

Sulli glanced around the classroom.

She watched as the teacher yelled at eachother. "WHere is the test!?"

Students began to gather around.

Slowly one by one they came and begin whispering, the principle stepped into the situation and said "Hush! Now all the students know."

The teachers glared at eachother and exclaimed "To the teachers room."



"Hey! I think I knew who did it!" the girl smirked.

Everyone turned to face her.  Sulli turned still and looked at the girl.

"Its Park Jiyeon! She was here right.Shes pretty damn smart. I mean number 2 in the school and I got a text that she came yesterday to the"

"-And she never appeared!" a girl shouted in "I got the text too!"

"Same!" yelled another student

"Me too!" another student said.

Sulli looked aroung guiltily and saw everyone whispering "its was Jiyeon"




Jiyeon smiled as she walked out of her house to school. She looked aroung hoping to see Siwan and frowned.

"Aww..Hes not here." Jiyeon frowned and walked to school.

Suddenly Iu called her.

"Hello?" she said 

"Jiyeon-ah!!  Thank the lords your alive!...But anyways the school is a complete mess."

"What?! Why!" Jiyeon yellled into the phone.

"They think you stole the test!" Iu said panting.

"What? Why?"

"Because you didnt show up...where were you Jiyeon? we need proof your innocent."

Jiyeon thought back to Siwan and her.."Its not me.." she whispered.

"I know but thats why we have to prove it."




Sungyeol glared at the kids in his class and said "Shut up! Jiyeon didn't steal the test!"

"You got proof?" a student asked courageously. 

Sungyeol smiled and said "You got real evidence?"

The student smirked back and was going to say something whe Suzy bravely walked up to him and slammed a textbook onto his head.

The student looked dazed for a moment and then saw Suzy.

The student cringed when Suzy then whispered something in his ear.

Sungyeol rolled his eyes and said "If I hear one more word out of any of you then I'm gonna-"

The teacher walked in and said "Okay Sungyeol sit down. Whats all the fuss about?"



Jiyeon ran as fast as she could. She skidded into the classroom and felt eyes burning into her.

The students had already told the teacher their suspisions. Iu looked at Jiyeon as if she was a lost puppy.

Jiyeon looked at the teacher and was going to say something when the teacher told her to wait in the teachers office.

As she walked out of the classroom students yelled rude comments like "Cheater!"

"We knew you were faking it."

"No pretty girl is smart too!"



Sungyeol looked at Jiyeon and felt pitiful for her. He felt his hands clam into fists.

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Chapter 13: Pls update
Retsel_ #2
Chapter 13: Hi new reader. .!!! :D
This is the first fanfic that I read jiyeon and sungyeol. ..!!!!
And I love them. ..!!!! ♡♥
Please update soon. .
Jiyeon1234 #3
Chapter 12: Who save jiyeon,,,I think its siwan. Update soon!!
OnTaeng #4
Chapter 8: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update :) I love it
Chapter 5: SORRy for not updating alot of my stories!!!
Its jiyeon and sungyeol !
the first time i read jiyeon and sungyeol couple :D
looks cute <3 kinda reminds me of a manga haha <3