Chapter 8

No matter what

Dawn broke from the vast horizon.People were starting to crowd the streets and were doing their usual routine.Some were furiously trying to get to their work place on time,some were busy running their never-ending errands,while some were just students simply heading of to school.

A man wearing a plain blue t-shirt and black pants was walking among the crowds.From afar,he didn't look like he stod out from all the other people there as his face didn't show anything sinister.But if they had look closer,they would have saw the wickedness in that semingly kind face.

No one paid attention to the man as they rush to do their own thing.No one knew how dangerous that man exactly was. as he didn't stod out from the rest of the people there.

He was casually walking with the people there,as if he didn't have a care in the world.

After making sure he wasn't being followed,kyujin slowly turn into a dark alley and walk towads it.He was careful to avoid anyone in fear of being question what he was doing there.

He then waited in that pitch-dark lane.No one ever came to that deserted alley it was a good place as any to negotiate the deal.

After much waiting,he saw a shadowy figure closing in on him.The figure stayed hidden in the shadow,his identity unknown and greeted him commonly.

"Did you brought what i ask for?"kyujin asked directly to the point.

"Of course,but first."the figure told him.Kyujin knew what that meant.Although he couldn't be seen,kyujin could have swore the figure was chuckling.

"Tsk,typical."he scoffed.

"Hey,no bill,no deal"the figure reminded him.

Kyujin took out a ward of cash and shown it to the figure who seemed exited at the bundle of wealth.

"Where is it?"kyujin demanded.

Immediately,the figure displayed a medium sized parcel wraped in light brown paper.

"Satisfied?now give me the cash."the figure demanded.

The figure waited for kyujin to approach him to finish the negotiation of the deal.But he was unaware just what he was dealing with.Kyujin gave him a hideous smirk which confused his companion.

"Sorry,but this is where our deal ends."

The figure,who quickly realised he was being double-cross,was about to daw out his weapon.but alas,he wasn't fast enough.

Kyujin shot him on the kness and soon the figure fell onto the cold ground.Kyujin took the package from the person's blodied hand.He didn't even bothered to help him or realising that the person was in pain and injured due to what he did.

As he was leaving the person all bloodied and in pain and injured,he told him.......

"Never trust anyone in this world.cause there is np one in this world you can trust."

And with that,he left with his price.


Kyujin left the ally with satisfaction.He didn't realised that what he had done was something so inhuman and unconsinderate.The only thought he has on his mind was on revenge and now he finally has the tool he needed for that.

The final tool for his plan was now in his hand.

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Chapter 10: i'm hoping you will update soon..this story is just too awesome and great. I'm totally love it.
Chapter 10: please update soon. I really want to know what happens. Good story so far. I really love it.
Chapter 10: Taemin is always so caring, I'm glad that he hesitated but Onew still managed to fool him! I'm so worried about him, I don't want him to get hurt!!! T-T Please update soon, arasso?! <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 9: Ugh Poor Onew, he still has such trouble trusting people!!! :( This guy had better be careful or i will SERIOUSLY have to injure him for threatening my Onew Oppa!!!!! Wae do i feel like something REALLY bad is about to happen??? :( <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: I'm not usually someone to hate somebody but with how little humanity in this guy, i honestly now despise him!! Onew please be careful! Luved this chapter, please update soon, arasso?! Kamsahamnida! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: The other book was an angsty little booklet but now I'm scared for Onew's life > ~ < good story btw
Chapter 7: Really powerful chapter! I Luved it!!! <3 Poor Onew though, so much pain. And Taemin is growing up, isn't he. No wonder the others are proud! I'm sorry i am a little late but my life is starting to become less stressful! Nothing like a bit of fanfiction to take me away from it, even if it is this sad and painful. Kamsahamnida for your efforts in your writing!! Update soon, arasso?! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 6: Omg..... So sad.... :'(
Chapter 6: OMO! Poor Onew Oppa! T-T it always hurts me when he is hurting but at the same time it reminds me of how good my life is but gives me a break from it while i read this! Kamsahamnida! I will try to continue commenting as much as possible! <3 Ppyong! Xx