....I don't think I can make it. My mom is .....wants me to get a haircut." Hoya said cautiously.

"Are you at the club?" Sungyeol asked.

"Yesssss!" someone's voice on the otherline said "NO!" Hoya said but it was too late.

"Sorry man" Hoya said "I tottally forgot.."

"Of course you pea brain." said the voice on the other side of the line.

Sungyeol glared at the phone and said "Woohyun?"

"The one and only" Woohyun said. "Hey you should come too! We got the entire gang over here."

Sungyeol looked at Jiyeon and said "I don't think I can make it.."

"WHY?!" bursted from the other line.

"uh, Iv got to..."


"is it a girl?" Woohyun asked

Sungyeol looked at his phone again and said "No! Hang up! Bye!"

Woohyun and Hoya both laughed knowingly. "It's a girl they said in unison." 

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Chapter 13: Pls update
Retsel_ #2
Chapter 13: Hi new reader. .!!! :D
This is the first fanfic that I read jiyeon and sungyeol. ..!!!!
And I love them. ..!!!! ♡♥
Please update soon. .
Jiyeon1234 #3
Chapter 12: Who save jiyeon,,,I think its siwan. Update soon!!
OnTaeng #4
Chapter 8: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update :) I love it
Chapter 5: SORRy for not updating alot of my stories!!!
Its jiyeon and sungyeol !
the first time i read jiyeon and sungyeol couple :D
looks cute <3 kinda reminds me of a manga haha <3