Chapter 3

No matter what

They continued doing the movements over and over again untill they were sure they got it right.They then proceded on with practicing their vocal.Their voices harmonized really well together.

Eventhough they were exausted,they still smile and enjoyed being in each other's company.

They wrap things up for the day and began to pack their things.They tried to make sure nothing was left behind.

While walking back towards the dorm,they decided to take a walk around and visit some stores.They brought a few things they needed back at their dorm like food and other necessities.

When they returned back to their dorm,they slumped onto the couch while key went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.Onew,feeling pity that key has to cook al by himself,decided to help out.

He went to the kitchen and stood next to key,who was busy cutting some vegetables.

"Here key,let me help."he offered.

"No,it's ok hyung.go and rest."key tried to decline.He knew how tired his hyung must be.As the leader,onew had to work extra harder thann the rest of them.

"It's fine.i'm not really that tired anyway."onew lied.

Key hesitated but onew wasn't going to take no for an answer.Key then gave up and let onew help him.

During the time they were cooking,once in a while,he glance to look at onew.He was clearly tired and yet,here he was,helping him.

"Hyung,you always helping us out.i wish we could do the same for you."key said.

"What do you mean?it's a leader's job to give assist s,right?"onew said,showing his bright smile.

Key smile at how thoughful and responsble their leader was.Trully,he was one of a kind.


The both of them finished up in the kitchen and called for the others for dinner.Jonghyun,minho and taemin headed towards the table and began to eat.

Suddenly,onew's phone rang indiciting he got a message.He took out his phone and began to read the message.

When he saw what was wriiten,his phone nearly dropped from his hand.His expresion quickly changed into horror.

" it can't be."he screamed in his head.

The other members stoped eating when they realised that their leader suddenly looked pale.

"What's wrong hyung?you ok."minho asked concern.

"Huh?ye...yeah.i'm fine."onew told them and quickly surpassed a smile.

They,of course,knew that was a lie and that their leader was hiding something.But they also knew it was futile to get any information out of him once he decided to keep something to see himself.

"Hyung,why can't you ever tell us when you have a problem?we want to help you.but how can we when you always keep it a secret from us?"the 4 of them thought to themselves.

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Chapter 10: i'm hoping you will update soon..this story is just too awesome and great. I'm totally love it.
Chapter 10: please update soon. I really want to know what happens. Good story so far. I really love it.
Chapter 10: Taemin is always so caring, I'm glad that he hesitated but Onew still managed to fool him! I'm so worried about him, I don't want him to get hurt!!! T-T Please update soon, arasso?! <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 9: Ugh Poor Onew, he still has such trouble trusting people!!! :( This guy had better be careful or i will SERIOUSLY have to injure him for threatening my Onew Oppa!!!!! Wae do i feel like something REALLY bad is about to happen??? :( <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: I'm not usually someone to hate somebody but with how little humanity in this guy, i honestly now despise him!! Onew please be careful! Luved this chapter, please update soon, arasso?! Kamsahamnida! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 8: The other book was an angsty little booklet but now I'm scared for Onew's life > ~ < good story btw
Chapter 7: Really powerful chapter! I Luved it!!! <3 Poor Onew though, so much pain. And Taemin is growing up, isn't he. No wonder the others are proud! I'm sorry i am a little late but my life is starting to become less stressful! Nothing like a bit of fanfiction to take me away from it, even if it is this sad and painful. Kamsahamnida for your efforts in your writing!! Update soon, arasso?! ^_^ <3 Ppyong! Xx
Chapter 6: Omg..... So sad.... :'(
Chapter 6: OMO! Poor Onew Oppa! T-T it always hurts me when he is hurting but at the same time it reminds me of how good my life is but gives me a break from it while i read this! Kamsahamnida! I will try to continue commenting as much as possible! <3 Ppyong! Xx