"He's Still Having A Hard Time To Move On"

Only I Own Her Heart [short story]


                Author POV


                Leeteuk was so devastated. He ran out of Minjoo’s house and went to his car. He drove carelessly, almost getting into an accident but he didn’t care. He couldn’t care. All that matters to him is Minjoo, why she left him, not telling him the real reason.


                He went to the venue where their wedding was supposed to take place, finding his dongsaengs happily helping the organizer with whatever arrangements they could help with. He cried more loudly, and soon started to lose it. He knocked the tables down, ripped the mantles, ruined the flowers, kicked chairs, and worse, he broke down the altar.


                His dongsaengs were so surprised with their hyung’s sudden behavior, and Heechul asked Siwon to hold Leeteuk arms to stop him from taking out his anger at the things around him. He also requested the organizers and staffs to leave them alone for a while as they talk their hyung.


                Heechul POV


                I have never seen him so devastated. He was always the one who supported us in every obstacle we face. He has always been an umma and an appa to us, not showing us his weak side, because he knows that we are getting our strength from him. He never cried so much like this before. It must be something about Minjoo ah.


                “Hyung, please stop acting like that! Tell us what happened!” I told him as we are forcing him to calm down.


                “She’s gone! She left me!” was all he replied, still sobbing.


                “Hyung, what do you mean? Please make it clear. What do you mean `she’s gone’?” I asked again.


                “I said she’s gone! There would be no more wedding! Can’t you understand what I mean?! She left me, and she did not tell me what the reason is!”


                “Hyung, is this some kind of a sick joke? Minjoo noona loves you so much, it’s impossible that she would leave you!” Wookie said.


                “But she just did! She left! I found our engagement ring with a letter on her desk! She made it clear in this letter that we won’t be seeing each other again! She left me!” hyung continued to sob loudly as he show us the letter he’s been talking about.


                I took the letter from his hands as I began to read it, the others behind me. We all got teary-eyed after reading the contents of her letter. But, no. we can’t. We can’t cry. We have to be strong for Leeteuk hyung’s sake.


                “Guys, hyung need to rest, let’s take him back to the dorms.” I told them, almost whispering.


                Both Hankyung and Siwon assisted Leeteuk hyung to his car, with Shindong being their driver. When we arrived to the dorms, hyung already stopped crying, but was staring into space without any expression at all. I can see it. In his eyes. I can see that there was the feeling of loss and hurt. He is really in love with her.


                That night, we decided to talk to him. We all crowded in the living room, eager to hear whatever Leeteuk hyung is willing to share to us. We tried asking him things, but to no avail.


                I went in front of him, and got on my knees. I am really desperate to hear his voice again.


                “Hyung, please, don’t be like that. Can’t you see that we are hurting too? Talk to us, hyung. We are your family; please don’t treat us like others. Hyung, we are all in misery here, we share the same burden with you. Please, don’t let us feel useless. It really hurts us to see you being miserable, and we, as your dongsaengs, also feel miserable, because we know the reason why you are being like that, and yet, we can’t do anything about us.” I was definitely crying already as I told him those things.

                But what I didn’t expect was his response. I have expected him to stay like a stone, I didn’t even expect him to listen to me, but his response sure made me surprised.


                “Mianhae, dongsaeng. Please don’t feel that way. I love you all, and the fact that you are staying here with me as I am having this burden is already enough. Having you here by my side tells me that I can go through all this, as long as I have my loving dongsaengs here with me.” He said softly, but loud for all of us to hear.


                I took a glance around, and I noticed that I wasn’t the only one crying. The others were silently weeping as well, as they hug each other for support. I placed my arm around hyung, and whispered to him. “Everything is gonna be alright, hyung.” He just nodded, and within a few seconds, all of us 15 boys were already in a group hug.


                “Please, don’t leave me like what she did.” He softly said.


                “You are our only hyung, the best hyung in the world. You are our guardian angel that God sent from above. Leeteuk hyung, we love you.” Kyuhyun said.



[skip skip]



                It has been three months since she left already, and hyung has been trying his very best to forget about her. He seems to be really cheerful, the Leeteuk that we know. But once we got back to our dorms, his cheerful aura changes into a dead one. He eats, and responds to us accordingly when we ask him questions, but he is not the same leader we used to have before. The one who will do his best to make us laugh even though he knows that what he’s saying is completely nonsense. I miss the Leeteuk who will spray water at us just to wake us up from our slumber. I miss the hyung who worries about his dongsaengs’ health more than his own. I miss the old Leeteuk hyung. i know, he's still having a hard time to move on.


                Today, we just got back from Sukira, and as usual, he was talking happily at the radio, but when we got home, he just sat at his usual spot: by the window at the living room. He stared out the window, as if waiting for someone. I heard him sigh a lot of times already. I sat at the couch across him, eyeing him carefully.


                “You said that our hearts will always be together. Why can’t I feel it? If it’s true that you are my guardian angel as what you have promised, please give me a sign that you are here with me.” He whispered into the air.


                Suddenly, gentle air blew at our faces, but the curtains stayed still. Then the room was filled with the scent of jasmine flowers. Its smell was so intoxicating. I tried to look at the possible sources of the flower’s scent, thinking that one of our members bought it, bit found none. As I was looking around, I happened to take a glance at the window, and saw that they were closed, so as the door.


                Weird, I thought. How can I feel the air in my face if the door and the windows were closed? And also, I don’t remember having neighbors who have jasmine plants here.


                I looked again at Leeteuk hyung, and there was a faint smile on his face.


                “Thank you.” he muttered to the wind again.










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@stringsintune_really? thank you~ if you want to read more of my stories, just find them on my profile~thanks, i really appreciate it~
Ah ~ the ending, it made me cry. ~ I never knew that it'd end up like that, especially with Minjoo. ~<br />
<br />
Anyway, you really did wrote a nice and awesome story! Please write more. ~ (:
whew nice story line hoping for more :)))<br />
fairydreamer02 #4
I think I can already foresee what's going to happen... :D
fairydreamer02 #5
oh... did she died?? the last part really gave me that feel
Awww... Leeteuk must be real sad! I can't wait for the next chapter.