Chapter 5

No matter what

Onew finally came to the place where he was supposed to meet him.The person that had made his past life a living hell.

He waited for him.That person.He waited and waited for him to show up.Past imaged began to appear in his mind.Blurry,but he could definately remember that incident 10 years ago.

He shook the horrible memory away.The pain he suffered from that incident was to much for him to handle.

Silent footsteps were heard.It came closer to him.The young leader stood frozen on his spot,not knowing what to do.Many emotions were filling him as he came closer and closer.He was angry,sad,nervous even terrified.He didn't know what to do when he has to see him again.

Finally the sound of the footsteps stopped.He dared himself to face him.He stared at the face of a man who looked around his early 30's with raven dark hair.By looking at him first sight,people would think he was no different than anyone elsed.His eyes always showed warm and kindness,showing affection to everyone,smiling all the time.

But onew knew better than to be fooled by that smile.

"Hello jinki."kyujin said in a deep voice which sounded friendly.He won't be trick.Not ever again.

"Hyung."onew simply replied.

They stood there silent for a while,not uttering a single word.It was onew who broke the silence.

"Why did you come back?what is it that you are after?"onew's tone sounded cold and firm.

He lauged maniacly as if onew's question were something hlarious.Onew was stunned by the reaction.

"Aww,come on now jinki.i came a long way to see you and this is how you greet me?at least pretend that your exited to see me."he said.

Onew was frozen at where he was standingHe tried to move away,but it was like something was preventing him from moving his legs.

Kyujin came closer to onew untill they were only inches apart.Onew could see the evil  smirk forming on the older mans face.

"Let me greet you first then.this is my way of greeting."

A strong punch was send towrds onew's stomach,sending onew backwards,He clutch his stomach,but the pain was overwhelming.

He tried to put on a brave front to show that he wasn't afraid.But he knew it was futile.This person,no,to be precise,this monster infront of him,manged to see the fear that he was trying to cover up.

Kyuijin then sent another punch.and another.Onew could feel his vision became blurry.Blood was flowing down his nose.And it didn't help that his not fully recovered from his illnese.

Just then,as if time slowed down,onew saw something in the man's eye.He saw the hatred and animosity those eyes were filled for everything in this world..It was an eye that enjoy seeing other people's pain,enjoy seing violance and cruelty around it.And those eyes were merciless towards others.

The person who was hurting him right now was someone who hurts people just for fun and pleasure.

Eventhough onew knew him for quite an amount of time in his life,it was then that he realised just how dangerous the man was.

He pulled onew by his hair and whispered something to his ears.

"How pathetic.your nothing but a weak person who can't protect anyone,"

With that,he threw onew onto the floor and left.A bloodied onew was left at the lonely park.He tried to scream for help,but he was to weak to yell or even utter a single word.And even if he could,no one was there to help him.

How did everything turn out like this?

All onew could think about was that someone will find him soon and help him.One by one,his dongsaeng's faces suddenly appear in his mind.


Those were the last thing he said before passing out and everything went black.


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Chapter 10: i'm hoping you will update soon..this story is just too awesome and great. I'm totally love it.
Chapter 10: please update soon. I really want to know what happens. Good story so far. I really love it.
Chapter 10: Taemin is always so caring, I'm glad that he hesitated but Onew still managed to fool him! I'm so worried about him, I don't want him to get hurt!!! T-T Please update soon, arasso?! <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 9: Ugh Poor Onew, he still has such trouble trusting people!!! :( This guy had better be careful or i will SERIOUSLY have to injure him for threatening my Onew Oppa!!!!! Wae do i feel like something REALLY bad is about to happen??? :( <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: I'm not usually someone to hate somebody but with how little humanity in this guy, i honestly now despise him!! Onew please be careful! Luved this chapter, please update soon, arasso?! Kamsahamnida! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: The other book was an angsty little booklet but now I'm scared for Onew's life > ~ < good story btw
Chapter 7: Really powerful chapter! I Luved it!!! <3 Poor Onew though, so much pain. And Taemin is growing up, isn't he. No wonder the others are proud! I'm sorry i am a little late but my life is starting to become less stressful! Nothing like a bit of fanfiction to take me away from it, even if it is this sad and painful. Kamsahamnida for your efforts in your writing!! Update soon, arasso?! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 6: Omg..... So sad.... :'(
Chapter 6: OMO! Poor Onew Oppa! T-T it always hurts me when he is hurting but at the same time it reminds me of how good my life is but gives me a break from it while i read this! Kamsahamnida! I will try to continue commenting as much as possible! <3 Ppyong! Xx