Who's She


Siwan helped Jiyon out of the closet.

They both sighed in relief once again. They both saw eachother and laughed.

Siwan looked at her and said "I think the dance is over now...Umm you okay with that?"

Jiyeon nodded her head.

Siwan looked around and asked "Umm do you want me to walk you home? I mean there are alot of weird people during the night.

Jiyeon blushed and said "Thanks if it doesn't trouble you."



Sungyeol sighed and asked himself "Wasn't Jiyeon suppost to be coming?!"

The he recieved a random text saying 

FWD: (Everyone in the School)

Ranked #2 Jiyeon (NERD)

Shows up for dance and looks gorgeous! But Nobody sees her there...bummer

Wonder what shes been doing all night!


Sungyeol looked at his phone and saw a picture of Jiyeon wearing a pretty dress with makeup on.

He reread the lines "Wonder what shes been doing all night." He quickly began imagining.

What if shes been kidnapped! Drugged! Killed! What if some boy took her for a night out!?"

Woohyun looked at Sungyeol and said "Bruh? You okay? Ignore the text. You dont even like her. Its just to get rumors started about her..ya know? But its not like anyone will believe it."

Sungyeol glared at Woohyun and said "Of course I dont like her!"

"Whys your face red?" Dongwpo asked while laughing.

Sungyeol just sais "Its hot here."



Siwan was on the bus with Jiyeon. They had both found out they liv near eachother so they could ride the bus together.

Jiyeon began sneezing. Siwan smiled and wrapped his jacket around her.

Jiyeon blushed and said "Its okay" But Siwan reassured her that she would catch a cold.

Jiyeon thought of the consequences of catching a cold...Not being able to study well, money being used for medicine... she shivered and accepted the jacket.

The jacket was awfully warm and Jiyeon fell asleep in no time. (On Siwan's shoulder!)^^

Siwan woke Jiyeon up when it was there stop and Jiyeon walked home. So did Siwan walking to his house trailing behind her. (She still has his jacket on.)


But why was Sulli taking papers!? Who will take the blame of being thief if shes not caught?

(PS I like Sulli she will become one of a charachters here  just wait^^^^^^^)

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Chapter 13: Pls update
Retsel_ #2
Chapter 13: Hi new reader. .!!! :D
This is the first fanfic that I read jiyeon and sungyeol. ..!!!!
And I love them. ..!!!! ♡♥
Please update soon. .
Jiyeon1234 #3
Chapter 12: Who save jiyeon,,,I think its siwan. Update soon!!
OnTaeng #4
Chapter 8: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update :) I love it
Chapter 5: SORRy for not updating alot of my stories!!!
Its jiyeon and sungyeol !
the first time i read jiyeon and sungyeol couple :D
looks cute <3 kinda reminds me of a manga haha <3