Chapter Three

Stranger and I

New journey? You thought. He is weird. But, sweet. I don't know why I kinda into him.

"Can I take a look at your map and schedule, I hope I can help," GD replied you.

You passed your schedule and map to GD for him to check for you. You looked at him. You felt comfortable with him. But still, you know you have to beware.

I wonder what will daddy's reaction if I told him that I want to be friend with GD. I wonder what's his real name. What’s GD mean? GD? Let me guess, good dude? haha, or going down? That’s weird.

GD looked at your map, the class that you will in. Wow, she really passes her schedule to me, I really need to remember, I really need to practice how to plan "Fate". He thought and smiled and tried to act cool.

Wow, her subjects. Let me see, Art? We are in the same subject. Musical and theater? English literature, account...Oh no, I must remember all these. I need to remember. But how? Erm, I know, rapping. He thought. He started to play and flip his pen.

He started to create some little rhythm for himself to remember your subject, class, time. I've got to know and remember. He said to himself and put pressure and focused.

"______, let me take a deep, really deep look at your schedule, so I can explain to you where to go and so on, okay?“ he smiled to you sweetly. “But still, you can talk me, find me, or text me if anything you need me to lend some help for you.”

He is cute. I wonder what will his girlfriend think when she knew that I'm with him. You thought silently. Definitely tornado hit or tsunami hit.

"Hey lil' Yang." said IU to Tae Yang while Tae Yang was alone waiting for GD inside the classroom.

Tae Yang looked at IU with his whatever facial, he showed as if IU was bothering him to do his thing.

"Why are you looking at me with this way? Weirdo. After all, we are friends right?" she replied. She showed her petty face to Tae Yang, tried to persuade him to talk to her.

"Used to," he replied. He hated IU after IU cheated on him while he was so in love with her and tried his best to do whatever it takes when IU asked him to do. He wouldn't think about his time, his homework, study and whatever that would cost him to the detention room. He could stay all night without resting and sleep when IU asked him to do some kind of business that needed someone to monitor her blog 24/7. Tae Yang did everything for her and tried his best to make her happy. But still, one word he could still remain and kept to himself - USELESS.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." IU slowed down her voice but could hear that she warned Tae Yang for not answering her question.

"Where's your dude anyway? He should monitor his girlfriend." he said.

"That's it? All you can say is this?" IU raised her voice and pretended that Tae Yang was cruel to her. She tried to make everyone know what's happened. She cried.

Everyone stopped for a while. Dae Sung looked at Tae Yang. "Dude, get over it. For god sake, please get yourself a new chick."

Tae Yang ignored them. He really found IU quite annoying. Why on earth I will felt for her. He was puzzled.

His feeling for IU was pure and genuine at once. But, the ending of the relationship, all he could share was heartbroken.

Things changed when he was hurt after what IU betrayed him. He was hard to accept the truth, he knew he was blind. He knew his best friend ever hinting him bout IU but still, love makes him blind at once.

"So, your first class today is," said GD. He touched his forehead, as if liked he didn’t know your class, and he continued with a very gentle voice, "Oh, Art? We're classmate, wow."

He was nervous. Barely even breathe. He pretended to look very surprise, but honestly, he memorized everything with a special rhythm for him to remember your schedule. Perfect, he thought. I can meet her, find her, and show my shadow to her even though we’re not in the same room.

"Well, come, I'll show you the way and everywhere." he smiled, "Okay?"

"Okay,' you said to him.

It’s been a while that you didn’t contact your friends.

"Girl, please don't be too close to anyone, is not that we don't want you to have friends, but we just afraid that, they are spies and enemies." your mother said to you every day before letting you off.

"I know mommy." you said. You understand what’s going on around you and your family. It’s hard for you to have a very permanent life somehow.

Your father, Mr._____, he's was the ex-president of Liberty. But, things were changed when there was a huge politic fight during selection. Mr.______, he was one of the good guy among all the presidents. All lies had to keep silently.

"We shouldn't betray the king and our own country." he protested.

But, when he protested, everyone began to try their wicked way to force him step down and never return. But, his was appreciated by the king and others good politician. He was barely find a way to safe his family.

"I was forced to bring my family escape every day, I'm tire." he said to the others.

After 15 years, we have to lay low. You said. I have to keep my profile. And what happen, made me become a stranger. Somehow, sometime, I don’t even know, who am I, and I am who.

Even though we're no longer involve with all these stupid lies and betrayers, but still, enemies are all around and still searching for us. I wonder why the king didn't protect us. You cried.

You’re craving for freedom.

"So, you're new?" GD said to you. He smiled.

Dup Dup, Dup Dup. My heart, beat so fast? Can he listen to my heartbeat? Your smile, so genuine, I really feel different when I'm around you, as if like I know you very well. I feel close to you. You tried to look down and tried to walk away from GD.

GD smiled all the way from the office until the walk way. His eyes should be average, but however, after he smiled, his eyes became smaller. But still, looked shinning.

Erm, awkward, she seems moody, huh, but is okay. GD said.

"Yap, new here," you brushed your hair gently.

"Where you're from? Small town girl?"

"Yes, LA." you answered.

"LA? Lossie girl...I see." he asked.

Oops, I lie. You said.

"Erm, am I bothering you?" GD asked. He looked embarrassing.

"No, why?" you were wondering why GD asked you this sort of question. It’s weird.

She seems quiet and I can feel she's holding back something underneath her sweet smile, somehow, I can feel. GD said.

"You like arts?" GD asked. He was shy but he was brave enough to talk to you. I really want to know more, truly deeply and pure.

"Yap, I do, how bout you?" you asked him.

“Yap, I love colors. Colors represent my style, my mood.” He danced in front of you and showed some Michael Jackson’s moon walk.

You were impressed by him at once.


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Yehetbao #2
Chapter 8: Good story
Update Soon!
Oo<br />
*looking at the name again and again*<br />
Is there really my name? <br />
Did I miss something? Oo
Waaaaaa TnT i cried too TnT and i'll cry more if you dont update soon lolxd pleaseee *u* i'm in love with this <3
OMGEE! Girl it's alright to fall in love T.T. <br />
<br />
Update soon~
Uhhh noo why is he have t be married?TnTlol, pleeease update soon *w*
-glances at new girl's name-<br />
<br />
LOLWHUT?<br />
<br />
Anyway, awesome story! I absolutely love the plot! :3
ForeverFive #9
Oh no.. What will happen? U need to update more. I'm craving for it
Is Bommie jealous? LOL.<br />
<br />
Update soon~~~~~