Chapter 7

No matter what


As he opened his eyes towards the blindling light,he could hear a familiar voice trying to wake him.When he finally came through,the first thing onew saw were the worried faces of his precious dongsaengs.

He realised that he was back in his REAL dorm with his REAL dongsaengs.

When they saw that their leader had finally came through,a look of relief wash over them.

"Are you ok hyung?"a concerned minho asked his leader.

The young man stayed silent.The 4 of them waited for an answer.Nothing.

"Hyung,please answer."he gently waited.Still no answer.

Onew face s and put on the usual smile he use to assure them when they began to get suspicious of everything.

"I'm fine guy."

There it was again.That smile.The smile they knew was not real.They knew that hewas only trying to put on a brave front.

But the truth was,he was far from fine.He was scared,frustrated.And he just wanted to yell. To shout that he was not ok and that everything was wrong.

He wanted nothing more than to sream.To let his emotions go away.To take away all the pain.

The rest of the shinee members simply sigh.No matter how much they love their hyung,they always hated that habit of his.

They were always worried sick about him.Especially early that morning.They knew something was definately wrong especially when they saw the empty bed belonging to onew that morning.

After realising that their leader hadn't return since last night,they rapidly search for him.

Alarm and concern quickly overwhelmed them when they found their leader blodied and lying unconcious on the cold ground.They quickly rushed to his side and carried him back to their dorm.

They treated his wounds and took care of him.They knew something had happen and they wanted to help but their secretive leader never seem to understand that.In the end,he kept everything bottle up inside of him.

They didn't what else to do to make him open up to them more.


As usual,their hyung was again keeping something from them,leaving them in the dark.And they were getting sick and of tired of it.Because of his stuborn attitude,they almost came close to losing him.

But thats because he never wanted to burden anyone with his troubles.

Still they were still willing to be patient.They knew better than to ask anything from their already weakened leader when he wasn't willing to tell them.They didn't want to make anything worst for him.


Their still silent leader turn towards the maknae.

"Can you....promise me something?"

"What is it taemin?"asked the concerned leader.Taemin closed the distance between him and his hyung untill he was directly infront of him.He held his hyung's hand,the warmth from the touch comforting him.

"Promise us you won't ever change hyung.promise us that you'll always be the onew hyung we know. and....."

Onew blinked.He was speechless by what came from the maknae's mouth.

"Promise that you'll never leave us again hyung.and......"

He stoped for a while,as if he was scared to said what he wanted to say.

"Promise us that we'll continue to be together.we'll always be there for each other hyung.nothing and no one can break us apart."

He was stunned by taemin's word.He knew that as the youngest,taemin was always shielded by his hyungs.Everyone knew nothing had been easy for the maknae and they all wanted to protect him.

But now,it seem,that he had grown up to be so mature and kind..And his hyungs couldn't have been more proud.

Onew ruffled the youngest's hair,his reasuring smile returned to his bright face.

"Taemin,remember what i always told you.i'll never ever leave you.i made that promise and i don't intent on breaking it." 

All of them smile at their leader's word.They knew that no matter what happens,he would never ever break a promise to them that.

But still,he couldn't shake the image of the horrible nightmare away.Eventhough he knew those weren't real,the horrible words kept ringing in his head and began to effect him mentally..He reflected on everything that had happen.

"Why must i be so weak."

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Chapter 10: i'm hoping you will update soon..this story is just too awesome and great. I'm totally love it.
Chapter 10: please update soon. I really want to know what happens. Good story so far. I really love it.
Chapter 10: Taemin is always so caring, I'm glad that he hesitated but Onew still managed to fool him! I'm so worried about him, I don't want him to get hurt!!! T-T Please update soon, arasso?! <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 9: Ugh Poor Onew, he still has such trouble trusting people!!! :( This guy had better be careful or i will SERIOUSLY have to injure him for threatening my Onew Oppa!!!!! Wae do i feel like something REALLY bad is about to happen??? :( <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: I'm not usually someone to hate somebody but with how little humanity in this guy, i honestly now despise him!! Onew please be careful! Luved this chapter, please update soon, arasso?! Kamsahamnida! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: The other book was an angsty little booklet but now I'm scared for Onew's life > ~ < good story btw
Chapter 7: Really powerful chapter! I Luved it!!! <3 Poor Onew though, so much pain. And Taemin is growing up, isn't he. No wonder the others are proud! I'm sorry i am a little late but my life is starting to become less stressful! Nothing like a bit of fanfiction to take me away from it, even if it is this sad and painful. Kamsahamnida for your efforts in your writing!! Update soon, arasso?! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 6: Omg..... So sad.... :'(
Chapter 6: OMO! Poor Onew Oppa! T-T it always hurts me when he is hurting but at the same time it reminds me of how good my life is but gives me a break from it while i read this! Kamsahamnida! I will try to continue commenting as much as possible! <3 Ppyong! Xx