The Real Thing Between Them

Only I Own Her Heart [short story]


It has been 3 months already since I last updated, and I really am sorry for that…

Actually, I got a massive writer’s block for this fic, and so, yeah…

That happened.

I ran out of ideas on what should write, and so, I had to debate with myself,

Should I delete this or not?

But after taking a long time on debating, I decided not to.

Well, since I love my subscribers, I decided to finish this one.

Maybe just 2 or 3 chapters more, and then the fic would be done

I’m really sorry for being a big disappointment to you, guys.

But on the brighter side, I am more focused on


You Fixed My Broken Heart


So, do check it out~!

And now, on with the chapter…





                HEECHUL’S POV


                And then, it hit me.


                I always knew that Leeteuk was kind of different when it comes to Haemi.


                Now I know why.












                Leeteuk, you’re in love with Kyuhyun’s girl, aren’t you?
























                This is going to be bad.












                LEETEUK’S POV








                I’m sure that by now, you already know.






                You’re the only one who knows me really well in our group, as if I am an open book to you. But for now, will you please let me? For a while? Even for a short time, let me feel happiness.




                The one feeling I haven’t felt ever since she was gone.




                I don’t wish to hurt Kyuhyun, but you know very well that I can’t stop my heart either. I know, I’ll be able to handle this, just like I have handled my past. Trust me on this one, please?








I knew it.



I knew my plan would never backfire.







I’m a genius.






I know, Leeteuk hyung have fallen for Haemi already, and so did she.







I’m lucky that the other hyungs and Henry agreed to help me with this. It only means that they care for him as much as I do.




Now, onto the next part…









“Leeteuk hyung!” Kyuhyun called Leeteuk out.


                “Neh? Waeyo, Kyuhyun-ah?” Leeteuk asked Kyuhyun who wassitting on the couch, semi-formally dressed up.


                “Hyung, can you please dress up nicely? I want to take you out, you know, eating in a formal restaurant and such.”


                “Yah, yah, I’d love to do that, but isn’t your girlfriend coming over?”


                “Actually, I told her to meet me at the restaurant where we’re going, so it shouldn’t matter.”


                “Then that only means that you’re going out on a date! Andwae! I won’t go with you, I don’t want to ruin your romantic night together!” Leeteuk refused.


                “But hyung~” Kyuhyun whined and gave him a pout which he knew the leader won’t be able to refuse, and he was right.


                “Aish, arasseo.” Leeteuk sighed in defeat.




                The drive they had was pretty short, since the said restaurant was only an hour away from their dorm. When they arrived at the said restaurant, Leeteuk suddenly felt nervous for an unknown reason. His hands started to sweat while walking towards the entrance. Just then, a waiter opened the door for them, and both entered.


                What surprised Leeteuk the most was the inside. There was a single table for two in the middle, with petals all over the carpeted floor. There was wine on the table, and to add off to the romantic atmosphere was a violinist. He then knew, that it was a special night for Kyuhyun. He knew, because memories from the past flooded his mind. It was almost the same when he proposed to MinJoo.


                By now, he felt like crying, but he knew he couldn’t. He decided, it was better for him to keep his mouth shut about his feelings, than to let his dongsaeng suffer.


                “Hyung, ppalli, let’s go to that side.” Kyuhyun pushed Leeteuk beside the waiter who was still waiting by the door.


                He was about to ask what was wrong when he saw a beautiful girl walking. She was blindfolded, but is being assisted by guys. Guys he knew that even from afar, he won’t mistake for someone else.


                “Kyuhyun? Why is Minjoo blindfolded? And why are the others here?” Leeteuk asked the younger one with much confusion, to which he only smiled at.

                Finally, the guys entered the restaurant, and led the still blindfolded Minjoo to her seat, smile visible on their faces.


                “Yah, yah, let’s go! Our job’s done!” Siwon told the others, and they followed him, but not before saying “Good luck!” to their leader, which got the latter really confused.


                Kyuhyun now semi-dragged Leeteuk by his arm to the table, where the blindfolded girl stood still. Kyuhyun then went behind Haemi and removed the cloth that was covering her eyes and put his hands on the girl’s shoulder after doing so.


                “Leeteuk hyung, from this point on, I want you to take care of my sister, Kim Haemi. I entrust her to you. Even though we’re not blood related, I still love her as a real brother does. So please, do not ever make her cry, or you will face the wrath of your so-called evil maknae.”




                “And you, my dearest sister, Kim Haemi. I know that you would take care of hyung as you did with me. I want you to live your life to the fullest, taking that it is already your second life. Be heppy with someone you love, be happy, with Leeteuk hyung.”







So it turned out that Kyuhyun and Haemi are [step] siblings!

Did you guys expect that? :O

Tell me what you think about this~!!!

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@stringsintune_really? thank you~ if you want to read more of my stories, just find them on my profile~thanks, i really appreciate it~
Ah ~ the ending, it made me cry. ~ I never knew that it'd end up like that, especially with Minjoo. ~<br />
<br />
Anyway, you really did wrote a nice and awesome story! Please write more. ~ (:
whew nice story line hoping for more :)))<br />
fairydreamer02 #4
I think I can already foresee what's going to happen... :D
fairydreamer02 #5
oh... did she died?? the last part really gave me that feel
Awww... Leeteuk must be real sad! I can't wait for the next chapter.