Chapter Eight

Stranger and I

Dring...GD just locked his car. He went to swim at the Aqua Complex. He looked at his house, and the door, he took a deep breath,huh, welcome to the hell, he thought.

He saw his father's car and he knew his father will waiting for him at the living room  either with his paper work, or, newspaper.

He walked straight toward the door, he convinced himself that his father would ignore him for tonight, maybe few minutes, or few seconds, he thought.

GD opened the door, and walked into his house. He looked at his servant and mouthed, "don't call my name."

He walked silently as possible as he could. His father was taking his time reading newspaper at the living room, just like GD imagine him before went in.

"Where have you been, son?" his father all of sudden spoke to him.

Oh god, why at this moment he's so free enough to spend time with me if not because of this wedding topic, this is horrible. He wished to runaway. But he was scared.

"I called, voicemail answering, and I called, Julia said you're not around and will not be around if you still have things to do." he replied.

"And?' his father replied. He was cool at once. He didn't bother to look at GD while he was questioning him. He was reading, but, he sounded serious and fierce.

And? Why he always questioned me the same thing. I'm so tired. GD yelled silently. 

"And, I went to the park with friend, new friend, and after that, I went for a swim, same place, ya' know..." he replied honestly.

"Tomorrow after school, attend your appointment at the White Palace Hotel, wait at the Antique Cafe, she will be there, waiting for you." he replied.

GD heard that very clear but he pretend that he didn't. He tried to speed his foot steps and tried to runaway.

"Understood?" his father raised his voice. But GD was no longer there. He was on time runaway from that scene. He knew his father really mean what he had said to him. "Why should I even bother? He doesn't care about me either. What's the point for living with this kind of situation when no one understands me." he cried.

"_____," he called your name. "I wonder whether you have the same feeling as I have for you."

He was enjoyed spending his time with you. He knew that he was going to get marry whether he likes it or not.

How can I stop all these and be with the one that I love and wanted to be with? He cried.

His mother had already started her sweet dreams before GD reached home. But, if eventhough she was awake, she can't never help me, neither do I. He thought.

What a great day, I'm really enjoy, and I'm glad to have today under my own name, Kwon Ji Yong.

Kwon Ji Yong? she likes my name. She kept on call my fullname and I can see through her eyes that she actually mean it, I like your name, sincerely.

"Oh, need to call Yang." he said. He took out his mobile phone and started to dial Tae Yang's number.

"Hey buddy, what's up?" Tae Yang answered the phone, he was glad that GD called him.

"Am I bothering you?" GD asked. He's very polite.

"I'm all for you. How's your meeting with your dad?" he asked. He was busy too during after school. He went for dancing. He loves to dance.

"Haha, talk about that, I missed. I was with _____ all day." he said.

"What? Haha, no way man, a girl can makes you say No to Mr. Kwon, that's special. How's your day? I could hear your voice full with happiness and fun? Shut up, don't tell me that you this time, did you kiss her?" Tae Yang was surprised that GD actually did that. After all these years, GD never betray his father eventhought he didn't like. No matter how his heart tried to protest, but still, GD always choose to stay.

"Dude, she is different. But I can see, she's hiding something. My heart knows." he said.

"Different? What do you mean by different? She's from planet Venus? Mostly from Mars right?" Tae Yang was curious and very cute.

"She's strange, she's like stranger to me. I mean, stranger." he replied. Why am I saying that she's a stranger, ya, she is, I just know her started by this morning, but what I mean, she's stranger. His thoughts were puzzled at once. His instinct warned him about you.

"Dude, I don't get it, I mean, she is new, you only knew her started this morning, or short form, today, for sure she's still a stranger to you and everyone." Tae Yang replied. He didn't get what GD tried to tell him.

"I mean, she's hiding something, I don't understand why. Or else, do you think that she knows that I'm going to marry?" he asked.

"Haha, neither both of us will say this to her, but, Bommie?" Tae Yang asked. "Dude, did you see the way that Bommie looked at her today, she look scary, your beloved admirer, right?" Tae Yang laughed.

GD silence at once. Admirer? He was blank. But then, only he remembered that Park Bom used to like him very much and followed him everywhere. "I almost forget about that, that was last century ago, haha." he replied.

"Jealous I guess. Anyway, where did you go? How's your day? You like her?' Tae Yang asked.

GD smiled sweetly, "yes, I do, I am. What should I do? I can't make her as my girl, you know right?" GD was disappointed.

GD told Tae Yang about the time that he spend with you. He was happy. He took his bath after he ended his call with Tae Yang. He was so afraid that what will happen tomorrow. But still, Tae Yang sent a message to him, tried to convince him that everything will be fine.

He told Tae Yang about his date tomorrow at the White Palace Hotel, he was scared. Should I go? He kept on questioning himself. He was afraid that that girl will waiting for him, he decided not to show up at 4pm. He kept on put his 100% thoughts, thinking ways to runaway until he felt asleep. What a poor child. 

"Good morning," GD said to you with his big smile. He was happy. His face showed that he was happy then ever eventhough he was sleepy.

You smiled. What should I do? You thought. You felt awkward. He's going to marry. With who?

When you woke up this morning, all your thoughts were thinking about GD's marriage. You were sad.

"You look kinda weird today, what's happen?" GD asked you. He was surprised to see you with a sad facial.

"I'm okay," you replied. You didn't want to reply him if you can. You fall for him but you were forced to take it back. You were hard to ignore him.

What's up? Tae Yang mouthed. He looked at you but you didn't noticed him.

GD showed a sign that he had no idea what's going on. He kept silent. He was afraid.

You didn't talk much. You didn't ask him other things beside school project and anything that related to school topic. You were sad that you were forced to act this way.

"If you wanted to get close with that boy name Kwon, you have to know his background." your mother said to you in the early morning before you left the house.

"Hey boys." Park Bom walked into your classroom. She looked at GD with her barbie face, and she slowly changed her eyes position to your direction, and said, "Hi ______,"

"Hi Park Bom," you said.

"Food? Any idea what to eat? Are you coming with us,______" Park Bom invited you in.

"Thanks, but sorry, I have things to do during rest time." you replied.

"Where are you going?" GD asked directly.

You were speechless at once. No where, you thought. I just want to runaway from you.

"I have things to do at the office. Need to fill in some form that I forget to fill in yesterday." you replied. I lie, I know, I'm a great liar, though.

GD was speechless. But he could feel that you were trying to runaway from him. He can't trace what's the reason that you're running away from him. He decided to ask you later when Park Bom leaves the class soon.

You packed your books and head on your class. This time, you're in different class, different subject from GD.

You left the class before Park Bom makes her way out from the class. You didn't say bye, you just walked away without looking back and say anything.

GD was distracted by Park Bom, she was showing off her iphone 5 and ipad 2 but when he knew that you'd left the class, he stood up and left the class room and ran after you.

"______," he called your name again and again.

You tried to speed up. Don't look back and pretend nothing's happen, you said. You were cold at once. You were trying to escape your feeling towards him before it getting deeper. You couldn't understand why you fall for him so quickly.

But GD managed to run and stand in front of you. He wanted to know why you're doing this to him. He felt suffered.

"Girl, what's up?" you could hear he was taking his deep breath.

"Nothing, I'm late." you said.

"You know which class you're in?" he asked you. He was worried about you.

He starred at you with his innocent face. You didn't reply him, all you think were runaway and escape from him. I can feel my heart is crying, what's wrong with me? I just only know him for one day and seems like I have deep feeling for him. I can't, this is wrong, this illegal. Your eyes draw into tears, GD saw your tears dropped.

"Leave me alone." you said. You looked down. You didn't want GD to see your face. Your voice was shaking.

"Hey, what's going on?" he touched your face. He wipe your tears. You could feel both of his hands are warm and soft.

"Just leave me alone. I'm sorry." you took his hands away from your face gently. You quickly turned back and ranaway from him. I'm heartbroken, you cried. You're in love with him.

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Yehetbao #2
Chapter 8: Good story
Update Soon!
Oo<br />
*looking at the name again and again*<br />
Is there really my name? <br />
Did I miss something? Oo
Waaaaaa TnT i cried too TnT and i'll cry more if you dont update soon lolxd pleaseee *u* i'm in love with this <3
OMGEE! Girl it's alright to fall in love T.T. <br />
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Update soon~
Uhhh noo why is he have t be married?TnTlol, pleeease update soon *w*
-glances at new girl's name-<br />
<br />
LOLWHUT?<br />
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Anyway, awesome story! I absolutely love the plot! :3
ForeverFive #9
Oh no.. What will happen? U need to update more. I'm craving for it
Is Bommie jealous? LOL.<br />
<br />
Update soon~~~~~